God’s Glory in Concealed Things

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Gods-Glory-in-Concealed-Things.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalms 97   I.         When men wish for the glory of other men, they highlight the things that they do             A.        When we want a promotion or a pay raise, we present to our bosses lists of how we benefitted the company. We make sure the boss notices the good things…

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Worthy Art Thou: An Understatement

by Terry Wane Benton “And they sang a new song, saying: ‘You are worthy to take the scroll, And to open its seals; For You were slain, And have redeemed us to God by Your blood Out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation'” (Revelation 4:9). So, a new song comes out in…

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Earthly Politics Versus the Almighty

by Terry Wane Benton “Whenever the living creatures give glory and honor and thanks to Him who sits on the throne, who lives forever and ever” (Revelation 4:9). In John’s vision “up here” he sees the living creatures giving honor, glory, and thanks to God on the throne, and he knows that God is eternal,…

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There’s a Rainbow

by Terry Wane Benton “And He who sat there was like a jasper and a sardius stone in appearance; and there was a rainbow around the throne, in appearance like an emerald” (Revelation 4:3). He who sat on the throne “was like” jasper and a sardius stone in appearance. How was He like that? We…

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Pearls from Proverbs: Glorying in Glory

by Irvin Himmel Guardian of Truth XXXI: 15, p. 456, August 6, 1987 “It is not good to eat much honey: so for men to search their own glory is not glory” (Proverbs 25:27). A highly nutritious food, honey was often found in ancient times in trees, in holes in the ground, in crevices between…

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https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Reverence.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalms 89:1-16   I.         Hebrews 12:28-29 – Offer service to God with reverence and godly fear             A.        Reverence means                         1.         “A feeling of profound awe and respect and often love; veneration.”                         2.         The word literally means “with downcast eyes” or bashfulness.             B.        Psalms 2:11 – Serve God with fear, rejoice with trembling             C.        Psalms 89:5-15…

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Reasons to Glorify God

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Reasons-to-Glorify-God.mp3 by Raymond Warfel

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To the Glory of God

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/To-the-Glory-of-God.mp3 Dealing with John 11 by Alan Feaster

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How can we conclude that a person is glorified?

Question: I’d like to know how to define “glorify.”  How can we conclude that a person is glorified?  By what sign? Answer: The word “glorify” means “to give glory to”.  Glory can mean honor, praise, or devotion, but it is usually considered a much more intense word than any of these.  Thus, to glorify God…

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Making Known His Glory

by Andrew Hamilton A section of Romans caught my attention during a recent Bible study. As a quick reminder of the context, Paul spends quite a bit of Romans explaining the righteousness of God. Partway through an analysis of Israelite history, he inserts a sort of question-and-answer section to make a few points clear. “What…

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Glorify Thy Name

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/2016Fall5GlorifyThyName.mp3 by Joe Works Studying Leviticus

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The Glory and Grandeur of God

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/2016Summer2TheGloryAndGrandeurOfGod.mp3 by Tommy Peeler God Has a Plan

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Humility and Exaltation

by Dennis Stackhouse When Jesus related the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector, His concluding remarks are recorded in Luke 18:14: “I tell you, this man went to his house justified rather than the other; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted.”  Our Lord clearly…

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Predestined to Glory

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/PredestinedToGlory.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Ephesians 1:3-14   I.         The confusion over predestination isn’t due to understanding that it exists; rather, the questions is who was predestined and for what purpose.             A.        “the doctrine that God in consequence of his foreknowledge of all events infallibly guides those who are destined for salvation” (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)             B.        “The doctrine…

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Why did Moses veil his face?

Question: Exodus 34:33-35 talks about Moses putting on the veil because his face was radiant after speaking with the Lord, which I read to mean that people would be scared to see a glowing face which reminded them of the fear of God, but in II Corinthians 3:13 it says that Moses didn’t want people…

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The Glory of the Son

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Matthew 16:21-28   I.         To the dismay of his disciples, Jesus began to speak of his pending death. (See also Mark 8:31-9:1 and Luke 9:21-27)             A.        They did not realize how important that death was to the plans of God, and when Peter that God would not allow such a thing to…

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