When Someone Says “God Told Me”

by Terry Wane Benton A few years ago, I read directly from one lady who claimed two false things while claiming, “God told me.” She claimed that 1) God told her to tell others that God forbids His people from getting the COVID-19 vaccine, and 2) taking it is “the mark of the beast.” Now,…

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Miraculous Gifts

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Miraculous-Gifts.mp3 Download Audio by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Acts 3:1-11   I.         For decades many of the traditional denominations have been in decline.             A.        The more liberal the beliefs, the larger the decline. Those espousing conservative views show some growth. But the ones showing strong growth are the charismatic groups             B.        Name the largest groups in a region,…

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The Manifestation of the Spirit

by Terry Wane Benton “To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good” (I Corinthians 12:7). You see a manifestation, but not the Spirit himself. The way the Spirit manifested something was in the nine miraculous powers. These showed a power that no man could produce by his own power. Genuine…

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The Signs of an Apostle

by Terry Wane Benton The apostles of Jesus were eyewitnesses of the risen Jesus (Acts 1:13f). They had to have personally seen Jesus alive from the dead. Nobody today meets that criterion. But those Jesus chose to be sent out by Him as His personal eyewitnesses were also equipped by the Holy Spirit with miraculous…

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How do I convince a Pentecostal of the truth about miracles?

Question: When you get time would you look over these responses I saw from a Oneness Pentecostal in a discussion with a brother over miracles? I completely agree that miracles ceased, and that which is perfect is referring to the word of God, but the Pentecostal Oneness member brings up some stuff I have never…

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Could any believer cast out demons?

Question: Could believers who had been baptized cast out demons as well or just the apostles? Answer: “These signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues; they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt…

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You are totally wrong about the cessation of the spiritual gifts

Question: Hi, I already read so many of your articles and Q&A sections dealing with the cessation of gifts. I have to say, you are totally wrong. One mistake is not referring to this verse: “So that ye come behind in no gift; waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ” (I Corinthians 1:7).…

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Could the perfect be the kingdom?

Question: Please, what would be wrong to interpret “that which is in part” in I Corinthians 13:10 to mean the kingdom of God instead of the Word of God? Answer: “Love never fails; but if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away; if there are tongues, they will cease; if there is…

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How did the church in Corinth receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit?

Question: How did the Corinthian church receive the Holy Spirit in a miraculous way? Was it by the laying on hands by the apostles or what? Or does the Bible not say? Answer: The church in Corinth was started by the Apostle Paul (Acts 18). He initially taught there for 18 months (Acts 18:11) and…

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Your reasoning is flawed. Spiritual gifts have not ceased

Question: Hello, I have read articles on your site and they are pretty informative. However, your take on Corinthians 13:8-13, stating that spiritual gifts have ceased, is flawed. Verse 8: “Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish…

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What Is the Bible?

Question: Hi, I would like some answers to my doubts. I know you can help me with this because of everything I have read on your site. I’m happy that your teachings are exactly the same as our non-denominational church. I find them right too. Praise the Lord! My questions: What exactly is the Bible?…

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Miraculous Spiritual Gifts

by Matthew Bassford Many of you may well have had, as I have had, the experience of talking Bible with somebody who believes that the miraculous spiritual gifts of the first century continue today. Let me be honest with you, brethren. It is difficult to find success in studies with such people. Though it’s not obvious,…

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Do we experience God in a present way or only in the past tense?

Question: Good day, Is the church not to experience God in a “present way,” or does it only need to be in a past tense manner through the Bible? Thanks. Answer: I had difficulty with your question because it was worded vaguely. The meaning changes depending on how you define the terms. God is ever…

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Now Concerning Spiritual Gifts

by Ron Drumm It would be wonderful to have a spiritual gift like the ability to do miracles or the ability to speak in tongues. There are nine gifts of the Spirit listed in the New Testament. They are the word of wisdom, word of knowledge, faith, healings, working of miracles, prophecy, discerning of spirits,…

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Did Mary lead prayers? Did people receive all the gifts of the Spirit?

Question: Thank you for taking my questions. We were discussing the upper room Wednesday night. Acts 1:13-17 mentions that Mary, Jesus’ mother, and other women were present. We were trying to determine if Mary herself was praying while all the people were there. I know some women prophesied back then. My option is she was…

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You May be Surprised to Learn …

by Doy Moyer Have you ever taken for granted certain things and believed them, just because that is what you have been told? Perhaps you find yourself in that situation now, believing and doing things because that is what you were told. Religious people sometimes believe and practice something because a preacher said it, or…

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Baptism of the Holy Spirit: A Promise?

by Carl A. Allen Through the years I have talked with, and debated with, Pentecostal preachers and it is not uncommon for them to take the position that the “Baptism of the Holy Spirit ” is a command. Many have been the times I have cited a passage to prove that the “Baptism of the…

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Were the disciples able to do miracles before Pentecost?

Question: I see in Matthew 10:8 that the Lord gave authority to the apostles to heal the sick, cleanse lepers, etc. (all before Pentecost). Are there any references to them performing such acts before the Spirit came upon them at Pentecost? Answer: In Luke 10:17, when the seventy came back from visiting the towns in…

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Didn’t the elders pass miraculous gifts to Timothy?

Question: I read your answer: What is the doctrine of laying on of hands? and it really helped me understand how the gifts of the Holy Spirit were passed on. When I shared it with my Pentecostal friend, she agreed but pointed to the 1 Timothy 4:14 verse “Do not neglect the gift that is in you,…

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Does Acts 2:17 mean that miraculous gifts continue today?

Question: How do I respond to someone who uses Acts 2:17 in support that prophesies and the gifts the Holy Spirit may still be here today? Answer: “But Peter, standing up with the eleven, raised his voice and said to them, “Men of Judea and all who dwell in Jerusalem, let this be known to…

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What is the doctrine of laying on of hands?

Question: This is my third year after being added to the body. Somehow, I often find myself in intense discussions with friends and relatives regarding certain areas of belief. Many times I can hold my own, but when it comes to laying on of hands, I’m not certain how to discuss this. When I read…

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Is it a lack of faith if your prayer isn’t answered?

Question: Dear Sir, Thank you so much for your hard work and dedication to your website. I have recently started attending a local church of Christ, in part because of the wonderful Scripture-based answers on your website and the freedom and new life promised by following God’s laws rather than man-made directives. My boyfriend attends…

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Have Miracles Ceased?

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/HaveMiraclesCeased.mp3 Text: John 9:14-34   I.         Several denominations teach the continuance of miracles             A.        Proofs offered are based on emotional feelings and indirect evidence (I know a person who heard a person claim they saw …)             B.        The standard appealed to is what a person thinks is right             C.        To oppose is taken as the same as calling the…

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How can prophecy cease when people claim to be prophets today?

Question: First, I’d like to thank you for taking the time to address my questions because it has been bothering me for a while now. I am a born-again Christian and still relatively young in faith. I read on this site that an end to all prophets was declared by apostle Paul in Corinthians. This…

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What is the difference between spiritual gifts and miraculous gifts?

Question: Could you give me information that points to the differences between spiritual gifts and miraculous gifts? Answer: Spiritual gifts refer to the gifts given by the Holy Spirit. They usually refer to the miraculous gifts as explained in I Corinthians 12. These gifts were not given to every Christian and were given only for…

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How can you know you are filled with the Spirit?

Question: How does a person become filled with the Holy Spirit and know they are filled? Does everyone who is filled with the Holy Spirit have the gifts that Acts speaks about? Answer: A Christian receives the Spirit by the hearing of faith. “This only I want to learn from you: Did you receive the…

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Belief, Baptism, and Signs Following – Still Today?

by Larry Ray Hafley Here is the text of Mark 16:15-20: “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.  He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.  And these signs shall follow them that believe; In…

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Miraculous Gifts as They Are Designated in the Scriptures

by Gilbert Alexander Jesus touched the eyes of a blind man and he saw Mark 8:22-25 Miraculous gifts, or spiritual gifts, as they are designated in the Scriptures were given to the apostles for specific purposes. They were given directly to the apostles when the apostles received the baptism of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost…

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Should I wait to be baptized?

Question: I am a new convert. I converted about 6 months ago, but I have been always curious about God and learning about Jesus. The only problem is that I’m not baptized through the waters yet. I still know that the Holy Spirit is with me and I can carry (at least to me )…

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Were Elders Limited to the Age of Miracles?

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/WereEldersLimitedToTheAgeOfMiracles.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Acts 20:17-35   I.         Some times I wonder where ideas about the Scriptures come from.             A.        The passages are clear, but it seems that some want a certain outcome, so they seek whatever means they can find to arrive at that result.             B.        I was asked if elders were only for the…

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