Two Views

by Terry Wane Benton The Biblical View God created us and gets to make the rules. He made two genders: male and female and expects us to act like men if we are men and women if we are women. God does not approve of us changing the natural genders and gender roles as it…

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Male and Female

by Andy Diestelkamp Male and female are not defined by the cultures and generations in which we grew up. They are not defined by the present culture. They are not defined by the cultures in which Abraham, Moses, or David lived. They are not defined by the ancient nations of Israel, Greece, or Rome. They…

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Old Tricks From Satan’s Playbook

by Austin Hausner “Is there a thing of which it is said, ‘See, this is new’? It has been already in the ages before us” (Ecclesiastes 1:10). Solomon reminds us that there is nothing new. This is important to remember because many things that people say are new are actually the same old tricks repackaged…

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Our Roles Are Not Shameful

by Jarrod M. Jacobs God created man and woman (Genesis 2:7, 18-25; Matthew 19:4). He also made them to fulfill specific roles on this earth. In Genesis 2:18-25, God states that man and woman have certain roles and responsibilities. These roles have transcended the years and the confines of countries and are with us to…

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What is the proper response to “Men Going Their Own Way?”

Question: Brother Jeff, Thank you for the way you have been helping me in the faith. It has been invaluable and I understand some things I previously didn’t. I don’t know if you’ve heard of MGTOW which is “Men Going Their Own Way.” It isn’t unexpected that such will arise in a time of modern…

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A Gender-Neutral God in Hymns

by Matthew W. Bassford The other day, I found myself going through some hymns of hope and comfort that a hymn blogger has been posting daily through the coronavirus pandemic. The style (organ plus choir) isn’t my thing; from my perspective, you’ve got a nasty instrument drowning out the good parts. However, the hymns themselves…

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There Are Only Two Sexes

Source: Michael W. Chapman, “Biologists in WSJ: Only Two Sexes, Male and Female, There is No Sex ‘Spectrum'”, CNS News, 14 February 2020. Source: Colin M. Wright and Emma N. Hilton, “The Dangerous Denial of Sex,” Wall Street Journal, Opinion, 13 February 2020. Colin Wright is an evolutionary biologist at Penn State. Emma Hilton is a developmental biologist at…

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Two Genders

by Terry Wane Benton Male and female made He them (Genesis 1-2). God said it and did it. That settles it. There is no third and fourth gender option. I was not able to “decide my gender.” That was fixed at the moment of conception. I operate under the fact of my gender assigned by…

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Does Galatians 3:28 support gender diversity?

Question: Hi Mr. Hamilton, I’ve found out that a large number (possibly a majority) of my friends are LGBTQQIAA+. Some are genderqueer, transgender, gay, lesbian, pansexual, and asexual. A very large percentage of my year group is not straight or cisgender. I know that having homosexual sex is wrong. Should I rethink my friendship with…

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Since the Y-chromosome doesn’t activate until the fifth week, does this mean everyone starts out as female and that the first human could not be a male?

Question: There’s this meme going around that some people are trying to use against Creationism. It says, “All humans begin as female. The Y chromosome — which is only present in males — is not activated in the first 5-6 weeks of embryonic development.” Anyway, they’re trying to say that Adam couldn’t have been the…

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Students Decide Their Gender and Those Disagreeing Face Punishment

Source: “Guidance for Massachusetts Public Schools: Creating a Safe and Supportive School Environment: Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity,” Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Source: Ryan Boehm and Lisa Barstow, “Transgender Access to Public School Bathrooms Now Required in MA by Commissioner,” Massachusetts Family Institute, 15 February 2013. Source: Todd Starnes, “Students Who Refuse to Affirm…

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by Jeffrey W. Hamilton “Does not the very nature of things teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a disgrace to him, but if a woman has long hair, it is her glory? For long hair is given to her as a covering” (I Corinthians 11:14-15). Have you stopped and wonder…

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