Disciple People

by Ross Ward, Jr. “Therefore, as you go, disciple people in all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything that I’ve commanded you. And remember, I am with you each and every day until the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19-20…

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What Is Being Neglected or Forsaken?

by Adam Litmer The following question was recently asked: “What specifically is meant in Hebrews 10:25 by ‘neglecting’ or ‘forsaking’? Is it inferring a requirement of attendance, or is it addressing an attitude towards worship? If it is a requirement, wouldn’t that infer all opportunities (Wednesday night, etc.) set up by local elders or congregation?”…

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They Went Out from Us

by Terry Wane Benton Sometimes it is a hidden blessing to the local church when we lose some people and numbers. John spoke of some who ceased in heart to be “of us” (I John 2:18f). They “went out” because, in heart, they had been secretly drifting away from the truth being preached and could…

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What is “Fellowship”?

by David Smitherman The early disciples “continued steadfastly in ..fellowship” (Acts 2:42). And, this “constant attention” to fellowship is a practice of our first-century brethren that we would do well to imitate. But what is involved in “fellowship,” especially fellowship with a local church? Fellowship is not “placing membership” or having one’s name “on the…

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Do you fellowship with someone who left the church?

Question: If someone leaves the church and you try to encourage them to come back, are you to fellowship with them? Answer: Fellowship describes the state of a relationship between two people. It is like the word “friendship.” Friends do things together, but just because you do something with another person, it doesn’t make you…

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Expecting the Impossible

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Expecting-the-Impossible.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Matthew 19:16-26   I.         With God, all things are possible – Matthew 19:26             A.        Even the saving of a wealthy man, if he desired to be saved.             B.        Yet, we must understand that some things are impossible for even God                         1.         It is impossible for God to lie – Hebrews 6:17-18                         2.         He cannot…

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Seeking God

A series of lessons presented by Doy Moyer of Temple Terrace, Florida. May 22-25, 2022 Develop Your Mind for God Resurrection and the Christian Submission in Jesus (Ladies Class taught by Laurie Moyer) Truth about Truth Knowing the Will of God Trembling at God’s Word As Though He Needed Anything

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The Wiles of the Devil

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/The-Wiles-of-the-Devil.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Ephesians 6:10-18   I.         Satan is a real being             A.        Jesus warned Peter that Satan wanted him – Luke 22:31                         1.         Much like Satan wanted Job – Job 1:6-12             B.        Peter warned us that Satan wants to devour us – I Peter 5:8-9             C.        Thus, we have to know our enemy – II Corinthians…

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False Teaching and Fellowship

by Frank Jamerson Sentry Magazine, December 2000 The issue of false teaching and fellowship is not a new one. The following is approximately two pages from an eleven-page article, published in January 1975, that I commend for your consideration. “All of us must accept the fact that we have fellowship (live and work and worship with)…

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Why All the Fuss about Grace-Fellowship?

by Aubrey Belue, Jr. via Gospel Guardian, August 15, 1974 In recent months, much writing –“pro” and “con” (but mostly “con”) — has been done on the “grace-fellowship” issue. Due to the misdirection and “side issues” that now obscure the scene, wisdom requires us to seek a clear definition of matters as they currently stand.…

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Is watching a church service an acceptable way to worship?

Question: Hi Jeffrey, This has become popular with people. Is the video sermon a new way to worship God?  I do not like it and don’t understand how it’s right. Do you find scripture to support it because I can’t? Thank you again and always. Answer: “They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching…

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We just don’t feel connected with this church

Question: We have attended our current congregation for several years. Good sound teaching, but we don’t feel a connection with anyone. My wife has wanted to try other congregations, but I don’t like to change. Recently she has been ill and has not felt like attending for over a month, and no one even asked…

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The Christian’s Duty to His Brethren

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/ChristiansDutyToHisBrethren.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Thessalonians 5:8-15   I.         Each of us come from diverse backgrounds.             A.        We come together to worship             B.        We come together for fellowship             C.        Yet that coming together is not always smooth.                         1.         Just as a family experiences times of irritation, so it happens among brethren.                         2.         Paul’s desire was for the Corinthians to…

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I.         As hard as we try to keep terms pure and free from the influence of denominations, we still sometimes find things creeping into our language.             A.        People wanting to call the minister, “pastor” even though it properly belongs to those who oversee the congregation – the elders.             B.        Similarly, the desire to call ministers by titles, such…

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Should I leave an ineffective, discouraging church?

Question: I was looking through your website and found someone asked questions similar to questions I had at this page: When should I leave a church? But I’m not sure you fully answered some of the questions, so I still wanted to ask them again. If there are multiple sound congregations nearby, must I worship with…

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Should I go to the wedding of a brother who is committing adultery?

Question: Hello friend! I need help answering a question: One of the college students at my church asked me this and I’m stumped, so I figured a brother in Christ could help me. Here’s what she asked: “My brother is getting married through the court, but he has already been married through the church and…

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House to House

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/2015Spring3HouseToHouse.mp3 by Jonathan Perz Spreading the Gospel

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Time for Churches of Christ to Fellowship Other Groups?

by Wes McAdam via Radically Christian This is a hard post to write. I realize what I’m about to say may be misunderstood or misconstrued. But as difficult as it is to find the right words, this is something that must be said. In fact, I believe there is no greater issue facing the church today.…

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Why Do Some Depart?

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/WhyDoSomeDepart.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Matthew 13:18-23   I.         When teaching someone about the gospel, it is hard not to invest a bit of yourself into the one you are trying to reach.             A.        You know the importance of being a Christian, and you care about the one you are teaching. If not, why spend the…

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Romans 14: “Follow After Things Which Make Peace”

by Melvin Curry Truth Magazine, January 4, 1979 When Paul affirmed that “there is no distinction between Jew and Greek: for the same Lord is Lord of all” (Romans 10:12), he was fully aware of the problems posed by the fellowship of Christians with such different religious backgrounds. The Greeks were used to change, continually…

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Jesus Ate with Publicans and Sinners

by Terry Wane Benton There is no doubt that Jesus was among publicans and sinners and ate with them. What was He doing? Was he gambling with them? Was He smoking with them? Drinking intoxicating drinks with them? Cursing and laughing at dirty jokes? Was He being complicit with them as they sinned more? One…

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Recycled “Open Fellowship” Concerns

by Aubrey Belue Solomon truly said, “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? it hath been already of…

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Are Christians only allowed to talk to Christians?

Question: Hello, Does the Bible say that we’re not allowed to talk to anyone who’s not a Christian? If so, what happens if a Christian does talk to someone who’s not a Christian? Thanks! Answer: I’m scratching my head trying to figure out where such an idea could possibly come from. It would be impossible…

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When Communication Breaks Down

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/WhenCommunicationBreaksDown.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Genesis 11:1-9   I.         After the flood, mankind feared to obey God’s command to spread once again across the world.             A.        They took it into their heads to build a great city and a tower that would make a name for themselves.             B.        Mankind was united, but they were united in sin.…

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Why do people ask questions about me when I visit a church?

Question: In “Should people be checked out before accepting them in a congregation?”, a person wrote about ‘checking out’ new people to the congregation before accepting them. While I understand the logic behind making sure they accept the true church and follow the Lord, I have experienced that type of probing and questioning that is…

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Should people be checked out before accepting them in a congregation?

Question: I believe that there is a certain amount of due diligence necessary when a person, a couple, or a family move into the area and want to become members of a local congregation of the Lord’s church.  What do you recommend? What do you do? One scripture that comes to mind is II John…

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Fellowship: A Word Study

by Becky Rene It is essential at this point that we understand how our spiritual fellowship is expressed. So we will take the time to examine the noun “fellowship” (koinonia) in all the contexts in which it appears. Some of the verses are difficult to understand because the translators have translated the noun koinonia as if it…

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Cross Congregational Fellowship

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Christians do travel. This is an obvious statement, but it needs to be pointed out because it raises issues we don’t often consider. A Christian drops in on a congregation while in town for business. It is common for brethren to invite him over for a meal so they can get…

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What do you say about guilt by association in regards to fellowship?

Question: What do you say about guilt by association in the fellowship problem? We have some friends who worship in a congregation that had someone at their lectureships, although they do don’t support marriage with intent, and when he speaks they didn’t go to support him. Now we do not believe this person’s doctrine, but…

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Can you explain Hebrews 13:16 in terms of fellowship?

Question: So now I am having trouble with Hebrews 13:16. He says, “But to do good and to communicate forget not”. The words “to communicate” are the word Koinonia (fellowship). So he is saying “But to do good and to fellowship forget not”. So what does he mean by telling them to fellowship? Other translations…

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Can you explain Philippians 3:10?

Question: I am still studying all about fellowship. It is a very interesting study. Now I think I understand what you have been saying that fellowship (koinonia) is a noun and it helps to think of it like we do the word “friendship.” So if two people are friends, they are friends based on their…

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