Posts Tagged ‘faithful’
When the Bible Makes Us Squirm
by Zeke Flores Sometimes, the Bible makes us squirm. It can make us uncomfortable when God uses such highly sexualized language to describe His people’s unfaithfulness as He does in Ezekiel 23. I assume that’s because it’s supposed to make us uncomfortable. When God’s people, whether His Old Covenant tribes or His New Covenant saints, turn away…
Read MoreThe Purpose of the Local Church – Encouraging Faithfulness Download Audio by David Bunting Understanding Christ’s Church
Read MoreTrustworthy Sayings by Raymond Warfel
Read MoreHebrews: Encouragement to Remain Faithful by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Hebrews 10:19-25 I. The book of Hebrews interleaves evidence of the superiority of Christ, His covenant, and His church with encouragement to the brethren to remain faithful. A. After giving evidence that Jesus is God’s son, the writer said – Hebrews 2:1-4 B. Jesus was a faithful son and so must…
Read MoreOn Being Faithful by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Corinthians 4:1-5 I. If you were a boss, what kind of person would you want working for you? A. You probably would want someone who performed his duties well, skilled in the particular task that you needed done. B. But one thing that I think most bosses would highly desire…
Read MoreI Will Not Forsake You by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Deuteronomy 31:1-6 I. Moses was approaching the end of his life. The time of his departure was at hand. A. Understandably, the children of Israel would be nervous. He has been their leader for 40 years. Moses faced down Pharaoh and led them out of slavery. He is the one…
Read MoreFaithfulness
Author Unknown A preacher was asked to define “faithful attendance at worship.” He replied that the best way to understand it was to apply the same standards of faithfulness that we do in other areas of our life. Consider the examples he gave: If your car started one out of three times, would you consider…
Read MoreOn Drifting Away from the Faith
by Terry Wane Benton If we surveyed churches that declined in attendance because of COVID, we may find an alarming number of brethren who fell or are in process of drifting further away. I remember thinking a long time ago that should persecution arise in our country, and it was viewed as a crime to…
Read MoreA Trustworthy Statement by Jeffrey W. Hamilton II Timothy 2:8-13 I. If we died with him A. Related to Romans 6:3-7 1. In baptism we share in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus 2. Death leads to life a. New (different) life here on earth – Romans 6:4 b. A life after physical death – Romans 6:5 c. The latter is what…
Read MoreStaying Faithful in College: Three Things to Consider
by Forest Antemesaris Sometimes, the combination of freedom and stress can lead to a lackluster faith. With less accountability and more deadlines, it can become easy to forget about God, worship, and Jesus’ call to live a holy life. College is supposed to be fun, and challenging, but it’s not worth turning your back on…
Read MoreWorthy of Trust Text: Psalm 15 I. It has occurred to me that a core problem in our society is that we don’t trust anyone. A. Anyone trust the politicians? What about the news media? B. For some there is now a lack of trust of the police. C. What is behind this lack of trust? D. I’m sure you heard…
Read MoreWhy did Paul refer to the saints and faithful brethren in Colossians 1:2?
Question: In Colossians 1:2, Paul speaks to the ‘saints and the faithful’. Why does he make a distinction between the two? Answer: “Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, and Timothy our brother, to the saints and faithful brethren in Christ who are at Colossae: Grace to you and peace from God…
Read MoreFaithfulness, Not Perfection
by Matthew W. Bassford Over the past few weeks, Shawn and I have spent Sunday mornings explaining how it is that we can know that we are heaven-bound for certain. We’ve seen that we can put our confidence in the powerful sacrifice of Jesus and in the perfect forgiveness of God. However, that doesn’t quiet the…
Read MoreFear or Faithfulness?
by Matthew W. Bassford From an earthly perspective, many of the prophets of the Old Testament got a raw deal. On this list, we certainly must include Jeremiah. He was forbidden to marry and have a family, he couldn’t attend parties or funerals, and he prophesied in a time that was utterly hostile to his…
Read MoreWhat if I’m not good enough for God?
Question: I read something on your website about a statement made that says that if a person could not be trusted with things on earth, then why would God trust him with things in heaven? Does this mean if somebody is a complete failure, they have no hope of even getting to heaven? How does…
Read MoreBaptism and the Faithfulness of God
by Matthew W. Bassford Whether most Christians think about it or not, their entire belief system is based on the premise that God is faithful. God’s faithfulness is what makes it reasonable for us to trust in Him and devote our lives to doing His will. We know that if we keep our covenant with…
Read MoreA Strong Church by Raymond Warfel
Read MoreWhat do you do if you can’t worship with faithful brethren?
Question: I’ve read everything I could find on your page concerning worship alone. I know already that communion and singing are out of the question. So where does that leave someone who is in prison for life or far away from anyone or group that teaches and holds to sound doctrine? I’m sure you could…
Read MoreFaithfulness by Raymond Warfel
Read MoreThe Lord Knows Those Who Are His by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: II Timothy 2:14-21 I. There are always going to be people who will not accept what God says. They’ll quibble over words to get wiggle room for their particular beliefs. A. That is why the Christian has to be a good student of the Bible – II Timothy 2:15 B. You…
Read MoreHow can I stay spiritually stable?
Question: Sir, Please, can you give me some advice on how to stay spiritually stable? Because I am never stable in my spiritual walk with God. Today I am strong in the Spirit, tomorrow I am weak. This has bothered me a lot because I gave my life to Jesus two years ago, but I…
Read MoreWhat do we do about a sister who left after being a Christian for a year?
Question: I have another question that has been bothering me for a while. A sister in Christ left the church for a reason that I am still confused about. She became a Christian about a year ago and seemed really happy about her decision. She was faithful, committed, and opened her home to members of…
Read MoreHandling Opposition
Handling Opposition Part 1Handling Opposition by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Nehemiah 6:15-19 I. Nehemiah took on an ambitious project to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. A. He completed the project in just 52 days – Nehemiah 6:15 B. That alone is an amazing feat, but we can’t overlook the fact that the project did not go smoothly.…
Read MoreWhen Your Child Leaves God
by Jim Lee Many of you parents who will read this, know by experience the horrific impact this circumstance can have on you. In the past, I have often sympathized and grieved with other brothers and sisters who have gone through the heart-wrenching experience of seeing a child of theirs turn their back on God,…
Read MoreThe Necessity of Fidelity in Marriage
by Don Alexander via Truth Magazine, Vol. 52, No. 9, September 2008. Behaviors reflect one’s values and priorities. Our most important live relationships suffer when our behaviors and words do not arise from a sense of fidelity and trustworthiness. The Psalmist cried out, “Help, Lord, for the godly are no more; the faithful have vanished from…
Read MoreWho is the faithful and wise servant in Matthew 25:45-47?
Question: The King James Version says at Matthew 24:45-47, “Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season? Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing. Verily I say unto you, That he shall make…
Read MoreGod’s Promises Are Sure
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Hebrews 6:9-20 I. The Bible contains many promises of an eternal home in heaven A. How can we be sure it is really there? 1. None of us get to visit it before hand. It is not like a hotel where you might check out the beds or see if the view…
Read MoreNotes on Faithful Life
John 8:31 John 15:4-10 Colossians 1:22-23 Revelation 2:10 see Notes on Obedience see Notes on Apostasy see Notes on Things that Accompany Salvation
Read MoreNotes on Faithful
“Faithful” is from the Greek word pistos which means “trustworthy, faithful, reliable, credible, trusting or believing.” A reliable servant Matthew 24:45 Matthew 25:21, 23 Luke 12:42 Luke 19:17 Corinthians 4:2 Trustworthy in deeds Luke 16:10-12 I Corinthians 1:9 I Corinthians 10:13 II Corinthians 1:18 I Thessalonians 5:24 II Thessalonians 3:3 Hebrews 2:17 Hebrews 3:2 Hebrews 10:23…
Read MoreDoes “faithful children” mean faithful to God or faithful to the parent?
Question: When Paul speaks of “faithful children” in Titus 1:6, did he mean faithful to God or faithful to the parent? Answer: Terms in the Bible are sometimes difficult to translate because common words are borrowed and used in ways where the common word takes on a deeper meaning than it originally had. For example, one…
Read MoreAre there more Christians who actually believe the Bible?
Question: Are there more Christians who actually believe the Word of God? I know I should rejoice in trials, but I would like to know are there more people who, like you, believe in the Word. Everyone is so “Christian” until you get to a verse of the Scripture that they don’t like, then they…
Read MoreFaithful Fathers
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Deuteronomy 8:1-10 I. It is not arbitrarily that God is referred to as our Father and we His children A. After the wandering in the wilderness, God told them they endured hardship because He was treating as a father would treat his children. B. We can learn from God what is expected…
Read MoreMust an elder have faithful children?
Question: Is it necessary for an elder to have children faithful in the church? If yes, then how many? Answer: “Having children who believe, not accused of dissipation or rebellion” (Titus 1:6). “He must be one who manages his own household well, keeping his children under control with all dignity” (I Timothy 3:4). The purpose…
Read MoreCan fellowship be denied?
Question: Where is the Bible passage that authorizes you to deny me fellowship as a member of the church when I acknowledge Christ and have been baptized? is there an ugly little secret that only those whose baptismal outlook is baptismal regenerationist are recognized? Apparently, my belief that my sins had been cleansed is not…
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