How do you deal with a fear of missing out?

Question: Dear sir, I trust this email finds you well. I’m writing to seek more knowledge. Are there biblical passages that speak of the fear of missing out? As humans and most especially Gen Z, we often bow to peer pressure and the fear of missing out on godly things. Is there any biblical passage…

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Observations on Worldliness

by George Bosworth We cannot grow spiritually when we cling to worldliness. Nothing new in that statement! But consider I Corinthians 3:3-4: “For since there is envy and strife among you, are you not worldly and behaving like mere humans? For whenever one says “I belong to Paul”, and another says “I belong to Apollos”,…

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Should I not do things that might make others jealous?

Question: Hello, I have read through your site on a number of occasions. I have some questions regarding jealousy. When my husband proposed to me, a girl at church seemed very upset because her boyfriend had not proposed to her yet. I was concerned that she may have been jealous of that. Maybe I should not…

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On the Other Side of the Fence by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Philippians 4:4-9   I.         It is so easy, so tempting to look at what someone else has accomplished and think “That could have been me.”             A.        When you are in school, have you ever caught yourself thinking, “I can’t wait until I have a job. None of this homework business for…

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People Are Just Like Me

by Doy Moyer People often assume that others will act, react, and operate on the same basis that they do. If some are liars, they will assume the same of everyone else. If they operate “in the shadows,” they will assume the same of others. If they are the envious type, they will assume that…

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Love Is … by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Corinthians 13:1-8   I.         Many passages are used for needlepoint samplers. A popular choice is I Corinthians 13:1-8             A.        Have you considered the meaning of the many phrases?             B.        We often associate this passage with weddings, but Paul was writing about what love between brethren is like             C.        However, it can be applied to…

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Attitudes by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Philippians 3:7-16   I.         Many Christians understand that acts of immorality will keep them out of heaven, but many don’t realize that our attitude or disposition is important in determining our outcome as well.             A.        What is your attitude?                         1.         Sometimes we hear someone say “he has an attitude!”                         2.         I use to…

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How do I stop being envious of my friend?

Question: Hello Sir, I had a question about trying not to compare myself to my friend. Any advice is welcome! My friend and I are very similar. I don’t think I’ve ever had a friend so alike to me! We’re both in college and graduating this year. She got a full academic scholarship to college,…

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An Eye Exam by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Luke 11:34-36   I.         There is an old saying that bad things come in threes and to a lot of people this appears to be a true statement             A.        Life is filled with good and bad events             B.        But what happens is that when something bad happens, we start focusing on the…

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Controlling Our Emotions by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Mark 7:18-23   I.         From the heart comes the emotions which affect all aspects of our life – Proverbs 4:23             A.        We can poison the well with evil thoughts – Mark 7:20-23             B.        We can sweeten it with righteous ideals – Philippians 4:4-9             C.        It affects our outlook on life – Proverbs 15:13…

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Why is America prosperous and the Philippines are not

Question: It seems that the recession has had little effect on the call centers here because a lot of companies are in need of manpower. A visiting preacher had announced the deferment of some of his benevolence because some of the brethren where he is from are getting laid off from their jobs. It is…

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Should I go out for college basketball?

Question: I played junior college basketball. I got sidetracked and started looking at other things that were selfish and were all about me. I stopped taking basketball seriously and basically quit going in my sophomore year. Recently year a kid that played behind me in high school walked on at the university and now is…

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Envy by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I.         Most of us understand that it is wrong to be envious.             A.        Though most of us have only a vague idea what envy means.             B.        Often we confuse it with jealousy. II.        The meaning of envy             A.        “To look with ill-will, to look against.”             B.        “Chagrin or discontent at the excellence or good fortune of…

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I think I’m being too controlling

Question: My being too controlling on the kids is generally directed toward my eldest. He is a great child: very respectful, wins awards for citizenship, and all the teachers adore him and praise him. My problem is I snap at him for anything. Instead of being able to let it roll off, I have to…

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Love Is …

In learning the craft of needlepoint, a person will sometimes work on a sampler. The sampler generally contains a notable quotation and a variety of images and scrollwork to demonstrate the different stitches mastered. Bible verses are often selected for the basic text, and one of the most popular selections is I Corinthians 13:4-8: Love suffers…

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