What is the creed book for the Salvation Army?


I was reading your articles about The Salvation Army and I cannot seem to locate a "creed book" that you quote. I also believe that what you practice and preach is false. I also believe that the legalism you practice will be the end of your ministry. I shall pray for you and your false preaching. I will pray for you and your followers and I must remind you that the only one and perfect thing is Christ. I have been a part of The Salvation Army for years and have never been taught that I could be sanctified to a point where I would sin no more. "Study without prayer and action is legalism, Prayer without study and action is mysticism."


The book referenced is called the Handbook of Doctrines, as mentioned in the article. It was replaced with a newer book.

"The Eleven Doctrines have remained essentially unchanged in a rapidly changing world. A number of Handbooks of Doctrine have, however, been produced, the most recent of which was published in 1969. It was decided that the time was fitting for a further explanatory volume. This book differs from its predecessors in a number of ways. It is narrative in form, so that teaching is presented in short paragraphs, rather than point by point. This should enable the progression of thought to be clearly seen and allow for flexible use in both study groups and the classroom. The narrative style means that we examine the truths of our faith on two levels, both as the work of God in history which accomplished our salvation, and as the record of our own journey of faith, from sin through to salvation and holiness. The narrative approach is reflected, too, in the Handbook’s title: Salvation Story."
[Salvation Story, page xiv]

Salvation Story can be read on the Internet. This version is significantly reworded from the Handbook of Doctrines the author quoted from, but the concepts remain in Salvation Story.

That it is a creed can be found at the beginning of the book:

This volume contains an exposition of the principal Doctrines of The Salvation Army as set forth in its Deed Poll of 1878 and confirmed in The Salvation Army Act 1980. It is for the use of all Salvationists. These Doctrines are to be taught in connection with all Salvation Army officers’ training operations, both preparatory and institutional. It is required of officers of all ranks that their teaching, in public and private, shall conform to these eleven Articles of Faith."

Regarding sanctification and sin, Salvation Story states, "We advance towards the fulfilment of that which our conversion promises – victory over sin, the life of holiness made actual, and all of the graces of salvation imparted by the presence and action of the indwelling Holy Spirit and his sanctifying power." [page 87]. And a bit later in the same chapter, "Holiness is the realisation of the Christ-life within us. It is the present purpose and positive benefit of our salvation. It is the renewal of our humanity according to the pattern or image of God our creator. The power of the sin that was cancelled on the Cross is now broken. Discipleship is now the life of the Christian." [page 88]. Page 89, under the subtitle "A radical life-change" speaks about being tempted, but the Holy Spirit stepping in to prevent sin. The next section "A lifelong process" admits that sanctification does not mean sinlessly perfect. I cannot comment if that was a change from the 1969 version of the Handbook of Doctrine or not since I don't personally have a copy.