Posts Tagged ‘blood’
There Is Power in the Blood
by Terry Wane Benton Wonder working power! What does the blood Jesus shed on the cross really do for me? It works wonders on a sin-condemning conscience. It says Jesus was willing to pay my debt on condition of repentance and confession to those already baptized into Christ (Acts 8:21-22; I John 1:7-9). It works…
Read MoreWhy Blood? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Download Audio Text: Hebrews 9:15-22 I. Let’s look at Hebrews 9:22 A. Have you considered, “Why blood?” 1. If I wanted to clean something, blood is not the first thing that I would think of using. Blood stains are often difficult to remove. B. How is it that remission of sin requires the…
Read MoreThe Blood of Christ by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Peter 1:18-21 I. The blood of Christ is strongly connected with the concept of salvation from sin. A. It has been in the plan of God that Christ should die for mankind 1. Isaiah 53:5 – He was wounded for our transgressions. 2. Zechariah 13:1 – A fountain opened for sin…
Read MoreIs eating balut or anchovies wrong?
Question: Hello brother, I read this post as part of my research and study: Was eating blood only wrong because it was associated with idolatry? We’ve also been teaching this in our local congregation, and I agree with everything that you wrote here. As mentioned, I’m doing my research because I came across a question that…
Read MoreHow can we be of one blood if we have different blood types?
Question: I have a question sir. According to Acts 17:26, He has made us from one blood. But nowadays why are there changes in our blood groups and genotypes? Answer: Each individual has two sets of genes. Depending on the combination of those genes, we have different features, such as the color tone of our…
Read MoreDoes “abstain” mean we have the freedom to choose to follow or not?
Question: Good day brother Jeffrey, I need your help with this translation of Acts 15:20-29 because I do not have the knowledge to read this. I just came across one preacher who said the word “abstain” means to choose not to partake. We have the freedom to choose to follow or not, but I strongly…
Read MoreCan Christians eat animals caught in a trap?
Question: Please, sir, can Christians eat animals caught with a trap? Answer: There are no rules about how an animal is obtained. What is required is that the meat is processed such that blood is drained from the meat. “For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit, and to us, to lay upon you no…
Read MoreWas the blood of Jesus limited only to the washing away of our sins?
Question: Please, was the blood of Jesus limited only to the washing away of our sins? Answer: For the forgiveness of sin and reconciliation with God “Being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God set forth as a propitiation by His blood, through faith, to demonstrate His…
Read MoreNotes on Blood
The Blood of Jesus Christ For the forgiveness of sin and reconciliation with God “Being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God set forth as a propitiation by His blood, through faith, to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His forbearance God had passed over the sins that…
Read More“Why Blood?” is simple, clear, and concise. Thanks!
Question: Great outline: “Why Blood?” Simple, clear, and concise. Thanks! Answer: I’m glad you found it useful.
Read MoreIs it a sin to eat bone marrow?
Question: I would like to know if it is a sin to eat the blood inside the chicken’s bone. Before I got converted I used to eat it, but after I started to doubt if it was a sin or not too, so I would like to know if it’s a sin to do that.…
Read MoreCan a Christian eat anything?
Question: Everything documented fine until your statement that a Christian can eat anything. This contradicts the statement of Jesus that He did not come to change the Law but to complete it. The dietary laws of Deuteronomy are still in effect. And for very good reason. Look carefully at the forbidden animals. The list is…
Read MoreHow far should a Christian go in making sure meat was properly prepared?
Question: How far does God expect Christians to go in determining if meat has been properly prepared for consumption (i.e. the blood has been drained and the animal has not been strangled)? I know that I Corinthians 10:25-31 talks about not asking questions for (the other person’s) conscience’ sake, but to what degree do you…
Read MoreSince lobsters and crabs are cooked whole, does that violate the law not to eat blood?
Question: Some foods like lobster and crab are cooked “as-is” without having the blood removed from the animal. Does this violate Acts 15:20 which instructs Christians not to eat blood? Thank you for your devotion to the scriptures and teaching others. Answer: This is a question I never considered before and never heard discussed. Thank…
Read MoreEven if Jesus existed, why did he last eat herbs and fruit?
Question: Wrong on ALL counts. So if he did exist, and some doubt it now, why did he lastly eat herb and fruit , reiterating genesis 1/29–perhaps he really was veggie -YOU don’t know You obviously don’t understand communion then. And god allowed carrion when he spoke to Noah, I am sure. Any fool with a microscope can…
Read MoreCan you help me with some arguments from a Messianic Jew?
Question: I have a friend who was a Christian and recently left the Church of Christ to join a group of people who call themselves Messianic Jews. My friend, and many other people, were told by the person who they call the rabbi of that group that everyone in that group that their last names…
Read MoreWhat is the difference between water and the blood of Jesus?
Question: What is the difference between water and the blood of Jesus? Answer: The shed blood of Jesus is the reason mankind has a hope of salvation. It paid the price necessary to purchase us back from the debt we incurred by our own sins. “In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness…
Read MoreIs donating blood or organs wrong?
Question: Is donating blood bad? Is donating it sinful if someone needs it right away to live? What about donating organs when someone is in need? What about allowing the government to relinquish your organs after your death? This is a big problem within the confines of our youth. There are two sides to them,…
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