Posts Tagged ‘Bible study’
How do I help new Christians start their journey?
Question: Hello brother, Two of my friends were baptized less than two weeks ago. I want to help them along this journey. Are there any tips you can give me about how to help these new Christians? Answer: “By this we know that we have come to know Him, if we keep His commandments. The one…
Read MoreWe Need a Proof-text, Don’t We?
by Terry Wane Benton Some may misuse a text, and if that text is not carefully examined, it becomes a “proof-text” that sounds, on the surface, to support the user’s point, and that is not good because they have used the Bible to legitimize a point not made or implied by that particular text. So,…
Read MoreStudy to Show Yourself Approved
by Hugh Fulford “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (II Timothy 2:15 KJV). The preceding verse as cited from the King James Version of the Bible has been what I sometimes refer to as an “anchor text” among those committed…
Read MoreWhat is a good way to mark up a Bible?
Question: Does anyone have or know of a good Bible-highlighting strategy? Answer: Virtually all published methods I’ve seen are woefully complicated and even obscuring or distracting from the text. I use a very simple system based on the vocabulary of each book, or in the case of the Psalms, five books. Since even author groups…
Read MoreWhy I Didn’t Leave the Church
by Matthew W. Bassford The posts appear pretty regularly on my Facebook feed. Some poor soul, simmering with hurt and anger, explains why they left the churches of Christ. The explanations are generally long and filled with accusations of bad behavior by brethren. I get it. Like many preachers, I have suffered at the hands…
Read MoreThe Preacher and His Study
by Hiram Kemp The preacher of God’s Word is to speak with all the authority God has given him (Titus 2:15). He is to speak as the oracles of God (I Peter 4:11). He is to proclaim the gospel as the power of God unto salvation (Romans 1:16). However, all of these things assume that…
Read MoreDevoted to the Word
by Doy Moyer When the problem of neglected widows came up in Acts 6, the apostles told the church to choose seven men of special quality to take care of it so that they would be able to “devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word” (Acts 6:4). What does it mean…
Read MoreSpiritual Education by Raymond Warfel
Read MoreMy Take on Bible Classes
by Matthew W. Bassford There’s no doubt that I’m a better teacher than a preacher. My first love is the lectern rather than the pulpit, and I “get” teaching Bible classes in a way that I’ve never gotten preaching sermons. Also, I’ve always been satisfied with the way my Bible classes have gone. Generally, they’re…
Read MoreGrowing Deeper
by Ken Green “Deep calls unto deep at the noise of Your waterfalls; all Your waves and billows have gone over me” (Psalm 42:7). The 17-18th century Scottish novelist, playwright, and poet, Sir Walter Scott wrote of the Bible: “The most learned, acute and diligent student cannot, in the longest life, obtain an entire knowledge…
Read MoreIs it sinful to make marks and notes in your Bible?
Question: Hello brother, We’ve never met, but I’ve always appreciated the Q&A section on the LaVista church website and thought I’d bounce this off you since it’s a somewhat unique question. What do you say to someone who takes a very literal view of Revelation 22:18-19, and thinks it’s sinful to mark in their Bible?…
Read MoreRenewed by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Colossians 3:1-11 I. At times we stop and sigh. Wouldn’t it be nice to return to the days of childhood, when we didn’t have a care in the world? When we were ignorant of all the problems in the world and unacquainted with sin? – Matthew 18:3 A. In our…
Read MoreWhere do I start learning more about the Bible?
Question: Dear Sir, I am a young female trying to get my spiritual life right, but I don’t know where to start. I need information on commentaries that are easy to read and understand to help me out in the process. I am so lost. I pray daily for understanding, and I am trying to…
Read MoreMy wife doesn’t want to study the Bible
Question: Hello brother. I have a question that I would like to ask and I hope you are able to respond if you have a spare moment. I foolishly married a woman who “believes in God” and attending Sunday morning worship but that’s about it. She doesn’t think that she needs to read the Bible…
Read MoreDo You Want Bible Knowledge?
by Gary Smalley I once heard an aged gospel preacher refer to a comment he received from a person who appreciated his sermons: “I wish I knew as much about the Bible as you.” His reply was, “Lady, if you study the Bible for as many years as I have you would know as much…
Read MoreRead, Hear, and Heed by Raymond Warfel
Read MoreUnderstanding the Bible by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Ezra 7:6-10 I. God has given us the truths we need A. It will make us perfect – II Timothy 3:16-17 B. It tells us how to live life and to be godly – II Peter 1:2-4 C. What is written will help us believe – John 20:30-31 II. The answers we seek…
Read MoreGive Attention to Reading by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Timothy 4:1-16 I. Timothy was told to give attention to reading, exhortation, and teaching (I Timothy 4:13) A. You cannot teach without knowledge about the subject you are teaching B. You cannot encourage people to go the right direction if you don’t know where you are going. C. So let’s focus…
Read MoreWill we be judged regarding how much we know about the Bible?
Question: Will we be judged regarding how much we know about the Bible? Answer: Judgment Day is not like taking a final exam in school. “Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat upon it, from whose presence earth and heaven fled away, and no place was found for them. And I…
Read MoreOn Why We Study with Others
by Edwin Crozier Luke 15 shatters a sacred cow. It debunks a myth that I carried with me for a long time and many people I know still hang on to. It is the myth of “Just me and my Bible.” We like to think we just studied the Bible on our own and figured…
Read More180 Day Bible Reading Schedule
Start Date: Finish Date: Total Number of Days: All readings should be completed in one sitting. In order to obtain the maximum benefit from your efforts, read out loud and read every day. Day 1: Genesis 1:1-6:8 Day 2: Genesis 6:9-11:26 Day 3: Genesis 11:27-19:38 Day 4: Genesis 20:1-25:11 Day 5: Genesis 25:12-30:43 Day 6:…
Read MoreYour class on Song of Solomon was one of the most awkward and painful classes I attended, and I really appreciate it years later
Question: Your work constantly impresses me. As a foster parent, I have discovered that there is a large group of brethren that dislike the nitty-gritty situations that come with helping people who are still of the world. It is sort of the “How can you eat with tax collectors and sinners” perspective. We have introduced…
Read MoreDo you know of good Inductive Study guides?
Question: Does anyone know a good Inductive Study Guide for study on how to learn the Scripture? I know there are items out there, but I was trying to locate one that members of the Church of Christ have reviewed and found to be of sound teaching. So many folks really do not know how…
Read MoreWe use your Bible studies extensively
Question: Thank you so very much for all the information that is available on your site. We attend a church of Christ here and use your Bible studies extensively. There are very few strong churches of Christ left. Thank you for being one of them. Answer: Glad you are finding the material on the website…
Read MoreA Fool’s Approach
by Gary P. Eubanks Two men are desperate to learn the answer to the same Bible question. Two men take Scripture and resort to the isolation of a park. Two men focus on particular but different texts. Two men begin a process that will take them far from the religious backgrounds in which they were…
Read MoreHow do I meditate on God’s word?
Question: Please, can you teach me deep insight about meditating on God’s Word and how to meditate? Answer: “My eyes are awake through the night watches, that I may meditate on Your word” (Psalms 119:148). The term means nothing more than learning God’s word and then thinking about it during the day (or night). David…
Read MoreDo Your Own Thinking
by Bob Buchanon via The Eastside Edifier Not many of us think for ourselves when it comes to matters of religion. Most of us are what we are religiously because of the way our parents reared us and have never questioned whether we were right or wrong. We prefer to leave religious subjects and Bible issues…
Read MoreThe Importance of Bible Study by Brace Rutledge 2015 Fall Meeting
Read MoreAm I ashamed of Christ because it is hard for me to invite strangers to Bible study?
Question: I was hoping to get some clarification on “shame” as far as one’s faith in Jesus goes. I was baptized last year and have been trying to obey Jesus’ teachings, but have fallen short on pretty much everything! In the beginning, I dealt with a lot of worldly sorrow, self-condemnation, and distrust of the…
Read MoreWhat is meant by the ignorant and unstable would twist Scriptures to their own destruction?
Question: What was Peter talking about in II Peter 3:16 when he said that the ignorant and unstable would twist scriptures to their destruction? Answer: “And consider that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation–as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given to him, has written to you, as also in all…
Read MoreWhich is more important: secular studies or Bible class?
Question: When brethren choose to attend secular classes or because of their secular studies schedule are unable to attend Bible study on evenings, do you think it’s fair to them to say that secular studies are more important? Answer: The secular world is always less important than the spiritual world. “The world is passing away,…
Read MoreThe Profitable Word
by Irven Lee It certainly makes sense for one to suggest that man should study the Bible. The Bible is a revelation of the will of God. This revelation includes His authoritative commandments which man must obey if he would please his Creator, and it includes the exceeding great and precious promises concerning the good…
Read MoreI’ve listened to the entire Bible during my day
Question: I read your article on Reading the Bible Cover to Cover. Permit me to share that I love listening to my audio Bible and have covered 50 to 100 chapters a day. I have since gone through the Good Book eleven times. By late Wednesday, March 5th, I’ll complete my 12th time through as…
Read MoreBiblical Depth and Beauty
by Doy Moyer via Mind Your Faith I have been a Bible student for the greater part of my life. I have been preaching the gospel for nearly 30 years now. I have been teaching courses at a collegiate level for over a dozen of those years. I don’t say any of this to brag, as…
Read MoreWith so many ways being taught, who am I supposed to follow?
Question: Christ liberated us from legalism. I’m confused about determining what is wrong in our culture. I’ve always been brought up with a tough view on things that aren’t customary. My question is: if we’re called to preach the gospel to the world, how do we do it? Are we to be with the world…
Read MoreScholarly Perversions of the Word
by Eugene W. Clevenger via Preceptor, December 1951 “I know that is what the Bible says alright, but what do the scholars say about it?” I have heard that statement made many times, and it reflects an attitude. There is a widely prevalent idea that the final word to be said about the meaning of any…
Read MoreHow can I strengthen my faith?
Question: My faith is really low, and I feel empty. I pray as often as I can but I haven’t been going to church for quite some time, but I’m going to start going this coming Sunday. My questions are: How do I strengthen my faith and form a strong relationship with God? I have…
Read MoreDo you have other studies for young adults?
Question: Hello Mr. Hamilton, I just wanted to personally thank you for loading your Bible studies and documents online so that young couples, such as me and my boyfriend, can access them. My boyfriend and I have really been on a strong track to strengthen both our relationship and our spiritual relationship with Christ. We…
Read MoreMy new job interferes with going to Bible study. What do I do?
Question: I just started a new job at school where I work the second shift Monday through Friday. The local assembly where I worship meets for Bible study on Wednesday evenings. My question is: according to Hebrews 10:25 is it considered forsaking or neglecting if I miss Wednesday Bible study? Answer: The reason for attending…
Read MoreHow do you know what Bible references to use?
Question: What is the best way in how to study my Bible? As you do when writing the articles, how do you know which specific references to use? Answer: The simple answer is whatever way that keeps you interested. As an example, I’ve never read my Bible from cover to cover. I’ve read the whole Bible many…
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