Are we not to support organizations that do good?

Question: Dear Sir: I have been reading your website for a long time and gaining much knowledge from it. I am puzzled though about how we as Christians are to meet the expectations of Matthew 25:31-46. If we are not to support organizations, such as the Salvation Army, is there a recommended method to contribute…

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I can’t help everyone

Question: Hello brother Hamilton, Before I explain my situation and ask questions, I wanted to say thank you for the Lord’s work being done on the La Vista website and how easy it is to find study materials and answers to various Bible questions. My friend introduced me to the website some time ago and…

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Did Paul bring alms to all Jews or just Christians?

Question: Hello Jeffrey, The Apostle Paul in Acts 24:17 shows that he brought alms, supplied by churches, to his nation. Alms would be mercy benevolence to the poor of that region. The New Testament Greek word for “nation” in this passage is ethnos. Thayer defines this word as a multitude associated or living together. Louw & Nida’s Greek Lexicon…

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How should I help the homeless?

Question: Dear Sir, I live in a city where there are a lot of homeless people. I need to know what I as a Christian need to do to help them. I give money at my local grocery store that goes to a food bank for those in need, I also leave a care package…

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Are You a Good Samaritan?

by Jefferson David Tant If you know anything about the Bible at all, you probably know the story of The Good Samaritan as recorded in Luke 10:30-37. But before we get to that, please read the story about a young boy in Leeds, England. Chivalry Is Not Dead In Leeds, on a very wet wintry…

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Fruitful Christians by Jeffery W. Hamilton Text John 15:1-8   I.         We know that Jesus’ words in John 15 concerning the vine and branches are dealing with individual Christians and not denominations.             A.        Jesus is the vine, each one of us are branches off that vine, and God is the vinedresser.             B.        But don’t get so caught up in…

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Is it wrong to do volunteer work that may interfere with attending services?

Question: Jeffrey, I want to ask a question concerning non-government operations (NGOs) and volunteer groups. I have this desire to be part of such organizations and groups to help humans and contribute to society and humanity in general. But my challenge is that it can be time-consuming, which is affecting my presence in church (mostly…

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But It’s a Good Work

by Jefferson David Tant From time to time, when discussing the mission and work of the church, questions are raised about certain practices that some will claim are not authorized in Scripture. The response often given is “But it’s a good work.” This has been a standard thought when discussions arise about orphan homes, “Christian”…

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Who is Romans 12:13 talking about?

Question: Good morning, I came across a comment that was made on a particular verse: Romans 12:13, “Distributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality.” Could you please comment on who it is that is distributing the needs of the saints? And that of given to hospitality. In Greek, this “given to hospitality,” is…

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How far can a church go in assisting a congregation in a disaster area?

Question: How far can a congregation go to help another congregation in need? For example several states away a congregation’s building gets destroyed by a hurricane along with several members homes. Because of the devastation, they have no access to building supply stores and the like. They are not just in need of monetary assistance…

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Measuring Acceptability

by Whit Sasser In II Corinthians 8:12 we read, “For if there is first a willing mind, it is accepted according to what one has, and not according to what he does not have.” This principle of God’s word is to be respected, as well as all others. Sadly, there seem to be many areas…

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How Pure Is Your Religion?

by Jefferson David Tant You know the verse: “Pure and undefiled religion … is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress” (James 1:27). Now, consider Ezekiel 16:49, where God mentions Sodom’s sins. “Behold, this was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had arrogance, abundant food, and careless ease, but…

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How do I teach someone about the proper way to do benevolence?

Question: Hello, I am a newer Christian and love your site. Thanks so much for making it available. While I have much growth spiritually, know that you are helping me to grow. My cousin and I do not agree on the benevolence work of an individual Christian vs. the Local Church. He wants to study…

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Seek the Welfare of the City

by Doy Moyer God’s people had been sent into exile because of their failure to keep the covenant. While in Babylonian exile, what should have been the attitude of the exiles generally? Jeremiah sent a letter to those in exile: “to the surviving elders of the exiles, and to the priests, the prophets, and all…

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Three Philosophies of Life by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Luke 10:25-37   I.         Luke 10:25-37             A.        A lawyer, trying to test Jesus, asked him how to gain eternal life.             B.        Jesus, as was his want, turned the question around and asked for his opinion first.             C.        The response was to love God and to love his neighbor. To which Jesus agreed.             D.        The…

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Does God require giving everything you have to the church?

Question: Sir, My question stems from a statement made by a minister regarding how we ought to give to God. He said that if we give all the money in our bank account, we will not starve, God will find a way to provide for us. This statement troubled my heart because, in this part…

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A Friendly Letter on Benevolence

  by Irven Lee (1914-1991) April 1, 1958 A good friend that I have known and appreciated a long time sent a letter of inquiry which prompted this answer. Since so many are wondering about the same problems, I am making a few copies of the letter [that I wrote in response] with the hope…

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Should aid be given to a member who doesn’t attend worship often?

Question: Good day, Would it be scriptural to refuse a widow benevolence because of very poor attendance at the worship services? Answer: Are you talking about benevolence by individuals? Then it would be up to the individual to decide. Individuals are to do good to all people (Galatians 6:9-10). Are you talking about benevolence by…

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Is benevolence by Christians limited to other Christians?

Question: I want to know whether sharing or any act of benevolence by Christians should be limited to the body of Christ alone. Answer: There are two standards for benevolence work.  One concerns what the church can do and the other concerns what individuals are expected to do. The easy one is what is commanded…

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How do you do good when you live in a dangerous country?

Question: Hello, I am a member of a church of Christ and have been continuously blessed by the spiritual resources on your website. May God continue to provide you with the effort to keep this work going. Amen. You will be surprised how many people around the globe with good heart comes to your website…

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The People of God — Their Attitude Toward the Social Order

by Ed Harrell Throughout history, in relating themselves to the world, the two options which Christians have most often pursued were to vigorously strive to control the world or to disdainfully withdraw from it. Some have dreamed that they would make their society “Christian,” necessarily defined in cultural and nationalistic terms, and have passed laws,…

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The Church at Work in Benevolence

by Irvin Himmel via Guardian of Truth XXXIX:10 p. 6-8, May 18, 1995 There is no better way to teach the plan of salvation than examining the cases of conversion in the book of Acts. Such examples as the Jews on Pentecost, the Samaritans, the Ethiopian eunuch, Saul of Tarsus, Cornelius, Lydia, the Philippian jailer, and the…

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A “Systemic” Problem

by Ethan R. Longhenry For the past 200 or so years, we have seen a fundamental shift in the way that people relate to one another. The Industrial Revolution has certainly brought its share of benefits: greater productivity, acceleration in the development of technology, a greater quality of life, and longer-lasting life, among other things.…

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The Poor Lame Man and the Church

by Terry W. Benton Just shortly earlier than the scene in Acts 3 is the story of the beginning of the church and the fellowship they had with each other (Acts 2:42f), the selling of possessions to divide among all the saints that had need (due to the unexpected overstay that they, as former unbelieving…

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How far should I go in helping a family living in sin?

Question: My father-in-law is in poor health and is moving up here with us so we can help take care of him, and he can spend some time with his grandchildren during his remaining time here. Unfortunately, he’s not a Christian. He was originally going to move in with us but then decided against it,…

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The Poor Have the Gospel Preached to Them

by Andy Sochor The common perception by people – both within and outside of the religious world – is that churches are charitable organizations designed to help the poor. Denominational churches spend much time, energy, and money helping the poor. Those who are in need (or claim to be in need) often visit churches seeking…

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Let Us Do Good to All

Let Us Do Good to All – Part 1Let Us Do Good to All – Part 2 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Galatians 6:1-10   I.         What is meant by “doing good”?             A.        Often we think of giving money to the poor, feeding the hungry, etc. And these are good things.             B.        But when we read Galatians 6:10,…

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Why doesn’t the church sell everything it owns to give to the poor?

Question: The church in Acts had people who sold their possessions and gave to those without. Why doesn’t the church do that today? Is it a sin to deny someone something because you want to use it? Answer: An example of the selling of the possessions that you referenced in Acts 4:32 – 5:11 there…

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I don’t have much, so what do I do with my money?

Question: Hello, I have very little money and this is a rare opportunity to spend it on much-needed personal items. Or should I spend my money on a poor person, giving them all of it? Or should I pay my sister all of it because I owe her quite a bit of money? Answer: “Let…

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If I give a gift, should I not say who it is from?

Question: The Bible says to give in secret, so does that mean we should not even let people know who it’s from, or does it mean we should just not go around saying, “Oh, yeah, I gave this to so and so”? And does that mean for a birthday or a random giving we should…

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I know I should do more, but I don’t have the money. What do you think?

Question: I thank you for your articles. They are very helpful. Thank God for men like you. I work with people who are just religious but think that all of us are Christians including themselves. They are trying to find connections with the church of Christ and the denomination because they realize that I belong…

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Is it wrong to ask for lent money back?

Question: I have lent money to some people in my workplace. Is it right to ask it back because in doing so I have to be firm, and when they don’t return it I get weird ideas about them? Basically, my question is whether it is a sin to ask for money back once you…

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