Is it bad that most members in our church were raised in the church?
Dear Mr. Hamilton,
I've been emphasizing how important truth is in the Bible to one of my friends. She has been very receptive to the truths I've shown her in God's Word. I've taken her to the church I attend and she enjoys it but she says it's not her thing. Now I tell her it's about pleasing God, not man. She says she thinks the church of Christ has the whole "fellowship" thing down but that in terms of going out into the world and making disciples they are lacking. She says she's talked to many people at the church of Christ she visited and asked me about mine. She said most of the people were brought up in it, not converted. She also says that when we worship we don't lift our hands and a lot of people in the room just look like they're reading off the screen.
Obviously, these words were hard for me to hear but I guess her points may have some weight. I told her that only God knows the heart of the worshiper, but she said that she thinks if you're into it then lifting hands should come naturally. I've always wondered about that. Doesn't I Corinthians say to lift up holy hands to God? Why don't more churches do that? Is it optional?
I just don't know what to say. I've been studying and working so hard with this person but I'm losing hope. Any advice?
It would depend on the congregation. Here I would guess about half the members were not raised by Christians but were converted to Christianity at some point in their life. But it is a foolish argument in the first place. I would argue that there is something wrong with a group that cannot retain the children raised by Christian parents. See: Saving Our Own. Parents bringing up faithful children are also a part of evangelism.
Regarding lifting up hands, see: Shouldn't we lift hands in prayer and greet with a holy kiss? and Who is Closer to God?