Posts Tagged ‘emotionalism’
Of Moods and Motivation
by Jason Moore There are days I don’t feel like working. There are days when I’m around people that I don’t want to be. I’d rather not smile. I’d rather be alone and not be bothered. Moods are peculiar things. Like the weather, they’re hard to predict. They are affected by so many variables –…
Read MoreThe Contagion of Emotions
by Terry Wane Benton At Ephesus, there was a stirring of emotions causing the idolatrous people to start a long series of chants and emotional outbursts of “Great is Diana of the Ephesians” (Acts 19:34). This constant chant went on for two hours. There was a contagion of emotions, and perhaps the fervor for Diana…
Read MoreA Heartfelt Religion by Raymond Warfel
Read MoreEmotional Worship of God by Raymond Warfel
Read MoreEmotional Decision Making by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Genesis 37:32-35 I. Repeatedly I find people making decisions based on their feelings. A. Usually I get contacted because those choices have gone wrong and the person wants to know why. B. But I can’t help but notice that this isn’t just a problem in moral choices. The news is filled with…
Read MoreI struggle because I have never experienced or felt my religion
Question: My question is about Christianity itself. I go to one of those big non-denominational churches you see in the metropolitan areas. I have kind of been struggling with actually experiencing God or feeling any presence. I’m not even sure if I’m a Christian. To clear any pre-misconceptions I never say profanity. I’m not against God…
Read MoreI want to jump and lavish in God’s glory
Question: I’m a Roman Catholic and I finally fully accepted Jesus into my life after 15 years of me just saying I believe in him and still turning my back and obeying the world. I am continuously growing and deepening my relationship with him. I go to a Christian school and my best friend is…
Read MoreIs it bad that most members in our church were raised in the church?
Question: Dear Mr. Hamilton, I’ve been emphasizing how important truth is in the Bible to one of my friends. She has been very receptive to the truths I’ve shown her in God’s Word. I’ve taken her to the church I attend and she enjoys it but she says it’s not her thing. Now I tell…
Read MoreI didn’t answer the altar call when I should have. Have I offended God?
Question: I think I messed up big time this past Sunday. During a song, my pastor stepped to the pulpit and gave an invitation to the lost. The Spirit moved so powerfully during the song that the preacher didn’t get to preach that morning. I’m saved, but during this invitation, God was convicting me to…
Read MoreWorship as Entertainment
by Mark Roberts via Abundant Life Romans 1 challenges us with its chilling words “they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man” (vv. 22-23). Man has the propensity to change God and the worship of God into what he desires. Instead of doing what the Lord…
Read MoreAll Feeling, No Proof
by Robert Turner via Plain Talk, April 1970 The current rash or tongue-speaking, miracle-sanctioning, and the far more common errors concerning direct Spirit indwelling, that infects many institutional churches of Christ, was not brought to earth in the Apollo 11 moon dust. It sprang from causes within the ranks. Last month we suggested that reaction to…
Read MoreWorship: The Emotional Component
by Warren E. Berkley “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth,” (John 4:24). Every element of true worship involves some emotional component. The emotional component is not driven by a direct operation of the Holy Spirit (as in Calvinism) or “getting the Holy Spirit” (as in Charismatic practice). The…
Read MoreIs it wrong to clap after someone is baptized?
Question: Is it wrong to clap after someone is baptized? Answer: Clapping is a way of showing approval or appreciation. We generally use clapping to show approval to something that entertained us, but it can be used for other things we approve. As such it isn’t particularly wrong, but I do have a concern when…
Read MoreMy ex-girlfriend is caught up in emotionalism. How can I get her to see the truth?
Question: I just wanted to know if you had any advice to assist me in dealing with this particular situation. I have tried to approach my ex-girlfriend about allowing emotions to lead you to follow false doctrine and learned that she has a new boyfriend, who apparently she believes is the ideal person because they…
Read MoreIs it wrong to clap or raise hands during singing?
Question: I love the Lord our God with all that I am. Daily I give my all to show Christ through my actions. Of course, I am a sinner and I know that this is a daily growing experience, but what a journey it is! I am a married young female and understand, accept, and…
Read MoreWho is Closer to God?
by Bob Pulliam Now don’t get me wrong! This is not a contest mentality being advocated here. But the question does enter my mind. I surfed over a channel the other day where people had the lights dimmed low, all were holding candles and swaying while singing Alleluia. I’m not trying to poke fun at anyone…
Read MoreA Heart-Felt Religion?
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I. It seems many people today are struggling with the concept of worship. A. Suppose a visitor comes to worship with us. We sing a song of praise to God. The lights are on, eyes are open, no one is swaying with hands in the air. 1. This same person visits another group that…
Read MoreEmotionalism by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Acts 20:18-38 I. When we look at the various denominations around us, it is hard to miss their enthusiasm and the emotional quality to the things that they do. A. They really get involved in their worship. B. The bigger churches services are large productions. C. A friend once told me about a…
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