Is it a sin to not offer an invitation at the end of a sermon?

Question: I understand there is a sin of omission, James 4:17. I attend a congregation where the preacher never preaches the gospel, hear, believe, repent, confess, and be baptized for the remission of sins. He preaches the truth and is very scriptural in all of his lessons; however, he very rarely, if ever, extends an…

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Why is Jeremiah referred to as the weeping prophet? 

Question: Why is Jeremiah referred to as the weeping prophet? Answer: “Oh, that my head were waters, and my eyes a fountain of tears, that I might weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people! … I will take up a weeping and wailing for the mountains, and for the…

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Can I be filled with the Spirit when I have a sinful past?

Question: Hi, good morning, I was looking for a particular topic online when I came across your page where you were giving advice about fornication, etc. However, I’m 21 years old, baptized at 11 years old, changed churches, and I’m now at my present church for several years now; anyways, I’ve been engaging in sexual…

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Is all sin premeditated?

Question: Is all sin premeditated? Answer: I was intrigued by your question. I am not sure what you exactly mean by premeditated and what boundaries to go by, but in the Bible, there are sins mentioned that people don’t realize what they are doing. There are also other sins where people just were not given…

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Bible Baptism

by Foy E. Wallace Bible Banner – 1948 The basic principle of all obedience is understanding. “He that heareth the word and understandeth it” (Matthew 13:23). “Go preach the gospel — he that believeth (the gospel) and is baptized shall be saved” (Mark 16:15-16). Believing that Jesus Christ is the Son of God is not…

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I’m confused by the apparent compilation of records in Genesis

Question: I have been reading your material in Genesis and find your conclusions intriguing on the book being a collection of inspired records that Moses made under the direction of the Holy Spirit.  I am creating material for my daily Genesis podcast, so I want to ensure that I’m accurately portraying this part of your…

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Justifying Sin by Alan Feaster

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Busy Here and There by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Kings 20:13-42   I.         Ben-hadad, king of Aram, was determined to take Israel.             A.        At first he tried to cripple Israel by demanding anything he wanted – I Kings 20:2-6             B.        He threaten to grind the capital of Israel into dust, but he was rebuffed – I Kings 20:10-11             C.        He tried…

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I’ve been going through a lot and I’ve just had it with life

Question: I need help. I’ve been going through a lot right now. But here is what is going on: We couldn’t afford to stay at my original house, so we had to move into a smaller house. Money is really tight right now. We’re poor. I don’t know if God is doing it to us.…

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How do I teach others about difficult topics?

Question: Hello preacher, How are you? Fine, I hope. It may sound strange, but considering how much you’ve answered my questions and the frequency I read the site’s articles and sermons, I’ve got used to your writing style and kind of feel like you are a close friend of mine. Every time a doubt pops…

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If I don’t have sex, he refuses to support me

Question: I have been living with my children’s father for ten years. I am a stay-at-home mom in my late twenties. I was baptized at my church camp. He’s upset with me all the time — before and after I was baptized. Well, I sinned. I had sex with him two weeks ago. The reason…

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Did animals start eating meat after the fall of man?

Question: Thank you for the wonderful and comprehensive website with so much Bible-based information.  I’m reading it daily and learning so much. Many thanks. One question comes to mind that I did not find an answer to, although the Bible does mention that the first animals in creation ate the grasses of the field.  Were…

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Is it wrong to look at images of Hindu gods?

Question: I have a question: you see, with my religion now, I tend to look at other religions. Not for worship but there are some religious gods in Hinduism that I usually research because they look interesting, such as the art that is made of them. Is that bad? If I’m interested in them but…

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How do I get my wife to stop nagging?

Question: Hello, What does the Bible say about a nagging wife? She brings up legitimate concerns from time to time. We currently are having financial problems because we are having to pay for an upcoming childbirth, and we have had a lot of unexpected expenses come up this year. But she goes overboard with it…

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Why did God kill the Egyptian babies?

Question: Can you please shed some light on the angel of death causing the firstborn of all the Egyptian babies to die? I understand to some degree that God in His sovereign will allow this to work out for the freeing of the Israelites from bondage. Knowing that no one can fully comprehend the infinite…

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The Life of the Apostle John by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Matthew 20:20-28   I.         Early life             A.        Matthew 4:21-22                         1.         His father’s name was Zebedee. His brother was James.                         2.         He was a fisherman by trade, working with his father and brother.             B.        Mark 1:20 – His father was prosperous enough to have hired servants             C.        Luke 5:10-11 – They were partnered with two other…

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Can you sell drugs and be a Christian?

Question: Hello Jeff, I just wanted to follow up with you on the conversation I had with my friend tonight. First, there’s someone he wants input on helping. He has a friend — let’s call this friend Bob — who owes him money (possibly from past drug deals, but I’m not sure). My friend has…

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Gaius Versus Diotrephes by Alan Feaster

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To me, love proves there is free will

Question: Dear Mr. Hamilton, Thank you for your lessons in reference to the determinist or Calvinist’s point of view vs. the view of choice or free will: There Is No Partiality With God The Role of Obedience in Salvation Is Our Fate Predetermined? If one takes the Calvinist’s view that only the elect are called…

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Ancient Prophets in a Modern World

by Homer Hailey via The Preceptor Vol. 1, No. 3, January 1952. One of the most, if not the most neglected portions of the Bible in our study today is that of the Prophets. No doubt the reason for this is that there has been so much speculation among modern dispensationalists, in which men of this error…

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What Is the Hardest Command?

by Jefferson David Tant From time to time, we see articles written about love. We remember a lawyer asking Jesus a question, “trying him: Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law? And he said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and…

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Your rapture article is highly inaccurate

Question: I find your rapture article highly inaccurate as you throw verses together that clearly have no harmony with the calling up of God’s people. How else does a world order be ushered in without millions going missing?  If there is no rapture there is no changing of the bodies. Christ isn’t physically on the earth and…

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Could God have sent a married man to be my husband?

Question: Could a man who is married be the husband God sent to me? The reason why I ask this question is that I have never felt this way about anyone, especially someone who is married. The shocking thing is that he feels the same way that I feel, and we both are trying to…

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What Repentance Is Not

by Joe R. Price via The Spirit’s Sword, 2009 The verb translated “repent” in the New Testament (metanoeo) literally means “to perceive afterward”; so repent means “to change one’s mind or purpose” (Thayer). God commands all men everywhere to repent of their sins (Acts 17:30). That is, God commands a change the mind and purpose concerning…

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Act Like Men by Alan Feaster

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The Lord Bless You by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Numbers 6:22-27   I.         It takes up only 32 words in English, only 15 words in the original Hebrew; yet, the blessing God instructed the priests to use is packed with rich meaning in a few words. II.        The Lord bless you and keep you             A.        A desire that God grants you…

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Teenage Suicide: Its Causes and Its Cure

by Harold Fite Guardian of Truth – June 20, 1985 If the trend continues, 50,000 suicides will have occurred in this country by the end of 1985. Ten thousand of this number will be committed by young people between the ages of 15 and 34. Suicide is the second greatest killer among those between the ages…

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Well done!

Question: I do not email websites, but in this case, I must make an exception. Well done! I find this site very helpful and think y’all did a great job. I think it is worth your effort. Answer: Thank you for the kind encouragement.

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Your answers are simply excellent

Question: I’ve been reading your Questions and Answers section for several years now. I wanted to finally take the time to thank you for all the work that goes into it. Your answers are simply excellent. Devotion to the truth of God’s word is always in evidence. You do not twist or run from the…

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What exactly is Judgment Day?

Question: I have several questions: What exactly is Judgment Day? If I die and go to heaven, can I somehow go to hell after Judgment Day if my sins outweigh the good that I had done? Can a person go to hell, then on Judgment Day go to heaven? What things do I have to…

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