The Scriptures

Text: Luke 24:33-49


I.         How do you look at the Bible?

            A.        Lately I’ve talked to people with wide opinions concerning the things written

                        1.         One person seems to take great pleasure in locating and pointing every apparent inconsistency he can find in God’s Word.

                                    a.         It is obvious to all that he has no belief and he wants no one else to believe either.

                                    b.         If he can satisfy himself that it isn’t God’s Word, then he doesn’t have to follow it.

                        2.         Consider this quote that illustrates a different attitude: “Along with this, I came to differ with the Churches of Christ whose creed is ‘to speak where the Bible speaks and be silent where the Bible is silent.’ This creed dictated that one must have specific authorization by command, example or necessary inference from the Bible to do anything. It developed a legalistic, pharisaic mind set that sowed the seed for much dissension and division producing the factions of the Churches of Christ. For example, the whole mandate to only ‘call Bible things by Bible names’ is contradictory because the word ‘Bible’ is not even in the Bible! From the Scriptures I came to believe the opposite. I believe that we should be silent where the Bible speaks and speak where the Bible is silent. In other words, a Christian should simply obey where the bible speaks and only speak (have opinions) where the Bible is silent. In building a life, a church or a ‘system’ for a movement, we are ‘free’ to do anything the Scriptures do not specifically, by command, by example or by necessary inference prohibit (Colossians 2:16-23). The truth seeker will always strive to be faithful to the direction and the spirit of the Scriptures.” Kip McKean, April 1992, Upside Down Magazine. Mr. McKean is the head of the International Churches of Christ, formerly known as the Boston Movement.

                                    a.         Quite an attitude with a host of errors.

                                    b.         Just as an example, the idea that the Bible doesn’t call itself the Bible.

                                                (1)       The word Bible is a transliteration of the Greek word for Book.

                                                (2)       Hebrews 10:7 - The Bible is called the Book.

                                                (3)       Nehemiah 8:1, 3, 5, 8, 18 - God’s law is called the Book.

            B.        It is really another cavalier attitude toward God.

                        1.         What do you think about a child who says to you “you didn’t say not to!”?

II.        The Bible claims to be complete

            A.        James 1:25 - The perfect (complete) law of liberty

            B.        II Peter 1:3 - Everything pertaining to life and godliness

                        1.         Is there something godly that is not found in the Bible? No.

                        2.         If something is not godly, then what is it? Ungodly or wicked.

                        3.         So things not found in the Bible are what? Wicked.

            C.        II Timothy 3:16-17 - Able to make those who follow it complete.

            D.        A person who claims the right to do something because it is not found in the Bible has no respect for the completeness of God’s word.

III.       The word “Scripture” used in II Timothy 3:16 means “writings.”

            A.        The Law of Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms are known as Scripture - Luke 24:44-45, 25-27

            B.        The writings of Paul and others are also Scripture - II Peter 3:15-16

            C.        Yet, think about this, Jesus argued in Luke 24 that all things written in the Scriptures must be fulfilled.

                        1.         Jesus believed that God’s word had come about. Prophecy wasn’t a suggestion of what might take place, but a declaration of what must take place.

                        2.         In other words, God’s word is sure and firm. - John 10:35

            D.        This is why Jesus used the Scriptures to challenge people

                        1.         Matthew 21:42 - “Have you never read in the Scriptures?”

                        2.         Matthew 12:7 - “Had you known what this means ...”

                        3.         Matthew 9:13 - “Go and learn what this means ...”

                        4.         Jesus saw the Scriptures as authoritative. Truth is found in them and if they are ignored you will error.

            E.        The reason is simple, God is the author of all Scripture.

                        1.         Paul said all Scripture comes from the breath of God - II Timothy 3:16

                        2.         Look at Matthew 19:4-6. To whom does Jesus attribute these words? Why, God!

                                    a.         But if you look at Genesis 2:24, which is what was quoted, it is a narrative comment which isn’t attributed to anyone.

                                    b.         By attributing them to God, Jesus is testifying that God authored Genesis.

                        3.         Paul quotes the same passage and also attributes it to God - I Corinthians 6:14-16

IV.      The Scriptures were used as proof

            A.        Acts 8:35 - Philip used Isaiah to teach about Jesus

            B.        Acts 17:2-3 - Paul reasoned from the Scriptures

            C.        Acts 17:11 - The Scriptures were searched

            D.        Acts 18:28 - Apollos made a vigorous defense from the Scriptures

            E.        Why? Because the Scriptures tell us what God said.

            F.        Romans 9:17 - The Scriptures said to Pharaoh

            G.        Galatians 3:8 - The Scriptures preached to Abraham

            H.        Who spoke to Pharaoh and Abraham? Why God did!

                        1.         God’s words are Scripture.

                        2.         They are so closely linked that what God said is the same as the Scriptures (the written record) said.

V.        The Bible claims to be the written words of God.

            A.        How much respect do you have for God’s words?

            B.        Do you search for loopholes?

            C.        Do you decide that if God doesn’t forbid then He is allowing it?

                        1.         If so, the Bible doesn’t say the church can’t operate a car wash, so let's buy one and call it the “Glory to God Car Wash”

                        2.         How does doing something God didn’t say to do give glory to Him? - Colossians 3:17

                        3.         Isn’t doing something that God didn’t say adding to His word? - Proverbs 30:6

VI.      We need respect for God’s word

            A.        I Corinthians 4:6 - Do not go beyond what is written. Beyond is the territory of what is not said, the silence of God.

            B.        II John 9 - Stay within the bounds of God’s teachings

            C.        I Corinthians 2:9-11 - Know one knows the mind of God, but God Himself. What audacity to think we know what God approves when God didn’t say.

            D.        I Peter 4:11 - Speak only as the oracles of God.

            E.        Say, isn’t that “speaking where the Bible speaks?” And isn’t I Corinthians 4:6 telling us to be silent where the Bible is silent? Hmmm.

            F.        Mr. McKean and others believe the opposite. I wonder what that says?

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