Justified then Sanctified?

by Perry Hall For those who don’t consider baptism the point at which God grants us His grace but rather an outward sign of inward grace, some propose moving baptism from the justification column to the sanctification column. Here are two problems with that. First, the scriptural problem considering Scripture is our authority. Notice how…

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The Solution for Sins

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Corinthians 6:9-11 Sin was a big problem in the church at Corinth. It is a big problem worldwide and throughout all time. But Jesus offers a solution to sin: Washed Sanctified Justified Cleansed Set apart for a holy purpose Made right before the law   Justified When we sin,…

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Justified by God

by Doy Moyer Justification is not due to a mere man making an offering to God. Justification is due to God incarnate making an offering as both the reconciler and the One with whom reconciliation must be made. That is, through Christ, God was reconciling all things to Himself and making peace by the blood…

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The Blood of Christ

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/The-Blood-of-Christ.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Peter 1:18-21   I.         The blood of Christ is strongly connected with the concept of salvation from sin.             A.        It has been in the plan of God that Christ should die for mankind                         1.         Isaiah 53:5 – He was wounded for our transgressions.                         2.         Zechariah 13:1 – A fountain opened for sin…

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Justification by Works in James

by Matthew W. Bassford Earlier, I wrote about Paul’s discussion of justification by works in the first four chapters of Romans. In it, he says that justification by works requires perfect obedience to God, which no one but Jesus has achieved. Thus, Christians must seek salvation by faith apart from works. Similarly, baptism for the…

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Justification by Works and Baptism

by Matthew W. Bassford At the end of Romans 3 and the beginning of Romans 4, we encounter the most famous of Paul’s teachings: justification by faith in Jesus. Throughout the context, he contrasts it with justification by works. Abraham was not justified by works, nor was David, nor can we be. From this magnificent…

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No Condemnation

by Ken Green Text: Romans 8:1-4 The major theme the apostle is dealing with continues to be the results of justification by faith. This thesis was taken up in Romans 5:1, “Therefore having been justified by faith, we have…” The closing verses of chapters 5, 6, and 7 serve to underscore the direction of the…

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Freedom in Christ

by Matthew W. Bassford A few days ago, I posted a bulletin article about Galatians 3:23-25 and Paul’s proclamation that we are no longer under the Law of Moses. In particular, I applied this to the use of instrumental music in worship and explained that the use of the instrument in Psalms and elsewhere is…

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Justifying Ourselves

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/JustifyingOurselves.mp3 by Andrew Long

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Is justification through faith? Is a sinner forgiven when he prays?

Question: Dear Mr. Hamilton, I was reading your article on the NIV and I found it very informative! I just want to start off by saying thank you I had no idea there were a few discrepancies I needed to be aware of. With regards to this, I had a question. I completely agree with the point…

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Are we judged based on justification or based on sanctification?

Question: Are we judged based on justification or based on sanctification? The reason I ask is because of Hebrews 10:26-31. It appears these people have already been justified, but are merely trampling on grace. I wanted an expert’s opinion. Answer: It appears you are making a distinction not found in the Scriptures. Your question makes…

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