Posts Tagged ‘thankfulness’
I just read your son’s wonderful tribute to his grandmother
Question: Hi Jeff, I just read your son Anthony’s wonderful tribute to his grandmother. God has truly blessed us with the gift of Christian friends and family—each one a reflection of His love. Your thoughtful advice and godly guidance shared through your website have made a difference in many lives, including ours. May we never…
Read MoreThanks for God-Given Friends by Anthony Hamilton My beloved grandmother, Sara Melson, completed her sojourn in this world the Saturday before Thanksgiving. She had faithfully fought the good fight and completed her race. She has entered into her final rest. She was among the most generous, serving, and encouraging people I know, and I am so thoroughly blessed…
Read MoreThankfulness and Gratitude by Raymond Warfel Download Audio
Read MoreTo Whom Are You Thankful?
by Doy Moyer When someone says, “I’m thankful,” to whom is this person thankful? Thankfulness is an expression of gratitude or appreciation, but to make sense, it must be directed to one who has given or made the circumstances possible in which that expression finds meaning. Just saying, “I’m thankful,” into the air is pointless.…
Read MoreGratitude for the Grace of God
by Doy Moyer The grace of God through Jesus Christ is one of the most powerful concepts to consider. We stand in the grace of God as we have peace (reconciliation) with Him (Romans 5:1-5). As great as this is, it is also a concept that can be twisted, perverted, and become a license to…
Read MoreAlways Grateful
by Doy Moyer How we think about God and our level of gratitude are connected. If we think about God respectfully and remember what He has done and continues to do, we will be grateful. How can we not be? Paul makes this connection in Romans 1:21-22. In a context where he is speaking about…
Read MoreIn Everything Give Thanks
by Terry Wane Benton Paul says, “this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (I Thessalonians 5:18). This is what God wants. He doesn’t want us to spend our time complaining and griping. Such a negative disposition! His will is that we spend our time “giving thanks” but doing so “in everything.”…
Read MoreGive Us Our Daily Bread by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Matthew 6:9-13 I. When God created man, he was placed in a garden that provided his needs – Genesis 2:8-9 A. But man sinned and was driven from the Garden – Genesis 3:17-19 B. The basics of sustenance was no longer provided. It had to be worked for – II Thessalonians…
Read MoreNow Thank We All Our God
by Cloyce Sutton II The “Thirty Years’ War” (1618-1648) was a devastating European conflict centered in what’s now Germany. It began as a power struggle between Protestant and Catholic forces within the Holy Roman Empire but spread among various factions throughout Europe, eventually drawing in much of Central Europe, including Spanish, Swedish, French, Dutch, Croatian,…
Read MoreRecent Evidence Shows?
by Warren E. Berkley Several years ago scientists (especially in the behavior field) formed a research team. The simple question to be studied was: What can be done for people who are depressed? Not severe depression that has some physiological cause. Just people who visit a therapist and they present symptoms of depression; functional but…
Read MoreAbounding Through Many Thanksgivings to God
by R. J. Evans We are so fortunate to live in a country that realizes the need to set aside a special day of “Thanksgiving.” Our nation celebrates this holiday on the fourth Thursday in November — this coming Thursday. However, as Christians, every day should be a day of “thanksgiving” because we have innumerable…
Read MoreI Will Bless the Lord at All Times by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalms 34 I. We usually think about the victories of David and see his life through that lens A. He defeated Goliath B. He won amazing battles over the Philistines C. He became king over all of Israel D. But we forget how difficult David’s life was reaching that point II. The situation A. King…
Read MoreReasons to Glorify God by Raymond Warfel
Read MorePsalms 100 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalms 100 I. There is a psalm which is specifically titled as one to be used for thanksgiving or during a thank offering, it is Psalms 100 II. What you should do … A. Shout joyfully to the Lord 1. Some things are not meant to be kept in – Psalms 32:11;…
Read MoreWith Gratitude in Our Hearts by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Thessalonians 5:12-24 Suggested song: Count Your Blessings I. The Ten Lepers – Luke 17:11-19 A. I’m sure all ten were happy to have been healed. B. Perhaps in their joy nine rushed off to tell their loved ones, but only one returned to say “thank you.” C. We get so caught…
Read MoreI Will Give Thanks to You Forever by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalms 30 I. When nice things happen, we know we ought to be thankful A. Yet, in our happiness we too often forget – Luke 17:12-19 B. However, in one of David’s Psalms, David contemplates other times we might not think of being thankful to God II. In the depths of despair…
Read MoreIf You Only Received Today What You Thanked God for Yesterday, What Would You Have? by Raymond Warfel
Read MoreThankfulness and Remembrance by Clint Crosier
Read MoreJamaica Patois Wisdom – Being Grateful
by Jefferson David Tant The Jamaican Patois dialect is colorful, unique, and humorous. It is my desire to share some of the philosophy shown in this mix of colorful phrases that are witty as well as thought-provoking. I hope the readers both profit and enjoy. In my quarter-century plus of teaching there, I have come…
Read MorePeople of Thankfulness by Brett Bowen
Read MoreHow to Thank God for His Gifts
by Sam Stinson “All the women whose hearts stirred them to use their skill spun the goats’ hair” (Exodus 35:26, ESV). Ethan Bortnick is a piano prodigy. At age seven, he has memorized two hundred melodies and has composed a handful of his own. After hearing him play a piece on TV, I researched his…
Read MoreGive Thanks!
by Daniel L. Holloway via Guardian of Truth XXVIII: 3, p. 77, February 2, 1984 These days, we hear much about our country’s economic woes. And we do not have to look far to find that society is beset with plenty of other problems. Of course, each individual has his own personal difficulties as well. To…
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