Posts Tagged ‘Ten Commandments’
Are the Ten Commandments the first covenant?
Question: The Bible directly states that the Ten Commandments are the first covenant. Do you disagree? Answer: If the Bible directly states that the Ten Commandments are the first covenant, you could cite where it is found, but you did not. You made an assertion without proof and challenged me to decide whether I agree. The first…
Read MoreNo Other Gods by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Isaiah 40:12-26 I. The Ten Commandments formed the prologue to the Law of Moses A. They were the foundation of the Old Law B. Even though the Law of Moses ended, nine of those ten commandments are still in effect today. C. Understanding these basic laws can help us understand the New…
Read MoreWhich law is the law?
Question: I have a friend who has fallen into the World Mission Society Church of God which is an anti-Christian cult. I have been trying to witness to her and she had presented me with different beliefs that I’m having trouble answering in regards to the law. I was hoping you could help with a…
Read MoreHow Should Christians Regard the Sabbath?
by Ken Weliever via The Preacher’s Word The fourth commandment simply says, “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy” (Exodus 20:7). First of all, it’s important to remember the regulations, restrictions as well as the basis of the Sabbath. The text provides some insight. “Six days you shall labor and do all your work,…
Read MoreThe Law and the Commandments by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Deuteronomy 30:6-16 I. Seventh-Day Adventists insist that the only acceptable day of worship is the seventh day of the week, the Sabbath day. A. To get to that belief, they insist that the Ten Commandments are separate from the rest of the Law of Moses. B. While the “ceremonial laws” were…
Read MoreAre the Ten Commandments separate from the Law of Moses?
Question: I am a member of the Lord’s church. I ask for your help in helping me answer the below response from two who believe that the Sabbath has not been abolished. The site they are referring to is your site on the subject of Answering the Sabbath Observance that I forwarded to them, hoping that would…
Read MoreDoes the word “commandments” always refer to the Ten Commandments?
Question: Hi, I have read your response about the Ten Commandments issue and Jesus’ commandments. It seems that you are making good points in your explanation. However, a friend of mine explained this verse to me. And I think he has good points, too. Will you please check his arguments for me? I will appreciate it.…
Read MoreHow many commandments are there now?
Question: How many commandments are there 10 or 9 or 11? Could you please confirm, one way or the other, that in the New Testament there are only nine commandments mentioned as commandments? Is that missing commandment is the fourth original commandment “Keep Holy the Sabbath Day”? So does this mean that in the Old…
Read MoreYour information on which of the Ten Commandments carried over to the New Testament was very useful
Question: I Goggled “Which Ten Commandments Carried Over to the New Testament” and one of the links led me to: Notes on the Ten Commandments. I used this information in a small group setting last Sunday to everyone’s delight. Thank you for posting that information as it saved me a lot of research time. Answer:…
Read MoreYou Shall Not Murder
by Jim Dearman “You shall not murder!” That was God’s command as part of the Ten Commandments, and it is reinforced in the New Testament. In Romans 13:9, the apostle Paul refers to the commandment from Exodus 20:13. There he writes, “For the commandments, ‘You shall not commit adultery,’ ‘You shall not murder,’ ‘You shall…
Read MoreDoes John 14:15 mean we are under the Ten Commandments?
Question: I love your website! It has been very helpful to me in my studies. I have been studying with a friend of mine who still believes that we are under the ten commandments. He wants to use the verse John 14:15 “If you love me keep my commandments” as proof that we are still…
Read MoreDoes James’ mention of some of the Ten Commandments mean we are under all of them?
Question: My fiance is Seventh Day Adventist, and I am trying to convince him we are no longer required to observe a weekly sabbath. However, he is trying to convince me otherwise. This is putting a huge strain on our relationship. I have read through the articles on this site and I have some questions…
Read MoreWhy are the commandments mentioned in Exodus 34 different from those mentioned in Exodus 20?
Question: I have been reading the Old Testament and I am confused as to Exodus 20 and Exodus 34 where there are two sets of the ten commandments God gave Moses. The second set is different from the first set. In Exodus 34 God said to use the same words given to Moses as it…
Read MoreWhere does it say the commandments were nailed to the cross? If we are not to keep the commandments, then we would be free to sin
Question: I read your article about the commandments being nailed to the cross. I can’t seem to find a reference to that in the Bible. But I have found in several books stating that we are under the law and even Christ said to keep His commandments (by the way the Scriptures do not say Jewish…
Read MoreThe Law and the Gospel
by M. W. Kiser via, The Sower, Vol. 53, No. 5, Sept/Oct. 2008. “Now the purpose of the commandment is love from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from sincere faith, from which some, having strayed, have turned aside to idle talk, desiring to be teachers of the law, understanding neither what they…
Read MoreTen Commandments
by Carl A. Allen In a home Bible class, I was told, “All you have to do, to be saved, is to keep the Ten Commandments!” I looked at the lady and said, “You do not believe that.” She responded, “Yes I do!” I posed a question, “Must one believe in Jesus to be saved?”…
Read MoreWhat about the Ten Commandments?
by Jerry Blount It seems a constant source of confusion among Christians to determine our relationship to the Ten Commandments. How do we sort all this out? On the one hand, Paul said, For He Himself is our peace, who made both groups into one and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall, by abolishing…
Read MoreThe Ten Commandments and the Old and New Testaments shall stand forever!
Question: Do not mislead the people with your manipulation of the Word of God and your omissions about the “Ten Commandments.” His Word and Commandments were, are and forever shall remain true! He alone is the Creator and the destroyer! No mortal with limited knowledge can change what He tells through the only Living Book, the…
Read MoreYour article on observing the Sabbath has several mistakes
Question: I noticed your article on the Sabbath. I find there are several mistakes in the first paragraph not to mention the rest of the article. The first mention of the Sabbath day is not in Exodus 16 but Genesis 2. Exodus 20:10 verifies that fact. “in the nearly 3,000-year record which was given in Genesis…
Read MoreSomeone upset that the Old Testament is no longer in effect
Question: do we read the same bible? But then again this is how things have to be for the prophecies to come to past the road to destruction is broad and alot of you people are on it you claim to be christians and luke 4:16 shows you live contrary to how christ lived you…
Read MoreDo Methodists understand we are not under the Old Law?
Question: I am about to begin a study of why Christians no longer keep the Old Testament Laws with a very special lady, soon to be my wife, who is a lifetime Methodist. My mention that the Law is no longer kept piqued her interest. She expressed she would like to see that in Scripture. …
Read MoreA Change in Law by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Hebrews 8:7-13 I. Among those calling themselves Christian, many have a difficult time understanding the place the Old Testament has in God’s scheme of redemption A. A few cling to the laws regarding the Sabbath and so modify the New Testament teaching of worship on the first day of the…
Read MoreWhat sins under the Old Testament remain as sins today?
Question: Hi there. I really like your work and biblical analysis. I read your answer on “Which scriptures are applicable today?” and I have some questions to ask. I am currently dealing with which sins are applicable to life today. I have to, of course. check myself that I am not motivated to discard these…
Read MoreDo all churches of Christ teach that the Ten Commandments were nailed to the cross?
Question: I stumbled upon the La Vista Church of Christ web site in the course of searching for an answer to the question, “Were the Ten Commandments Nailed to the Cross?” Simply stated, your answer is “Yes,” and I fully agree with every single comment I found on your web site regarding the answer to this question – good work; I’m impressed. Somebody…
Read MoreWhat Was Nailed to the Cross?
Text: Deuteronomy 4:1-14 I. I frequently run into odd ideas about the Old Law, especially when I bring up Colossians 2:13-15 A. Oh, most people will accept that Jesus’ death on the cross eliminated animal sacrifices, but they cannot believe all of the Old Testament came to an end. 1. “Surely you except the 10 commandments!” I…
Read MoreWasn’t Paul a Nicolaitan?
Question: I first read your article rebutting someone’s perspective on the Nicolaitans, then your main article. I am a little confused with your logic. You said, “You will find some who build complex arguments that the Nicolaitans came up with the clergy / laity system. It is all built around the fact that “people” is found in the…
Read MoreWhat is the Law of Christ?
Question: Read an article on your page concerning Paul and his motives. If what is stated in the New Testament is true, I agree with you about him. Could you tell me what the “Law of Christ” is? My teaching, and correct me if I am wrong, is that “the Torah” better translates from the Hebrew into English…
Read MoreWho wrote the second set of tablets?
Question: Context: Exodus 31:18 and 32:16 make it clear that God wrote the first set of tablets of the covenant. Moses broke those tablets (Exodus 32:19). Question: In Deuteronomy 10:1-5, Moses (talking about the second set of tablets of the covenant, not the first set that he broke) says God wrote on the tablets. Likewise,…
Read MoreGod’s Image
by Shane Williams via The Lilbourn Light, Vol. 8, No. 4, Aug. 2007. Marcus Terentius Varro (116-27 B.C.) is described in the Encyclopedia Britannica as “Rome’s greatest scholar.” He wrote more than 400 books on many subjects. Among his writings is this statement: “They who first introduced images of the gods removed fear and added error.” This…
Read MoreIf we are to keep all the commandments, shouldn’t this include Exodus 20?
Question: You mention keeping all of the commandments. Does that mean all as listed in Exodus 20? Answer: Keeping all of God’s commands include those that state: “Behold, the days are coming, says the LORD, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah- not according to the covenant…
Read MoreWasn’t it just the special Sabbaths that were done away with in the New Testament?
Question: Now I been going through your site and notice that your teaching on the Bible’s teaching is mostly accurate. I have a Sabbath question: Regarding Galatians 4:10 and Colossians 2:14-17, I’m not going to lie, it seems like Jesus abolished or nailed it to the cross because it was no longer needed, which is true.…
Read MoreWhere did the second set of Ten Commandments come from?
Question: Where did the second set of Ten Commandments come from, after Moses broke the first set? Answer: The Ten Commandments, recorded in Exodus 20, were originally spoken to the people by God, but the people found this too disturbing and asked Moses to intercede between God and them (Exodus 20:18-21). The remainder of the…
Read MoreWere the Ten Commandments Nailed to the Cross?
by Clem Thurman via Gospel Minutes, Vol. 56, No. 20, May 18, 2007 QUESTION: I understand that the Old Testament was “nailed to the cross” when Jesus died. Would that also include the Ten Commandments? If so, what about idolatry, murder, and the other moral commandments? ANSWER: The first listing of the Ten Commandments is found in Exodus…
Read MoreIs the commandment “You shall not kill” or “You shall not murder”?
Question: Is the commandment “You shall not kill” or “You shall not murder”? Answer: The Hebrew word in Exodus 20:13 and Deuteronomy 5:17 is ratsach. It is not the commonly used words for killing, which are haragh (to slay) and muth (to die). Ratsach is most frequently used in Numbers 35 where rules are given to determine if the death of a…
Read MoreThou Shalt Not …
Text: Romans 13:8-10 I. In continuing our series on understanding the Ten Commandments, I would like for us to focus our attention on the commands which begin “You shall not …” – Exodus 20:13-17 A. The repeating of a phrase, in this case “you shall not”, causes one to pay attention to the words. It sets…
Read MoreMarried to Christ
by Keith Sharp The theme of Romans is the gospel, God’s power to save all who believe (Romans 1:16-17). This is equivalent to saying we are justified by faith apart from the law (Romans 3:20-31). The law that is no part of our justification is the law given through Moses to Israel (Romans 2:12-27; 3:21).…
Read MoreWhat did the stone tablets with the Ten Commandments look like?
Question: What are stone tablets like the one that had the Ten Commandments on them? Please send me a picture. Answer: As far as we know, the tablets no longer exist. They, like most of the items in the temple, have disappeared. We know what the lampstand roughly looked like because there is an image…
Read MoreWhat does “you shall have no other gods before me” mean?
Question: What does “you shall have no other gods before me” mean? Answer: See the lesson “No Other Gods” from the workbook The Ten Commandments. If you have further questions, please write again.
Read MoreHow can the Sabbath be moved when Christ said he did not come to destroy the law?
Question: Christ did not come to destroy the law but to magnify it. He magnified the law from the letter of the law to the spirit of the law by saying to lust after a woman in one’s mind is equivalent to adultery. But in magnifying the law how can the Sabbath be moved from…
Read MoreSince Christians are spiritual Israel, shouldn’t they be following the Ten Commandments?
Question: In the current age, Christians are spiritual Israel. Hence, the Ten Commandments would still apply to us just as they did to physical Israel. Answer: This point alludes to Romans 2:23-29: “You who make your boast in the law, do you dishonor God through breaking the law? For “the name of God is blasphemed among…
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