My daughter’s school is insisting that she take a class that includes provocative dancing
Brother Hamilton,
I pray you and your family are well. I have a concern about a class my daughter is taking in high school. There is provocative dancing that I don’t think it’s appropriate for her and our Christian beliefs.
I addressed my concerns to the counselor in order to change her class to another class. This was her response.
We are calling to discuss with you the specific concerns you have regarding your daughter's attendance in dance. Because a move could possibly result in a loss of credit, we took your concern to discuss it with administration. It was decided that we need more detailed information from you such as a letter from your clergyman, a church mission statement, or even a list of specific observances from clergy that would support a religious reason for a move to be considered.
We take your concerns seriously and would like to gather more information in case we need to further address teachers or students if they are involved with any offending circumstances.
What do you suggest I should do? Can you help me?
Hope to hear from you soon.
It is unfortunate that society has decayed to the point that adults cannot accept the word of a child's parents in regard to their own beliefs.
I don't know exactly the type of dance that you are objecting to your daughter learning, but I would suggest printing out two or three articles on why modern dancing is inappropriate for Christians.
It is very unfortunate. I am thankful for your response, brother Hamilton.