Should I turn myself in to the police?

Question: Hello, I am a 22-year-old college student and am a strong Christian believer.  My question is should I turn myself in to the police because of a crime I did when I was 14 or 15.  Let me explain.  I had a huge crush on this girl in High School and we kind of…

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Lies Pornography Tells Men

by Edwin Crozier I obviously have no idea who is going to read this article. However, I am 100% convinced that someone reading this post today, spent last night looking at pornography. In fact, I imagine that someone reading this post probably looked at pornography within the last hour. Someone reading this post is hooked and…

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How do I stop my masturbating to gay pornography?

Question: Good morning sir. I’m 21 years old. I’m a leader in my church. I’ve always loved God and desire to know him and walk with him as Enoch did. But I have lusted. I started masturbating some years ago and have promised God not to anymore, but I can’t find the strength to stop…

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I keep doing things that I know are wrong. Can you pray for me?

Question: I have great trouble with resisting sin, porn, drugs, alcohol all on occasions. I know it’s wrong, but I find myself still indulging.  Please pray for me to overcome. Answer: To realize that what you are doing is wrong and harmful is a step in the right direction, but what you need next is…

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Which is better: to visit a prostitute or masturbate?

Question: Is it true that it’s better to have sexual relations with a whore than it is to masturbate? Some people refer to it as, “better in a whore than on the floor.” As a kid, I was taught that it would be better for me to masturbate than to have sex with a girl…

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I know what I ought to do, but I keep slipping

Question: Hello, I just recently stumbled upon your questions and answers on your website and I have found them to be very biblically based, direct, and insightful. I have a few questions that I would like to pose to you. My fiance and I have been dating from high school and through college and have…

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Am I a real Christian?

Question: Lately, something’s been really bothering me and it’s been growing and growing and I’m afraid of where it might lead. Basically, I’ve been wondering if I’m a “real or true” Christian or not. This thought has been driving me nuts, leaving me depressed, and confused. From reading online and other sources about what being…

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How do I get rid of the sin of pornography?

Question: Hello sir, I want to know how I can get rid of my sins. Actually, I am from a Christian family. I grew up in a good environment, but about six months ago I started seeing unwanted movies on the Internet. I know it was very sinful, and after seeing the movies I apologized…

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I’m falling back into pornography. I know it is stupid, but I need help

Question: I have a very embarrassing problem and question, and I need help. I was born again several years ago and there is absolute evidence in my life of that. When I was born again, God set me free of hate anger, and lust (sexual, pornography, masturbation, etc). Pornography has crept back into my life,…

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How do I stay out of the trap of pornography?

Question: Dear sir, I need your help. I’m fighting hard to remain sexually pure. At one time I was trapped by pornography, but I want to remain pure until marriage. It’s really hard for a twenty-seven year old. I have such a burning desire. Answer: It depends on how you look at the situation. You…

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Did I mess myself up with gay pornography?

Question: I’m a 27-year-old male. I never kissed or made out with a woman because: I’m scared of rejection, I went to a boys’ school, I went to varsity, until last year, that had mostly black people, and I’m only attracted to white women, I realized during puberty that I’m attracted to men also and…

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Can I purify my soul after looking at pornography?

Question: Hello sir. Before reading the article, “A Look at Pornography,” I had not gotten involved with prostitutes or anything of that sort. I recently was frustrated with academics and as a refreshment, I watched some porn. At some point I thought of going to a prostitute, but, sir, now I have decided after reading your…

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Does this article prove masturbation is a sin?

Question: I clearly understand that what you are saying is that the act of masturbation is not a sin. But look at what I found. [A link to an article is then given.] Answer: If masturbation bothers you or you are not confident that it isn’t sinful, then you shouldn’t do it. “Do you have…

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The Problem of Private Lust

by Connie Adams Lust has gone public in America. No subject is too delicate for a television or movie script. Pornography is big business. Absolutely nothing is left to the imagination. Yet, this business would utterly fail were it not for the fact that it feeds the private yearnings of corrupted hearts. It is from…

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Is pornography a just cause for divorce that allows remarriage?

Question: Hello, I have recently begun a wonderful relationship with a lady friend.  Over the last four months or so we have developed a wonderful friendship which has recently blossomed into a budding romance.  However, she has, within the last six months or so, filed for divorce from her husband due to abuse and a…

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Wickedness Before Our Eyes

by Wayne S. Walker “I will set nothing wicked before my eyes; I hate the work of those who fall away; it shall not cling to me” (Psalm 101:3). There is an old warning, “What you see is what you get.” We might also say that in a sense, “What you see is what you…

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Can you make some recommendations for a computer for a 14-year-old?

Question: I am hoping someone can help me sort through a lot of questions I have. First, my 14-year old son would really love to have a computer in his own room for Christmas.  We are in need of a new computer anyway and since this is something he has wanted for several years, we…

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Doesn’t Matthew 5:27-28 only apply to married people?

Question: With the Scripture: “You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Matthew 5:27-28). Only married people can commit adultery, so as I see it, this Scripture is not meant for the unmarried. Answer: What…

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I have problems with my youth group. What should I do?

Question: Well, I am having some issues with some kids that I mentor. My group has both guys and girls in it, but I found a good woman mentor for the girls, so I will be handing off the girls soon.. The funny thing is I have little or no problems with the girls. It…

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