Posts Tagged ‘Peter’
Peter’s “Nevers”
by David Gibson I believe it was in his film series “Making Things Right When Things Go Wrong,” or perhaps in the Brecheen-Faulkner Marriage Enrichment series, Paul Faulkner observed that “Peter was given to ‘never’ statements.” Four examples When Jesus first predicted his death at the hands of the Jewish leaders, “Peter took him aside…
Read MoreJames, Peter, and I
by Matthew W. Bassford Acts 12 offers one of the great conundrums of the New Testament. In the first few verses of the chapter, the wicked king Herod Agrippa arrests and executes the apostle James, the brother of John. Shortly thereafter, he arrests Peter with the same intention. However, God sends his angel to rescue…
Read MoreSister Peter
by Sewell Hall From the Roswell Family Report, March 18, 2012 Fifty years ago, it was easier to remember the names of Christians than it is now. Every man’s first name was “Brother” and every woman’s name was “Sister.” Now, most people are known by their given names almost exclusively. We must return, however, to…
Read MoreLearning from Overlooked Details
by Steve Wolfgang As part of my morning devotional, a recent reading was “Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who are elect exiles of the Dispersion in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia” (I Peter 1:1 ESV). I am fascinated by the geography of the opening verse. It prevents me from blitzing through…
Read MoreI’m All Petered Out
by Jefferson David Tant The sun was sinking, and the day’s work was done. The farmer shut off his tractor, walked to the house, and into the kitchen where his wife had his coffee waiting for him. As he sat, he wiped the sweat off his brow and said, “I’m all petered out.” Niels Frederik…
Read MoreWhy did Peter follow Jesus?
Question: Why did Peter follow Jesus? Answer: Peter followed Jesus first because his brother, Andrew, told him that he and John, Peter’s fellow fisherman, had found the Messiah (John 1:41-42), so initially, he went out of curiosity. When he met Jesus, he was given a nickname, which indicated what kind of man he would become.…
Read MoreSimon Peter’s Enduring Lessons by Dennis Stackhouse
Read MoreThe Gospel of the Circumcision and the Uncircumcision Text: Galatians 2:1-10 I. I suppose a casual reader could read verse 7 from our text and come away with the idea that two different messages were being taught. A. One being taught to the Gentiles and a different message being taught to the Jews. B. Yet the goal of the gospel was to unite Jews…
Read MoreWas Peter in Rome?
Question: Was Peter in Rome? Answer: The supposition that Peter was in Rome is based on “She who is in Babylon, elect together with you, greets you; and so does Mark my son” (I Peter 5:13). Babylon is used as a representation of a city given over to sensuality and worldly pleasures (Isaiah 47:5-15). In…
Read MoreIs Peter the rock of the church?
Question: In Matthew 16:18 Jesus said to Peter: you are a rock, and on this rock foundation I will build my church, and not even death will ever be able to overcome it. Does Jesus give any guidelines as to how and when his followers or Christians should worship God? Answer: “He said to them, “But…
Read MoreWhy did Peter follow Jesus in Matthew 26:28?
Question: Why did Peter follow Jesus in Matthew 26:28? Is your understanding that the “reason” that he followed Jesus was only because he wanted to see what was going to happen? Not to stand up for Jesus? Perhaps I should have explained that I am working on a lesson for Sunday morning and the point that I want…
Read MoreWhat did Jesus expect of Peter when he said to feed his sheep?
Question: Our Lord Jesus in John 21 tells the apostle Peter to feed His sheep three times. What role was Peter being told to assume? Is it that of an elder? Which sheep was our Lord talking about? Is it the other apostles and disciples or the church that was going to be established at Jerusalem?…
Read MoreWas Mark Peter’s son?
Question: In I Peter 5:13 Peter said, “The church that is at Babylon, elected together with you, saluteth you; and so doth Marcus, my son.” Since Peter was married, could Marcus be his son? Answer: It wasn’t unusual for preachers who worked closely with younger men, who would eventually succeed them, to refer to them…
Read MoreDid Peter always believe that Jesus was the Christ?
Question: Did Peter always believe that Jesus was the Christ? Answer: Peter first met Jesus because his brother told him that they had found the Messiah (John 1:41-42). We are not told if Peter was immediately convinced or not, but we do know that Peter became a staunch follower of Jesus. It was Peter who…
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