Revealing the Wisdom of God

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton “For this reason I, Paul, the prisoner of Christ Jesus for the sake of you Gentiles — if indeed you have heard of the stewardship of God’s grace which was given to me for you; that by revelation there was made known to me the mystery, as I wrote before in…

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Christ Sent Me Not to Baptize

by Terry Wane Benton In I Corinthians 1:17 Paul said, “For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel, not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of no effect.” The assumption that denominational people make is that Christ did not send Paul to baptize because…

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Why does Paul mention a chapter number if they came later?

Question: Dear Brother in Christ, I am puzzled to know how in Acts 13:33 the apostle Paul is able to quote precisely in the first century something as being written in Psalms 2! If the translators added this at a later time, what else could they have added as they wish? Can you please explain?…

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Why did Paul say, “I say, not the Lord”?

Question: I Corinthians 7:12: “But I (not the Lord)…” I studied this years ago, and I realize Paul is capping his statement from verse ten. But Why? Is this not from the Lord? Answer: In I Corinthians 7:10-11, Paul addresses a command that is based on the Lord’s authority, given while Jesus was here on…

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What is “Pauline Christianity?”

Question: Can you explain what exactly is Pauline Christianity? I’ve heard for years people say Paul was a false prophet but only just recently heard the term “Pauline Christianity.“ Did Paul preach a message contrary to what Jesus taught? Answer: You will always find people and groups who wish to cast doubt on sections of…

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People Are Just Like Me

by Doy Moyer People often assume that others will act, react, and operate on the same basis that they do. If some are liars, they will assume the same of everyone else. If they operate “in the shadows,” they will assume the same of others. If they are the envious type, they will assume that…

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Why Did Paul Appeal to His Roman Citizenship?

by Doy Moyer Acts 16 tells us the story of Paul and Silas being arrested and imprisoned in Philippi. They sang praises while bound, others listened, and then an earthquake shaking the foundations set them free. Instead of running, Paul told the jailer, who was about to commit suicide, not to harm himself. We then…

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The Charges Against Paul

by Doy Moyer Paul was charged with four things in Acts 24:4-7 Being a pest (a plague). Stirring up riots. Being a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes. Trying to profane the temple. Paul’s answer to 1 and 2 was that he had not stirred up any crowds in the synagogue or temple and…

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I think Adam and Eve sinned simultaneously

Question: Dear Minister: Adam and Eve Sinned Simultaneously. In “How Long Is A Day?” you said, “If Eve was not the first to sin, then what do we do with Paul’s proof in I Timothy 2:14?” First, consider the source (Saul|Paul, aka 18 verses in Acts 22:24-29; 22:30; 23:1-5; 23:6-11). Paul’s argument started from the wrong…

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People Paul Knew by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Romans 16:1-15   I.         Certain sections of the Bible are difficult to read, such as the genealogies with all the unfamiliar names             A.        The beginning of Romans 16 is similar, even though it is a list of personal greetings to people Paul knew in Rome             B.        Too often we skim right through…

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Learning from Overlooked Details

by Steve Wolfgang As part of my morning devotional, a recent reading was “Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who are elect exiles of the Dispersion in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia” (I Peter 1:1 ESV). I am fascinated by the geography of the opening verse. It prevents me from blitzing through…

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The Greater Progress of the Gospel

by Doy Moyer One of the highlights of Paul’s attitude is that he was always more concerned for the spread of the gospel than for his own personal agenda or safety. He was willing to die for the Lord if it meant that the gospel would be proclaimed and more would be saved. He expresses…

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Lessons from the Mamertine Prison

by Jefferson David Tant Do you ever feel discouraged, defeated, alone, forsaken, or any other word used to describe one who is “down in the dumps?” I’m sure we have all been affected by one or more of these words in our lifetime. If you are fortunate to have escaped all these negative feelings, just…

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Thank you for the information on when Paul left Titus in Crete

Question: I am a member of the Lord’s church and I am studying the letter to Titus. I was looking at references in the New Testament, trying to figure out when Paul would’ve left Titus in Crete. I Googled for help and got your explanation. It was very helpful! I wanted to tell you that…

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Was Paul concerned about losing his salvation or being rejected by men?

Question: In the verse where Paul says he could be disqualified, is he referring to being disqualified from having a home in Heaven, or from ministry? Some writers and commentaries think when he refers to being disqualified, that he’s concerned about being disqualified from doing ministry work, instead of being disqualified from salvation. “I myself…

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I think Paul changed his mind as he got older

Question: I note that you comment a lot from Apostle Paul’s epistles, but the apostle Paul changes his mind on subjects as he ages.  Food for one.  I understand that he didn’t want to put a burden on the Gentiles, especially when literacy rates were probably so low in that era.  Now, literacy is high…

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From Bad to Good

by Mike Johnson Text: Philippians 1:12-14 Paul Arrives in Rome in Chains Acts 28:15-16 Paul wrote the book of Philippians while in prison. His trial had probably already taken place, and he seemed to be waiting for the verdict. It appears he expected to be released but was uncertain about it. Paul, no doubt, did…

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Kicking Against the Goads

by Whit Sasser A goad is an animal prod — a stick that is jabbed into the hind section of, say a plowing ox, to stimulate better forward movement. Almost instinctively, the animal may be aggravated by the prodding goad and kick against it. People can be the same way. In a figurative sense, people…

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How did the church in Corinth receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit?

Question: How did the Corinthian church receive the Holy Spirit in a miraculous way? Was it by the laying on hands by the apostles or what? Or does the Bible not say? Answer: The church in Corinth was started by the Apostle Paul (Acts 18). He initially taught there for 18 months (Acts 18:11) and…

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The Conversion of Saul by Jeff Hamilton Text: I Timothy 1:12-17   I.         The path that Saul took from Judaism to Christianity can teach us a lot about what it takes to become a Christian             A.        It is a lesson that many need to learn by people caught up in denominational teachings.             B.        We will look at the events that happened…

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Christ Did Not Send Me to Baptize

by Terry Wane Benton What did Paul mean by this statement in I Corinthians 1:17? Preaching the gospel is what leads to people being baptized (Mark 16:15-16). You could read the whole Old Testament, including the Law of Moses, and it will not command you to be baptized. Only the gospel will lead people to…

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Was Paul given a different dispensation from the other apostles?

Question: Please, was Paul given a different dispensation from the other apostles? Answer: The word “dispensation” means either a system of rules in place at a particular time or to be exempt from a system of rules. Thus, your question really is whether Paul taught a different gospel from the rest of the apostles. Such…

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If Paul thought long hair was bad, why did he take a Nazirite vow?

Question: Thanks for the website. I read it all the time. I have a question concerning men and long hair. I know that I Corinthians 11 talks about that. The first part of the chapter is written off by many as cultural, but I disagree with that view; however, in verse 14, it states it…

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How could Ananias give Paul the Holy Spirit?

Question: If Paul was an apostle, he was supposed to receive the Holy Spirit from another apostle or directly from God, yet he received it from a disciple. I thought only apostles had the ability to give the Holy Spirit. Answer: “But the Lord said to him, “Go, for he is a chosen instrument of…

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I wanted to tell you how much I am enjoying your site

Question: I wanted to tell you how much I am enjoying your site.  I found it while seeking the answer to how Paul learned the Gospel, which you covered just perfect for me (I am writing a research paper on Paul’s conversion for a college class).  Since you did such a good job answering that I…

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The Last Years of Paul’s Life by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Philippians 2:17-30   I.         Paul had written the Roman brethren that he would like to go to Spain after seeing them – Romans 15:23-25, 28             A.        Things didn’t go quite as Paul planned.             B.        After going to Jerusalem, he was arrested, but he did go to Rome – as a prisoner instead…

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Were there men, besides Paul, in the assembly where Paul met Lydia?

Question: In Acts 16:13 where the women had assembled on the Sabbath by the river, do you think that was a woman-only assembly, or were other men, besides Paul, there? Answer: Paul took Silas with him (Acts 15:41), Timothy also accompanies Paul (Acts 16:1-4), and at Troas Luke joins (the “we” in Acts 16:11). There…

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The Gospel of the Circumcision and the Uncircumcision Text: Galatians 2:1-10   I.         I suppose a casual reader could read verse 7 from our text and come away with the idea that two different messages were being taught.             A.        One being taught to the Gentiles and a different message being taught to the Jews.             B.        Yet the goal of the gospel was to unite Jews…

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The Conversion of Saul by Rob Miller

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Did Titus desert Paul?

Question: Hello, I hope this finds you doing well. I just wanted to let you know that I love your site. It helps me a lot in my studies of God’s Word. I heard a radio minister say that Titus deserted Paul. He used II Timothy 4:9-11 as his proof text. “Be diligent to come…

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Wasn’t Luke a disciple of Paul?

Question: Wasn’t Luke a disciple of Paul and not Jesus though he did follow Jesus. So were the other three gospels were written even later because Luke didn’t come in the picture till 30-40 years after our Lord’s death. Answer: Luke is never described as being a disciple of Paul. Paul did not collect personal…

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Why was Saul’s name changed to Paul?

Question: Why was Saul’s name changed to Paul? Answer: We aren’t told. As Saul began teaching among the Gentiles, he switched his name from Saul to Paul. The transition is noted in Acts 13:9. Some speculate that Paul wanted to disassociate himself from his past when he persecuted the church. But this would only be…

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Should Paul Have Been Embarrassed?

by Terry W. Benton Matthew wrote a book that aired the “dirty laundry”, so to speak, of his Jewish nation, just as the earlier prophets had done before, only now it was worse because God’s great “blessing to all nations” was now being rejected as a “troubler” in Israel. Matthew even shows Jesus driving some…

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Why did Paul say he was not sent to baptize?

Question: Good morning, First, I would like to say thank you for your work and effort in spreading the gospel. I really enjoy reading things from your site. I’m writing about baptism. I once wrote a pastor about baptism. I was having difficulty believing it was necessary for salvation. I don’t know why. I guess…

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Was Paul a false apostle?

Question: I have recently stumbled onto some information. Apparently, some Christians think that the apostle Paul was a false apostle and false teacher. They say that he taught Jesus “faith only” while Jesus himself clearly taught faith + works. I am deeply troubled by this and feel my world has been turned upside-down just when…

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