Should I give up my job because I cheated some in college?

Question: I cheated some during college. I regret this wholeheartedly. I have my current job as a teacher now because of my degree, which I view as tainted from cheating. Should I give up the benefits that have come with the possession of my degree? Does simply holding my degree constitute a sin? Are there…

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How do I handle my compulsive need to run?

Question: I’m extremely self-conscious about my weight. A lot of the time, such as now, I feel as though I am overweight. When I was a child, I was overweight and teased mercilessly in school about it. In high school, I lost the weight, but I still believe, maybe falsely, that I’m overweight to this…

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Any suggestions for obsessive worrying?

Question: I am a member of the Lord’s church and have been since my teenage years. I am now middle-aged and have kids and a husband. For many years I have dealt with unwanted and compulsive thoughts in which they have all been pretty much related to worry and fear. I know we ought not…

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I’m scared of the thoughts in my head

Question: After days of researching everywhere to know if I am truly safe because I thought I had committed the unforgivable sin, which is the sin of having blasphemed against the Holy Spirit, I found out that I did not because to truly commit that sin, you must have your heart hardened so much that…

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