Posts Tagged ‘Matthew’
Love or Hate
by Terry Wane Benton If the Law said to “hate your enemies” (via Matthew 5:43), and Jesus was obligated to uphold the Law, then Jesus was obligated to hate His enemies, and He would have sinned if He did not hate his enemies. No! That will not work! Jesus does not contrast His own new…
Read MoreDid Jesus lie about the sun being darkened and the moon not giving its light?
Question: Hello I have a question regarding a conflict that I see people bring up. People argue that Jesus is lying because Matthew 24:34 did not happen. The same thing is mentioned in Luke 21 as well, and also in Mark 13:30. Matthew 24:29-34 says, “Immediately after the distress of those days ‘the sun will be…
Read MoreWere the apostles given authority to bind laws in heaven?
Question: Hello brother, Matthew 16:18ff is one of those many verses that we more frequently use. As I continue to read and study it, though, I realize I have not studied it as well as I thought. Matthew 16:19 is phrased as such: “And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven,…
Read MoreGod’s People in an Ungodly World
Text: Matthew 7 by Don Bunting One (or Two) Chapter Lessons
Read MoreReasons to Believe in Jesus
Text: Matthew 1-2 by Don Bunting One (or Two) Chapter Lessons
Read MoreMatthew and the Birth of Jesus
by Doy Moyer Matthew describes the birth of Jesus succinctly and factually: “Now the birth of Jesus Christ took place in this way” (Matthew 1:18). This is after he has spent time on the genealogy of Jesus, showing that He is the rightful King descended through the line of David. He is expressly called “the…
Read MoreHe Got Up and Followed Him
by Doy Moyer Think about this for a moment. Jesus passed by “Levi the son of Alphaeus sitting in the tax booth, and He said to him, ‘Follow Me!’ And he got up and followed Him” (Mark 2:14). What an impression Jesus must have already made on Levi (Matthew) to cause him to get up…
Read MoreDon’t Be a Victim
by Perry Hall The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7), in modern lingo, teaches these two counter-culture concepts: Suffering doesn’t make you a victim when you find your blessing from God and not circumstances. Victimizing others doesn’t make you powerful when your victims refuse to get their dignity through your oppressive eyes. Check out the…
Read MoreWhy does Matthew quote Zechariah but attributes it to Jeremiah?
Question: Hello brother, I have a question about Matthew 27:9. A brother from church pointed out this verse where it says that it references Jeremiah, but I can’t find that reference anywhere. Instead, I found it in Zachariah. Do you know why this is? Answer: “Then that which was spoken through Jeremiah the prophet was…
Read MoreIs it “end of the world” or “end of the age”?
Question: Hello, My son has fallen into the web of denominational teachings, including some off-the-wall organizations with the typical anything-goes philosophies, premillennialism, rapture, etc. He and I have finally begun to discuss the truth with the myths he believes. I have sent him several of your articles on the “End of Times, Rapture, etc” he…
Read MoreExamining the Great Commission
by Jefferson David Tant Among the most familiar Bible passages that are known and memorized, are the words Christ spoke to his disciples before he returned to his home that he left 33 years before. There is more to the passage than memorized words, and we want to give some thought to what Christ said.…
Read MoreWhy did Jesus cite only six of the Ten Commandments to the young ruler?
Question: I visit your site often to look up topics and articles. There is very good information cited in them. I have a question, you might be able to answer. In Matthew 19:18-19, why did Jesus only cite six of the ten commandments to the rich young ruler and not all? Thanks. Answer: The account of…
Read MoreWas the great commission only commanded to the apostles?
Question: Was the great commission only commanded to the apostles? Answer: “And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, ‘All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy…
Read MoreI’m still confused why Matthew used “Eli” while Mark used “Eloi”
Question: Your explanation of the above subject is a bit confusing because we are told that the Old Testament was translated from Hebrew to English while the New Testament was translated from Greek to English. So, I expect them to pick the pronunciation of the same words uttered before translation into English or any other language. Thanks. Answer:…
Read MoreReading Matthew 25 as a Unit
by Matthew W. Bassford The wise and the foolish virgin by Jan Adam Kruseman, 1848 Through the years, God has managed to hammer a few insights about the Bible into my thick head. One of them is that in the gospels, the order of stories matters. It’s common for the Evangelist to arrange material so…
Read MoreIs “Drink from it, all of you” an accurate translation of Matthew 26:27?
Question: Dear Brother, Thank you for your work. I appreciate it a lot. My question is this: in the NIV version, at Matthew 26:27, it says, “Then He took a cup, and when He had given thanks, He gave it to them, saying, Drink from it, all of you.” And in the KJV version, it…
Read MoreCan you please explain why Mark and Luke don’t contradict Matthew about remarriage?
Question: Can you please explain why Mark and Luke don’t contradict Matthew about remarriage? Matthew records the porneia exception, but Mark and Luke reject all exceptions. Answer: You are making an assumption that because something is not mentioned that it is a rejection. That is not true. All you can know is that it wasn’t…
Read MoreMatthew was written for the Jews, so the law on marriage and divorce only applies to the Jews
Question: I was taught that you have to look at who’s talking and who they are talking to. In Matthew 19, Jesus was talking to the Jews, and the Law of Moses was given to the Jews and not the Gentiles, even though Matthew is a New Testament book, so the law on marriage and…
Read MoreWho were raised at Christ’s death and where did they go?
Question: Matthew 27:52-53 says “And the graves were opened, and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.” I have a friend who, based on this, believes all the Old Testament saints were raised at this…
Read MoreLessons from Matthew
by Raymond Warfel, Jr. of Palestine, IL April 8-13, 2018 My Beloved Children (I John) Mankind Is My Business Christianity Concentrate (Matthew 5-7) Compassion (Matthew 9) This Isn’t What I Expected (Matthew 11) Does Jesus Offend You? (Matthew 15) Faith in God’s Man and Method (Matthew 16-19) Truly Great Commitment (Matthew 20)
Read MoreYour site is one of my favorites
Question: Hello, I just had to thank you again for your site. I consider it a favorite. I loved your article on Matthew 24. I think it is right on. I am in what you might call an institutional church of Christ. Thanks again. Answer: I’m glad you are finding the material useful in your studies.
Read MoreWhat does Jesus mean by “either in this age or in the age to come”?
Question: In Matthew 12:32 what does the phrase “either in this age or in the age to come” mean? Why in this age? Answer: Biblical history can be viewed as divided into three ages (long, indeterminate periods of time). Patriarchal Age – This was the time when the head of the family (the patriarch) was…
Read MoreWhy is the last phrase in Matthew 19:9 missing in some translations?
Question: In Matthew 19:9, I can’t find the phrase “and whoever marries her who is divorced commits adultery” in my translation. Answer: “And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery; and whoever marries her who is divorced commits adultery” (Matthew 19:9 NKJV). “And I say…
Read MoreHow can Jesus’ birth be a fulfillment of Isaiah 7:14 when he was named Jesus and not Immanuel?
Question: I checked in 31 different Bible versions and they all say the same thing about Matthew 1:21, They all use the word “Jesus” which means “saves.” Matthew goes on to say that the Old Testament verifies this and quotes in Matthew 1:23 (and in the same 31 different Bible versions, they also all say…
Read MoreIs there no proof who really wrote the four gospels?
Question: What evidence do we have that the four gospels were written by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John? I hear a lot of people saying they were anonymous, and we have no proof they were written by the people whose names are given to them. Answer: To claim there is no evidence would require setting terms on…
Read MoreDoes Matthew 19:9 only refer to fornication prior to marriage?
Question: Hi, I am confused about your definition of porneia in Mathew 5:32 and Matthew 19:9. In your answer to the question “My wife is leaving me after only seven months of marriage. Where does this leave me?” you said that: “One of the reasons for the divorce has to be because the other person…
Read MoreConcerning the Jews excusing David’s eating of the showbread, what are your sources?
Question: I read an article in the Q&A section of your website in reference to I Samuel 21:1-6 and Matthew 12:1-5. Within the article you made this statement: “They (Jews) found ways to excuse the fact that David clearly violated the law of God by eating the bread from the table of showbread.” Can you give me…
Read MoreWhy didn’t John the Baptist get killed with the rest of the children?
Question: Why didn’t John the Baptist die, as is stated in Matthew 2:16, but lived to adulthood, baptized Jesus, and was ultimately beheaded, or is Matthew 2:16 simply wrong? Answer: When the wise men came, Herod found out where the Messiah was to be born. “And when he had gathered all the chief priests and…
Read MoreWhat is “Sexual Immorality” in Matthew 19:9?
by Kyle Butt, M.A. via Apologetics Press Copied by permission. From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible repeatedly stresses the fact that God designed the institution of marriage (Genesis 2:22-25). He has, from the beginning of human history, given very specific ideas about what composes a divinely approved marriage (Matthew 19:1-4), consisting of one man and one woman.…
Read MoreDoes the exception clause work the same in both Matthew 19:9 and Matthew 5:32?
Question: This was purposed to me, and I was wondering your thoughts. The idea is the exception clause would have to work both ways since both are mentioned. I was wondering your thoughts about it. I am still studying the aspects of it, but it looks like a good challenge for me. Based on Matthew…
Read MoreWho was Jesus addressing in Matthew 24:45?
Question: In Matthew 24:45, “Who then is a faithful and wise servant?” Was Jesus addressing this to a particular group of people or every individual? Answer: Matthew 24 and 25 is the recorded of Jesus teaching his disciples in response to their question: “Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him…
Read MoreYour notes on Matthew 24 really help
Question: I am a student of Theology. I love your website. I stumbled on it through Google’s search engine while trying to research the events in Matthew 24. I appreciate your explanatory notes on the subject because it proffers a solution to the assignment given to me from school. I pray that Jesus Christ will continue to…
Read MoreWhy does Matthew mention the exception to divorce but Mark and Luke don’t?
Question: Why is the exception clause “except it be for fornication” in Matthew 19:8 regarding the teaching of Jesus on divorce and remarriage not included in Mark’s account of this teaching (Mark 10:2-10) or in Luke’s account (Luke 16:18)? Answer: Each gospel account was written to different audiences with different purposes. None give a complete…
Read MoreWhat is meant by “so the last error shall be worse than the first”?
Question: In Matthew 27:64, what does “so the last error shall be worse than the first” mean? Answer: “Therefore command that the tomb be made secure until the third day, lest His disciples come by night and steal Him away, and say to the people, ‘He has risen from the dead.’ So the last deception…
Read MoreWhat is meant by “so the last error shall be worse than the first”?
Question: In Matthew 27:64, what does “so the last error shall be worse than the first” mean? Answer: “Therefore command that the tomb be made secure until the third day, lest His disciples come by night and steal Him away, and say to the people, ‘He has risen from the dead.’ So the last deception…
Read MoreWas Matthew only clarifying what Jesus said on the Cross?
Question: In Was Matthew originally written in Hebrew or Aramaic? you stated: This verse is one of several in Matthew which shows that Matthew was originally written in Greek. You see, if it was written in Hebrew or Aramaic as has been recently popular to claim, there would be no need to explain Hebrew or Aramaic phrases.…
Read MoreWhy is Matthew 23:14 missing in some versions?
Question: How come every single Bible I have ever seen (I mean every kind, every version, every one) has a verse missing. The verse is Matthew 23:14. It’s like it doesn’t exist, the Bible goes 13 then 15 but no 14. Look at any Bible and I can almost guarantee that it is not there!…
Read MoreCould Matthew and John not be eyewitness accounts?
Question: My friend sent me this critique on the gospels of Matthew and John not being eyewitness accounts. He said, according to the majority viewpoint, this gospel is unlikely to have been written by an eyewitness. While Papias reported that Matthew had written the Logia this can hardly be a reference to the Gospel of Matthew.…
Read MoreDoes Matthew 5:28 only apply to lusting after a married woman?
Question: I am a Christian and worship in a congregation of the Church of Christ. I would like to ask you something, that has been vexing me for some time, and I know the general and most common answers but I would truly applicate your reply. We as a rule tend to take the most…
Read MoreIs it “Eli” or “Eloi” in Matthew 27:46?
Question: God bless you my brothers and sisters of this church. Now I noticed when I was reading one of your articles on the calling that Jesus shouted while on the cross; I noticed that you have Matthew 27:46 incorrect. What it should say is “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?” Not Eli. Answer: The verse is quoted correctly.…
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