Is It Circular Reasoning to Use the Bible to Prove God Gave It?

 by Terry Wane Benton No! It might be circular if it was all written at one time. But we can demonstrate that the Old Testament was completed long before Jesus came. Therefore we get to consider the prophecies and how Jesus fulfilled them. The New Testament is eyewitness testimony of Jesus written when unbelievers should…

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Hiding Behind the Truth by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: II Corinthians 4:1-6   I.         One basic principle of logic is that if you start with a false idea, you can prove anything             A.        False doctrine could be justified if you started with a false idea as evidence                         1.         Premise: Presidents of the United States must be younger than 35                         2.         Premise: Joe…

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Reasoning Includes God

by Doy Moyer Reason has been granted to us by God as those made in His image. When we try to reason without acknowledging God, we become our own idols by assuming that we do not need God. This leads to futility in thinking (Romans 1:21; Ephesians 4:17). In doing this we are relying on…

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I Don’t Go There

by Jefferson David Tant People use many devices to mitigate or cancel out plain Bible teaching. This ancient practice can be traced to the Old Testament. Seven hundred years before Christ, Isaiah was dealing with a rebellious people. God told him: “Now go, write it on a tablet before them And inscribe it on a…

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Truth About Truth by Doy Moyer Seeking God

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by Gardner Hall True, but careful with “therefore” True statement: “We don’t know how far God is going to extend His mercy.” “Therefore”… (fallacies often follow..) “It is not important to be concerned with having scriptural precedent for our spiritual practices.” “We can judge that others who have serious spiritual transgressions are still going to…

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The Reality of Unreason

by Matthew W. Bassford One of the most fascinating exchanges in the New Testament appears toward the end of Paul’s defense before the Jerusalem mob, in Acts 22:17-21. The incident that Paul relates took place shortly after his conversion, after he had fled from Damascus and returned to Jerusalem, still preaching the gospel. While he…

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The Rationale of the Tolerant

by Warren Berkley via Truth Magazine – May 16, 1974 The idea of sinking all our differences into a sea of “love” and sweet tolerance and uniting in division seems to be rapidly reaching every part of the religious world. Denominational bodies who have formerly harbored revenge are now skillfully defending latitudinarianism and independence of…

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False Dichotomies

by Gardner Hall A false dichotomy is treating two different principles or ideas as mutually exclusive when they are not, or an issue or group of issues as the only options when there are others. In a controversy, the use of false dichotomies often involves a demand to choose one principle or the other when…

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Lessons on Evangelism: Addressing Faith Alone

by Andrew S. Hamilton Class Objective Preparing the members to handle common questions that will come up when running the tables. (1 Peter 3:15) Foundation Material Statements and Logic All chickens have three legs. Henry has three legs; therefore, Henry is a chicken. Only chickens have two legs. Henry has three legs; therefore, Henry is…

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Jesus: “Public Enemy Number One”

by Larry Hafley How do we explain the Jews’ hatred of Jesus? What motivated them to kill him? If I had been a Jewish lawyer, here is the case I would have presented. (Let the reader understand that what follows is based upon the ignorance and envy of the day (Matthew 22:29; 27:18; John 5:39).…

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The Law of Non-Contradiction

by Joshua Gurtler First published in Biblical Insights Magazine, May 2015 The Law of Non-Contradiction Argues for the God of the Bible and Against Atheism, Hinduism, and Buddhism There is an argument for God that I would like for you to consider. This argument says that without the Christian worldview (which is simply the comprehensive belief…

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Logic in the Bible

by Terry W. Benton While some modern brethren have declared that the logic of “necessary inference” has been made up in recent years by “church of Christ preachers”, the Bible shows that this kind of logic goes back to communication from God and man from the beginning. If anyone should be credited with the origin…

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