Posts Tagged ‘knowledge’
Knowledge Without Wisdom
by Terry Wane Benton In Colossians 1, we find Paul writing to a group that heard “the word of the truth of the gospel” (Colossians 1:5), and it produced faith, hope, and love (Colossians 1:4-5) in them. Paul was thankful, but he went on to pray that they would be “filled with the knowledge of…
Read MoreCan We Know God?
by Terry Wane Benton We must “believe that He is” (Hebrews 11:6) and that He rewards those who diligently seek Him, but knowing He exists and knowing Him are still two different things. I can know you exist without knowing you. The second is deeper in significance than the former. Knowing you exist is a…
Read MoreThe Christian’s Attributes
by Jefferson David Tant “Now for this very reason also, applying all diligence, in your faith supply moral excellence, and in your moral excellence, knowledge, and in your knowledge, self-control, and in your self-control, perseverance, and in your perseverance, godliness, and in your godliness, brotherly kindness, and in your brotherly kindness, love. For if these qualities…
Read MoreExpecting the Impossible by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Matthew 19:16-26 I. With God, all things are possible – Matthew 19:26 A. Even the saving of a wealthy man, if he desired to be saved. B. Yet, we must understand that some things are impossible for even God 1. It is impossible for God to lie – Hebrews 6:17-18 2. He cannot…
Read MoreA Lack of Knowledge Brings Destruction
by Andy Sochor Through the prophet Hosea, God made known His “case against” His people (Hosea 4:1). The Lord’s complaint was that there was “no faithfulness or kindness or knowledge of God in the land” (Hosea 4:1). Because of their unfaithfulness, God was going to destroy them. The people, priests, and prophets were all to…
Read MoreFacing God by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Exodus 33:18-23 I. Moses asked to see God’s full glory, but God told Moses that no mortal man could survive seeing His full glory face-to-face A. Many people have speculated as to why this should be the case B. I suspect that part of it is due to sin – I…
Read MoreKnowing God
by Terry Wane Benton Just because one person does not know God, does not mean that nobody really knows God. The atheist and the skeptic do not know God, and they assume nobody can know God, but that is just their assumption based upon their own ignorance. Just because they don’t know God does not…
Read MoreKnowledge
by Ben Overby Sentry Magazine, March 2000 The Hebrew writer desired to feed his readers “solid food.” but was prevented by their inability to consume such “food,” (see Hebrews 5:12-6:3). An interesting question arises after reading this passage. What value is there in our pursuit of “solid food,” or those truths which go beyond the…
Read MoreThree Aspects of Learning by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Proverbs 24:3-6 I. There are three aspects to learning, whether we talk about school work or Bible study A. Proverbs 2:6 – The Lord gives wisdom, knowledge, and understanding B. Proverbs 24:3-4 – Compared to a house 1. Knowledge is the comprehension of facts. It fills our minds with pleasant and useful…
Read MoreKnowledge by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Colossians 1:3-12 I. There was a period in world history known as the Dark Ages. A. After the collapse of the Roman Empire, society decayed for centuries B. Compared to the earlier periods, very little was written. C. Very little advancement in knowledge and ideas were made. 1. Education of the populace, as…
Read MoreWill I be judged for not being as smart as another person?
Question: Good evening. I am having trouble understanding intellect. Is intellect a worldly thing or does it come from above? I understand Colossians 3 and how it identifies the things we should be thinking about and the things we need to mortify. It didn’t mention intellect precisely, but I do believe it takes intellect to…
Read MoreAre we only judged by the things we know?
Question: Good afternoon, Brother Hamilton: I hope this message finds you well. I am looking at your site for information about accountability for the Christian, and I am having trouble wording what I’m looking for to find resources. Maybe you can help. I was at a small study with one of the wives of our…
Read MoreTumbleweed Christians
by Jefferson David Tant Tumbleweeds are a familiar sight in the western United States. A tumbleweed is a structural part of the above-ground anatomy of a number of species of plants. Once it is mature and dry, it detaches from its root and then is blown across the landscape by the wind. “Tumbling Tumbleweeds” is…
Read MoreHe Who Knows Not
by Irven Lee In my high school days, my biology teacher kept some brief expressions of wisdom written on a small section of the blackboard that was near the ceiling on the front wall of his classroom. He left some of them there for several weeks before he would replace them with others. Five decades…
Read MoreThree Roads to Learning
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I. There are three roads to learning, whether we talk about school work or Bible study A. Prov. 2:6 – The Lord gives wisdom, knowledge, and understanding B. Prov. 24:3-4 – Compared to a house 1. Knowledge is the comprehension of facts. It fills our minds with pleasant and useful things 2. Understanding is the reasoning…
Read MoreShould I ask God to give people His complete knowledge?
Question: Is it worthwhile to ask God in prayer to give confused or unbelieving people His complete knowledge of what is expected of them and a chance to accept it and be saved right before they would otherwise be damned? An example of what I mean by a confused person is, say, someone who thinks…
Read MoreKnowledge: The Key to Security in Christ by Rob Speer God and I
Read MoreWhat Can be Known Can be Shown
by Tim Nichols All rational students of the Bible want to be told, by teachers and preachers, not just what to believe, but also why those things are to be believed. Every faithful teacher of the Bible is prepared to deliver both in clear terms. Bible doctrines are all taught by specific Bible passages and…
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Concerning One’s Knowledge Before Baptism . . .
How Much Is Enough?
by Jim King How much should a person know before being baptized into Christ? It’s a good question, and one we need to consider as we teach people the gospel. On the one hand, some accounts of conversions in Acts seem to imply a very introductory understanding of the facts about Jesus. Cornelius (Acts 10)…
Read MoreHow do I know if I’m doing what God wants me to do?
Question: How do I know if what I am doing is what God wants me to do? I don’t know if I should do what I want to do or what others want me to do. Above all, I don’t know if what I am doing is right or wrong. How do I find out?…
Read MoreWhen is a child old enough to explain concepts like rape that appear in a story?
Question: I have a 10-year-old son who is being homeschooled. He is in a Medieval, Reformation, and Renaissance unit and will be reading a version of The Canterbury Tales that has been translated into modern English by Barbara Cohen. In this book, specifically in “The Wife of Bath’s Tale” there is a knight who rapes…
Read MoreEducation
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalm 78:1-8 I. Why go to school? What use is all those endless facts? A. A question I’m sure more school-aged children ask. B. Does an education have value? 1. To answer this we must compare the alternative. a. Solomon did this and concluded wisdom, which is gained by learning, is better – Ecclesiastes…
Read MoreEducation Is Not the Enemy
by Doy Moyer Knowledge is not the enemy of God’s people, and this means that education is not the enemy either, for one must participate in some form of education in order to receive knowledge. While knowledge without love puffs up (I Corinthians 8:1), knowledge itself is not the root problem. On the other hand,…
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