My King by Raymond Warfel

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What were the duties of a king?

Question: What did kings do as they were king? Answer: A king was responsible to God for the welfare of the people in his nation. He was the leader of the army in times of war (I Samuel 8:20). He was the final judge or highest court of appeals in judicial matters (II Samuel 8:15;…

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Notes on Kings During the Divided Kingdom

Kings During the Divided Kingdom From I Kings Judah Israel Prophets Solomon (Mostly Good) 40 years I Kings 1-11 Nathan I Kings 1 Ahijah I Kings 11 Iddo Rehoboam (Evil) 17 years I Kings 12:1-24; 14:21-31; 15:6 Jeroboam (Evil) 22 years I Kings 11:26-40; 12:1-14:20 Ahijah I Kings 14 Shemaiah Iddo Abijam (Abijah) (Evil )…

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Who were the judges and kings of Israel?

Question: What were the names of the kings of Israel? How many judges were there that ruled over Israel? Answer: The judges of Israel were: Othniel Ehud Shamgar Deborah Gideon Abimelech (Not a true judge. He was merely a corrupt ruler during the period of the Judges. Judges 9:22) Tola Jair Jephthah Ibzan Elon Abdon Samson…

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What did King David do as king?

Question: What did King David do as king? Answer: I don’t know if you are asking for a summary of David’s accomplishments or what the duties of a king were in David’s time. Below is a quick overview: The Accomplishments of King David David successfully defeated the enemies of Israel, thus creating the ability for…

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