Josiah and the Book

by Zeke Flores During Josiah’s temple repairs, an astounding find was the impetus of a new force in a revival already underway. The Book of God’s law had been found … by a priest no less! But how long had the Book of the Law been lost? Since Josiah’s great-grandfather Hezekiah led a similar revival,…

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Young King Josiah

by Zeke Flores Think about it: An eight-year-old boy takes the reins of a country but doesn’t shrink back in intimidation. Instead, young Josiah goes head-first into serving his God personally, then nationally. By the time he’s 26, Josiah is leading a full-blown revival not seen since the days of his great-granddaddy Hezekiah. Idols came…

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A Tender Heart

A Tender Heart (Part 1)A Tender Heart (Part 2) by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: II Kings 22:14-20   I.         The heart of Josiah             A.        Those were dark days in the kingdom. For 55 years his grandfather had harshly ruled over Judah – a reign of evil and terror – II Kings 21:1-2, 6                         1.         So terrible were his…

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