Young King Josiah

by Zeke Flores

Think about it: An eight-year-old boy takes the reins of a country but doesn't shrink back in intimidation. Instead, young Josiah goes head-first into serving his God personally, then nationally. By the time he's 26, Josiah is leading a full-blown revival not seen since the days of his great-granddaddy Hezekiah. Idols came down, and God's temple was built up.

We need the same revival today. Too many cultural "idols" have weakened the church and distracted God's people. Just as it took workmen in Josiah’s time to repair the neglected temple, it will take workmen today to restore the unattended church. A local church must need, value, and appreciate all of her members because it takes all of her members to step up to the work and worship that God intends for each local church.

"The king stood by the pillar and made a covenant before Yahweh, to walk after Yahweh, and to keep His commandments and His testimonies and His statues will all his heart and all his would, to carry out the words of this covenant that were written in this book. And all the people entered into the covenant" (II Kings 23:3).