It is delightful to read all these answers and learn from them

Question: Hi, While doing some research on the net I found your site. I do not have any particular questions to ask, but I just wanted to encourage you in doing God’s work. It is really delightful to read all those answers and to learn from them. You are blessed by God, and I know…

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Could “Mighty God” in Isaiah 9:6 refer to a man?

Question: Can you look at these two web sites for me and tell me your thoughts? Hopefully, you can refute them. Answer: I generally don’t do reviews of other people’s writings. However, I will address a common point the two you selected brought up and show you how they are playing games. In…

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Are Allah and Yahweh the same God?

Question: Hi, Many people believe that Allah and Yahweh are the same God though they have very different characteristics that I don’t think they’re the same.  However, since the Arabs are Ishmaelites they obviously know God.  Could it be that Allah is a partial interpretation of Yahweh that came about because the founding fathers of…

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What is the difference between Islam and Christianity?

Question: What is the difference between Islam and Christianity? If Jesus is God, what about the prophet Moses (Torah), or the prophet David (Injil)? The holy book Torah had been given to the prophet Moses and the holy book Injil had been given to the prophet David. Likewise, the holy book had been given to…

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What religion did the Arabs follow prior to Islam?

Question: I’d like to know what religion, if any, did the current Muslims have before Mohammad came. Since they are sons of Ishmael, were they following Judaism? Answer: Judaism is the following of the Law of Moses, which was given exclusively to the sons of Israel. “And Moses called all Israel, and said to them:…

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What About Latter-Day Revelation from God?

by Clem Thurman via Gospel Minutes, Vol. 57, No. 47, Nov. 21, 2008. QUESTION: Is the Bible the complete and final revelation from God or is He continuing to give revelation through certain chosen people or organizations, such as the Mormon Church, The Catholic Pope ex-cathedra, Mohammad via the Koran, The New World Translation, Ellen…

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Why I Believe the Bible Is God’s Only Revelation

by Terry W. Benton There is something unique about the Bible that sets it apart from all other books that claim some kind of divine authority associated with them. Human Wisdom Alone Can Account For All Others When we examine each book there are features that lend credibility to the claim of inspiration in one…

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Answering a Muslim Critic

by Larry Rouse Part 1 This week I received an e-mail from a Muslim, Mr. Husain, that was severely critical of those who believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God. He reasoned that because the Bible was so discredited that our only alternative was to believe in the “only 100% purely existing…

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A Study of Islam

by Jim Sasser INTRODUCTION: Because of the events of Sept. 11, 2001, many people have become interested in the Muslim religion, known as Islam. Brethren in Christ are requesting information on the subject. I first became acquainted with the religion of Islam in 1964 when my family and I moved to Nigeria in West Africa…

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Is a child bride really married?

Question: Recently I was participating in a discussion with several Christians regarding biblical divorce. One of the group members brought up the marriage of young girls in Third World cultures, such as Afghanistan or Pakistan. From what we have read these girls are sold into marriage by their fathers or extended families. One instance made…

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Why is the Qur’an different from the Bible?

Question: Even though I live in a very conservative Muslim society, I grew up in a somewhat liberal Muslim family. Furthermore, my Muslim upbringing was unique due to my father’s and mother’s serious involvement in Islam. I personally do not consider myself very religious. However, throughout all this time I never doubted the fundamentals of…

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Premillennialism and the Bible

By Jefferson David Tant Our nation was shocked, saddened, and angered on September 11, 2001, by the events that transpired in our nation — the cold-blooded murder of thousands. And people wonder, why this hatred, why this insane rage? A few days after the atrocities, I spent some time talking with a peaceful Islamic young…

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Does God condemn pedophilia, rape, or self-defense?

Question: I saw your web posting about “Animal Rights and the Bible.” I am glad to know there are people like you out there who can boldly say you hold God’s word as the ultimate authority. Many Christians today twist God’s word to fit their own feelings and forbid what God has not forbidden. I…

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I call upon you to obey Allah’s command and convert to Islam

Question: I am a former Christian who converted to Islam after reading the Qur’an with an open mind. I am now a devout Muslim. I write this letter to you so that you might consider converting to Islam and becoming a Muslim. Peace be upon he who follows the right path, to those obedient to…

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Ghosts of Aaron

by Steven Harper Once again, a religious leader from the world’s largest ‘Christian’ denomination has conceded to the pagan religions of the world in an effort to appear all-inclusive, non-confrontational, and “loving.” According to the Associated Press, a Roman Catholic ‘Bishop’ from the southern diocese of Breda [the Netherlands] “has proposed people of all faiths…

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Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in Daniel is a good way to reach Muslims

Question: Sir, the Muslims believe that Allah is the God of Abraham and the prophets. Although they err greatly by attempting to come to God without coming through Christ (John 14:6), nonetheless, Islam recognizes the God of the Old Testament. I have found Nebuchadnezzar’s dream Book of Daniel to be of great assistance in exposing…

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No Room for Compromise

by Glen Young There are things happening in the world today that are alarming. Not the least of these is the increase in Moslem jihad. With the ability to obtain powerful weaponry, the proponents of a ‘holy war’ believe their goal is attainable. The attitude behind jihad is a real and present danger to the…

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Why do Christians call Jesus the Son of God?

Question: I’m 21 years old. I’m from Northern Iraq which is the Kurdish people region. I’ve been in the United States for 17 years now. My family was sponsored by a church here in America. I love it here. I have gone back to visit twice and I liked it there, but I’m too Americanized…

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Did Orson Pratt originate the idea that the Bible is unreliable?

Question: Good morning.  Back in the 1800’s Mormon Apostle Orson Pratt stated that the Bible is fundamentally unreliable; that it had been mistranslated over the centuries.  What I want to know is,  was this statement by Pratt original with him, or did this kind of claim originate earlier in history?  [My objective in knowing this…

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Insufficient Evidence

by Allen Dvorak Perpetua and Felicitas were two young women who were martyred in A.D. 203 at Carthage, victims of the Roman persecution of the church.  When they were condemned to die in the arena, Perpetua was a woman of 22 years with a young child and Felicitas was pregnant.  Tertullian is believed by some to…

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If I am not a follower of God, am I an enemy of God?

Question: If I  am not a follower of God, am I an enemy of God? What constitutes an enemy of God? Answer: Jesus stated, “He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters abroad” (Matthew 12:30). The stand of God is of such a nature that…

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No Prophecy

by Carl A. Allen Often, when I am reading at random, I come across a thought that is worthy of passing on. Some of these thoughts are for thinking, not just passing over. I believe this quote to be of that value. “There are no prophecies for Buddha, Confucius, Muhammad or any other leader of…

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How do I answer someone who believes all religions are equal?

Question: One non-Christian I spoke with, a Unitarian, once said to me “No one has shown me anything that proves the Bible is more valid than any other holy book.” When I persisted he said, “How would you feel if a Muslim friend kept telling you that your soul was damned to hell if you…

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Is Jesus God?

Question: Is Jesus God? Answer: Many religions cast doubts on the deity of Jesus. For example, Jehovah’s Witnesses claim that Jesus is the first creation of God. Muslims see Jesus as nothing more than a significant prophet, much like Moses. To answer this question, let us turn to the book of John which deals with…

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