A Study of Islam

by Jim Sasser


  1. Because of the events of Sept. 11, 2001, many people have become interested in the Muslim religion, known as Islam.
  2. Brethren in Christ are requesting information on the subject.
  3. I first became acquainted with the religion of Islam in 1964 when my family and I moved to Nigeria in West Africa to preach the gospel of Christ.
  4. At that time there were not a lot of Muslims living in the area where we lived. Most of them lived in the northern part of Nigeria. These were people of the black, negro race, not Arabs in the true sense of the word.
  5. Many of them were traders of the Hausa tribe, who brought their goods and cattle down to the southern part of the country of Nigeria to sell them to the Yoruba and other tribes living in the south.
    1. They would also bring their goods in large trucks to the portside of Nigeria, Lagos, to ship abroad.
    2. Their cattle were driven down by another, servile tribe, the Fulanis.
    3. The Fulanis would also carry large baskets of carved and woven goods for the private trading Hausas.
  6. There was a mosque (religious meeting place) for the Muslims just across the road from where a congregation of the Lord's people met for worship.
  7. In going about the city, Muslims could be seen praying. They prayed 5 times a day regardless of what they were engaged in as far as work was concerned.
    1. They always put their faces toward Mecca, the Muslim Holy City, when they prayed, bowing their faces to the ground, while being on their knees, sitting up from time to time, and then bowing again.
  8. The Muslims were the only ones, other than gospel preachers, you would see preaching on the streets of the city at night.
  9. They would visit my preaching place on the streets and get involved in the question-and-answer portion of our teaching efforts.
  10. On becoming acquainted with some of their beliefs through the questions and answers they engaged in with us, I began to study the Koran in order to better understand their teachings and how to react to them.
  11. I wrote a tract while I was in Nigeria in 1965 entitled "Jesus Christ or Mohammed, Which Will You Serve?"
  12. We distributed thousands of these tracts in many areas, especially in the larger cities where there were Muslims present.
    1. Muhammad, the spiritual leader of Islam, was born in Mecca, located in what is now known as Saudi Arabia, in 570 A. D. His father was named Abdullah. His grandfather was Abdul Muttalib of the Qureysh tribe of Arabs.
      1. His father died before he was born and his mother died when he was 6 years old.
      2. He was brought up by his grandfather for the first few years of his life and after his grandfather died he was taken into the home of his uncle who was a caravan trader traveling here and there. Even to Syria.
        1. During his travels with his uncle, Mohammad met up with Jews and Christians, and other religions.
        2. Mohammad learned his uncle's trade well and begin to work for a wealthy widow by the name of Khadijah.
        3. After gaining the confidence and respect of the widow he conducted her business well.
        4. At the age of 25, he married the widow, who was 40 at the time, and they had a good marriage until she died some 26 years later.
        5. After her death, Mohammad married several other women. At one time he was said to have 9 wives. (Actually, 5 more than the Koran allowed others.)
    2. In Mecca, there was a large black stone called the Kabah Stone. It was said to be a stone from the temple that Abraham built and the people later claimed to be followers of Abraham through his son Ishmael.
      1. Around the Kabah Stone were other stones that were called the daughters of Allah. Allah was actually the major idol in this process. Later, Mohammad seemingly took Allah to be the God of Abraham and the prophets.
        1. At the time this was an idolatrous situation. Allah cannot be the God of the Bible because the God of the Bible had a Son named Jesus Christ, which the Muslims refuse to accept as such. Note, I John 2:23.
      2. In his early life, Mohammad became associated with a group of people in Mecca that claimed to be seeking truth. They were opposed to the idolatrous activities of those that were meeting at and around the Kabah Stone.
        1. These people that were opposed to those who were meeting and worshipping around the Kabah Stone were referred to as "seekers" and became known as Hunafa -- "those who turn away."
      3. In his early married life, Mohammad had a practice of taking a month off every year from his work, and with his family, he would go into the mountains outside of Mecca.
        1. During this month, the month of Ramadan, he would go into a cave and meditate.
          1. It was during one of these meditations that he claimed to have received a vision from God, Allah.
          2. (shades of and somewhat like the claims of Joseph Smith who started the Mormon religion).
      4. Even though he could neither read nor write there were those that wrote down what he had told them that he received in those many visions he claimed to have seen while in the cave.
        1. So, from the writings of his friends, of his revelations, there came together, after his death, the book known as the Koran, Quran.
        2. This book is about the size of our New Testament. It has 114 chapters referred to as Surahs. The verses are called Ayahs.
    3. The teaching of Mohammad, while he was having his revelations, was opposed to the idolatrous activities of the major portion of the population of Mecca.
      1. The Koran shows that while he had a small following and lived in Mecca he was more appeasing to other religions but after he went to Medina and built up a large following, his attitude and teaching changed toward all other religions.
      2. So, he and his followers had to leave Mecca because of the outcry against him and his "seekers."
        1. They journeyed about 280 miles north of Mecca and established themselves in a city called Medina.
        2. This flight (Hijra) from Mecca took place in 622 A.D. and is set forth as the beginning of the religion of Islam (submissive, subdued).
        3. Mohammad lived only 10 more years after fleeing Mecca. But these 10 years were very full of activities pushing his own agenda and religion by the edge of the sword.
    1. Islam is now one of the major religions of the world, embracing nearly a fifth of the world's population, well over a billion people.
      1. There are more than 6 million Muslims in the USA.
        1. There are more than 1.5 million black converts to Islam in this country alone.
          1. I just wonder how many of them have learned enough Arabic to be able to pray the required prayers to Allah 5 times a day in the Arabic tongue?
        2. There are possibly 50,000 white converts to Islam in the USA.
          1. The Muslims are preaching their religion every day to anyone who will listen, they are very serious about converting people to Islam.
      2. Some of the black slaves, especially from the northern part of Africa, were pressed into becoming Muslims while still in Africa.
      3. The first mosque in America was built in Pittsburgh, PA in 1930 for black Muslims.
        1. So, the Nation of Islam was established among black people in 1933.
      4. In 1952 Islam was recognized as a legitimate religion in the USA.
        1. Now, there are more than 5 million Muslims in the US.
        2. There are 843 mosques, 165 schools, 426 associations, and 89 publications.
    2. During the lifetime of Mohammad, he led his armies on about 20 forays into other countries compelling his conquered lands to become Muslims by the edge of his sword.
      1. One of his first forays was to go back and capture Mecca from which he was earlier driven.
      2. He felt like Mecca because of his revelations from there was the center of his religion of Islam.
      3. After his death in 632 A.D. his followers, under a Caliph by the name of Abu Bakr, continued to go even farther and farther into foreign lands and compelling them to accept the religion of Islam or die.
        1. They went as far as Spain and also captured Palestine from the Jewish people.
        2. The "Dome of the Rock" mosque in Jerusalem is said to be the place from which Mohammad was carried by the angel Gabriel to heaven.
      4. They finally met some opposition in the name of the Crusades mounted by the Catholics in the name of Christianity.
        1. Also, a Frenchman, Charles Martel, offered some resistance. But the Muslims were firmly ensconced in many nations and are still there in large numbers.
    1. The Jews, because of their failure to follow the laws of Jehovah God, were carried away into captivity in other nations of the day.
      1. The northern tribes known as Israel were carried away into Assyria in 720 B.C. Judah, the southern part of Israel, was carried away into Babylon beginning in 606 B.C. with two other forays by Babylon mounted in 596, and 586 B.C.
      2. Some of the captives from Judah were allowed by the Medo-Persians to return to Palestine beginning some 70 years later, as prophesied. But the majority of the surviving people of Judah did not accept the permission to return.
        1. Also, a few of those of the northern tribes of Israel seemed to have returned individually back to Palestine over a period of several years.
    2. At the time of the coming of Christ upon the scene, most of the Jews were scattered throughout many nations.
      1. Sixteen or seventeen of these nations are mentioned in Acts 2 on the first Pentecost after the resurrection of Christ.
    3. We are told that more than a million Jews were killed by the Romans and the Jewish Zealots leading up to and during the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D..
      1. Following this, the major portion of Jews continued to be scattered over major portions of the earth from that time onward.
      2. Some of these could be found in Arab lands.
      3. Many of them lived in Arab lands during the early days of Mohammad's life. He learned a lot about them as he traveled among them in his trading days.
        1. He also learned a lot about Christians as well.
  4. Mohammad was very cordial to both Jew and Christian during the early days of his life. Such shows up in the early writings of the Koran.
  1. This was during the time that he was trying to raise a following in Mecca and then in Medina.
    1. But after he obtained a large following and had raised a large army his attitude changed toward both Jews and Christians. He referred to both Jew and Christian as "People of the Book" or Bible.
    2. This change is shown clearly in the later writings of the Koran.
    3. Once Mohammad obtained a large following and trained a large army he set out to destroy or convert all that did not believe in his doctrine of Islam.
  1. He led about 20 excursions throughout Arab lands. His followers, led by Caliphs, continued to lead armies into Europe and Palestine long after his death up until the 1800s.
  • During these years, the Jews continued to be spread throughout the world. As is indicated by what happened to them in Germany, Russia and other countries leading up to, during, and following WWII.
  • During the history of Jerusalem and Palestine (named after the Philistines) most of the time both city and country were ruled by foreign kings.
  1. The Muslim leaders were among those who so ruled.
    1. Actually, they ruled in Jerusalem and Palestine until 1948, when the USA and Britain pushed them back away from the environs of Jerusalem and established a state for the refugee Jews from many nations of Europe.
    2. The Muslims have never forgiven the Americans and British for pushing them out of the land they had ruled for many years.
  • Even though the Muslims are taught from childhood, in the Koran and other laws (sharia), to physically fight to uphold and expand these laws, they do have somewhat of a legitimate beef with the British and Americans concerning the arbitrary rule of the Jews over Jerusalem and areas around it brought on by their forceful removal from the area.
  • Since the US has upheld the Jewish occupation and supported them with much money and military arms since 1948, the Muslims consider the US as much their enemy as they do Israel.
  • Mohammad = Praised One. Islam = Submission. Mosque = House of Worship. Dome of the Rock = A Muslim Mosque built in Jerusalem in 691 A.D., while the Muslims were in control of Jerusalem and Palestine.
  • Some Of The Teachings Found In The Koran (Quran):
  1. There are six fundamental points of Islamic belief:
    1. There Is One God And His Name Is Allah. The name Allah literally means "The God." Islam is highly monotheistic. A Muslim writes, "We must believe in the existence and oneness of Allah...that He has no partner, that there is no comparable being..." (Shaltout, p. 91). Therefore, as we shall see in detail later, Muslims do not believe in the deity of Christ, and they label Christians as "polytheists" or idolators (El Dareer, p. 10).
    2. Allah has revealed himself through his prophet Muhammad, who is the "seal of the prophets", the last and greatest of them all. Islam claims to accept Moses, Christ, and many other Biblical prophets as true spokesmen for God. However, Muhammad has had the last word even though many of his words contradict the words of the Bible.
    3. "The holy book of the Quran (or Koran) is the completion of this revelation." (Sabini, p. 8). The Koran is of slightly less length than the New Testament. It is divided into one hundred fourteen chapters called "Surahs". Individual verses are called "Ayahs". Muslims believe that the Koran is Allah's perfect and complete revelation as it exists in the Arabic language. They claim that it "cannot be fully translated into any other language" and that "It is impossible, therefore, to reproduce the meaning, beauty, and fascination of the Qu'ran in any other form" (Abdalati, p. 3). An English translation of the Koran is therefore considered "a human interpretation in a different language and falls far short of the forcefulness of the original book." (Abdalati, p. 4).
    4. An oral tradition of the things Muhammad taught, exemplified, and approved of is called the "Sunnah," and is held in high esteem by Muslims. "Hadith" is a statement, narrative or record of Sunnah tradition. "The role of the Sunnah is not limited to clarifying the duties implied in general commandments revealed in the Qu'ran. Often the Sunnah establishes new obligations and prohibitions for which no clear reference can be found in the Qu'ran." (Draz, p. 39). "The Sunnah...is justifiably binding on all Muslims." (Draz, p. 39). However, "If there be any contradiction or inconsistency between any of the Traditions and the Qu'ran, the Muslim adheres to the Qu'ran alone...because no genuine Tradition of Muhammad can ever disagree with the Qu'ran or be opposed to it." (Abdalati. p. 21). It should be noted here that the two major factions within Islam (Sunnites and Shi'ites) disagree sharply over which traditions or Sunnahs are genuine and authoritative (Sabini, p. 15).
    5. Based on the Koran, Islam holds that there are at least three classes of spirit beings other than man; these are angels, jinns, and devils. The angels are ruled by four Archangels, the most visible of whom is Gabriel. Jinns are the desert spirits created of fire, which Arabs believed in long before Muhammad. The Koran's view of Satan and devils is similar to that presented in the Bible. (Sabini, p. 10).
    6. After life, the soul remains in the grave where it receives a foretaste of its fate until the judgment or last day, at which time Allah will send whom he wills to heaven or to hell according to their conduct on earth. (Sabini, p. 8).
  2. There are basic religious practices that are referred to as "The Five Pillars" of Islam.
    1. Testimony Or Confession: -- (shadada) is the profession of faith. "It consists of a single sentence: 'There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is His Prophet'". (Smith, p. 218). Each Muslim must say this with conviction at least once in his lifetime; most say it many times each day.
    2. Prayer (saiah) is to be made in Arabic at least five times daily facing Mecca. The prayer begins with a devotional phrase (e.g. "God is most great") and then with the opening verse of the Koran, which, in English would run something like this: Praise be to God. The Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds. Most Gracious, Most Merciful; Master of the Day of Judgment. Thee do we worship. And Thine aid we seek. (Sabini, p. 18). Tradition has established a formal sequence for a prayer of standing and reciting, bowing from the hips, straightening up, gliding to the knees, prostrating face down, sitting back on the haunches, and prostrating again.
    3. Charity (zakah) is the payment of a fixed alms tax amounting yearly to two and a half percent of a Muslim's income and holdings. This money is to be distributed among the poor. (Smith, p. 221; Sabini, p. 19).
    4. Fasting (sawm) is required during the month of Ramadan in the Arabian calendar. Muhammad is supposed to have received his commission as a prophet and made his flight from Mecca to Medina during this month (Smith, p. 221). During Ramadan "Muslims are required to abstain from food, drink, smoking, and sexual relations during the hours of daylight." (Sabini, pp. 19,20).
    5. Pilgrimage (hajj) is a requirement of the Koran that every Muslim make a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a lifetime if physically possible. Once a male has made that pilgrimage he is referred to as: Al hajji. A female who has made the pilgrimage is referred to as: Al hajja.
  • The Koran Tells Its Followers to Fight and Kill Christians Until They Become Muslims.
  1. I know that there were times when so-called Christians fought and killed others that did not believe as they did.
    1. The Catholic Inquisition, perpetrated by Bulls or Laws handed down by the Popes of the times.
    2. Then there was the Spanish Inquisition based on the same ideas that all that did not believe as their laws indicated they should were considered as heretics and were therefore tortured and killed and their properties seized.
      1. But none of these actions were taught in the New Testament, the law of God for all Christians from the time of the death and resurrection and ascension of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
  • The Tract That Was Written In 1965, Was Entitled "Jesus Christ Or Mohammad, Which Will You Serve?"
  1. The choice must be made, we cannot serve both and be pleasing to Jehovah God.
    1. The teachings of the Koran are so opposed to the teachings of the Bible one cannot serve both Jesus Christ and Mohammad's Allah at the same time.
  2. It is true that there are millions of people that claim to be followers of Jesus Christ. It is also true that there are millions that claim to be followers of Mohammad.
    1. In 1908 there were estimated that there were 225 million Muslims in the world. In 2007 we are told that there are more than one billion Muslims in the world.
  • Jesus Christ Or Mohammad, Which Will You Serve?
  1. This tract is written to show the utter impossibility of following both.
  2. It is also for the purpose of setting forth the teaching of each upon certain subjects that are vital to one's salvation.
    1. You will need to weigh each teaching carefully and make your choice accordingly.
      1. In Matthew 6:24 we read: "No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to one, and despise the other."
      2. Joshua 24:14,15 says: "Now therefore fear Jehovah, and serve Him in sincerity and in truth: and put away the gods which your fathers served beyond the River, and in Egypt; and serve ye Jehovah. And if it seem evil unto you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve Jehovah.
      3. In I Kings 18:21, we read: "And Elijah came near unto the people, and said 'How long go ye limping between the two sides? If Jehovah be God, follow Him, but if Baal, then follow him...
  3. Concerning Prophets and Prophecies:
    1. "All Muslims believe in the unity of God and the priesthood of Muhammad. They believe in ALL the prophets of God and in His Book." (The Holy Quran, Arabic Text, Translation and Commentary by Maulana Muhammed Ali, preface p. 9).
    2. "Woe to them who write a book and contend it came from Allah, they are interested only in the proceeds." (Quran, 2:80).
      1. "Add thou not unto His Words, let He reprove thee, and thou be found a liar." (Proverbs 30:6).
      2. "Every Scripture is inspired of God and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for instruction which is in righteousness: that the man of God may be complete, furnished completely unto every good work" (II Timothy 3:16-17).
    3. It is true, as Muhammad says, that we should not write a book and contend that it comes from God.
      1. The Bible is the also very plain in its teaching concerning adding to or taking away from the Word of God. The Bible is the complete Word of God, written down for us, by God inspired men, to furnish us with every good thing that we are to know and do.
      2. The Quran, on the other hand, is no part of the Bible, and does not claim to be, therefore it is not a part of that which furnishes man unto every good work.
        1. Since it is no part of the inspired Bible, it is condemned by Muhammad himself who said, "Woe is the man who writes a book and says that it comes from God. He only looks for the proceeds." It is an addition added by uninspired men and therefore is condemned by Mohammad and God. "Allah gave Moses a book and Jesus clear arguments." (Quran 2:88;254).
        2. The book of Moses and the arguments of Jesus are truly very clear in their condemnation of false prophets and those that deny Jesus Christ as the Son of God. Moses and all the other prophets said that Jesus Christ was the Prophet that God would raise up to save His people from their sins (Acts 3:18-26). False prophets and liars are those that deny that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, has come in the flesh (I John 4:1-3). "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but prove the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: and every spirit that confesseth not is not of God: and this is the spirit of anti-Christ, whereof ye have heard that it cometh; and now it is in the world already."
        3. "Who is the liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? This is the anti-Christ, even he that denieth the Father and the Son. Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: he that confesseth the Son hath the Father also." (I John 2:22-23).
      3. The Quran claims that the covenant made with Abraham did not cover all nations (Quran 2:125). But the Bible says: "...and in thee shall all the nations of earth be blessed." (Genesis 12:3). Muhammad said he believed in that which was revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, and Jesus (Quran 2:136). He said that he made no difference between any of them. (Quran 2:286). Since he has stated that he believes what was revealed to Jesus he must believe Jesus when He said: "I am the Son of God." (Mark 14:61,62; John 14:1,2; 4:25-26; Matthew 27:43).
      4. The Quran says that it is impossible for a prophet to act dishonestly (Quran 3:162). But let us see what God says about this matter: "And he said unto him, I also am a prophet as thou art; and an angel spake unto me by the word of Jehovah, saying, 'Bring him back with thee into thy house, that he may eat bread and drink water'. BUT HE LIED UNTO HIM." (I Kings 13:18). "For all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us." (I John 1:8).
      5. The Quran tries to claim Abraham as a Muslim, it says that he as neither Christian nor Jew. (Quran 3:68). Truly, he was no Christian, because Christianity came to the earth with the advent of Christ. Anyone that studies the Bible carefully, will see that Abraham was the very first one of the called out people of God, that would ultimately become known as the Nation of Israel are the Hebrews or the Jews. Many places in the Bible, refer to the Jews or Israelites as the seed of Abraham. Abraham was the grandfather of Jacob who was to be known by the name of Israel, his twelve sons were known as the twelve tribes of Israel or the Jews. Surely, Abraham was the very beginning of what was to be known as the Jewish nation. (Nehemiah 9:7,8; Psalms 105:9-11; Isaiah 41:8; John 8:31,37; Romans 11:1; II Corinthians 11:22; Hebrews 7:5). The Quran also claims that Abraham disassociated himself with his father when he found out that he was an enemy of Allah. (Quran 9:114). This is not so at all. When Abraham was called out of the Ur of the Chaldees, he took his father with him. He moved to Haran and lived there with his father until his father died. (Acts 7:2-4).
      6. The Quran says: "The Torah, the Old Testament, was sent down by Allah, wherein was guidance and light." (Quran 5:45) It further states: "Jesus came and fulfilled the Torah or the Old Testament, and brought the Gospel which contained guidance and light and admonition for the Godfearing." (Quran 5:47). It continues: "Let the people of the Gospel judge according to what Allah has revealed therein, and whoso judges not by what Allah has revealed, these it is who are rebellious." (Quran 5:48). The very thing that Muhammad said in the above-cited verses of the Quran, is the very thing that we should all do. We should take the Bible as our guide and our light and not accept any other teaching in matters religious, and if anyone does accept any other book or teaching he is rebellious toward God. This teaching from the Quran indicts the Quran itself because the Quran is no part of the Bible, the guidance or the light, by which we are to judge and walk.
      7. Since the time of the apostles, who were directly inspired by the Holy Spirit, and those upon whom they laid their hands to impart miraculous knowledge, etc., there has been no more godly inspiration given to anyone. Not to any pope, not to Muhammad, not to Joseph Smith, not to Mary Baker Eddy, not to Ellen G. White, not to any leaders of any eastern religion, not to any man or woman or any group of people. No direct nor indirect inspiration of God has been given to anyone since the time of the apostles regardless of their claims. No miracles, by the power of the Holy Spirit, have been given to anyone since the time of the apostles and those on whom they laid their hands. So, anyone who claims they have been inspired by God or the Holy Spirit to write new revelation or do miracles are false teachers in every way.
  4. Concerning Being Chosen Or Saved:
    1. "Allah chooses whomsoever He pleases for His mercy." (Quran 2:106). "He guides them whom He pleases to the right way." (Quran 2:143). "Allah allows to perish whomsoever He will and sets on the right whomsoever He will." (Quran 6:40). According to the teaching, if a person is lost or not chosen it will be Allah's fault and not the person's lost. But the Bible teaches differently about Jehovah God. "The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slacknes; but is longsuffering to you-ward, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance" (II Peter 3:9). Jehovah God wants everybody to be saved, but only by doing His Will.
  5. Concerning Fighting And Killing:
    1. "Fight and kill until there is no persecution." (Quran 2:191-194). "We shall strike terror into the hearts of those that disbelieve." (Quran 3:152). "You can slay and destroy them by Allah's leave." (Quran 3:153). "Seize and kill the hypocrites wherever you find them." (Quran 4:90). "Fight disbelievers until there is no persecution and all religion is Islam." (Quran 8:40). "O prophet, urge the people to fight." (Quran 8:60). "Fight Jews and Christians until they become Muslims." (Quran 9:29). If all Muslims did according to the teaching of the Quran in the above verses from the Quran, what a bloodthirsty, warmongering people they would be. We trust that all Muslims are not doing what the Quran directs them to do. Neither do those that claim to believe the Bible and to be Christians, do what they are taught by the Bible to do. The past 25 years have shown the world that the fighting that is called for in the Quran and from the majority of the mosques and the Imams that are the teachers of Islam is going forth in secrecy and is perpetrated upon the least expecting, innocent people, including the smallest of children, and even upon innocent people of their own religion.
    2. Before we see what the New Testament teaches all people to do concerning violence and killing of those who do not believe as they believe, let us notice some teachings from the Quran that contradict the teachings already noted: "Jews and Christians have their reward with their Lord, and there is no fear for them." (Quran 2:63; 5:70; 8:37). "There should be no compulsion in religion." (Quran 2:257). "Wrong not and ye shall not be wronged." (Quran 2:280,282). The Quran says that Abel did well by not raising up his hand against Cain even though Cain was killing him. (Quran 5:29). Truly, we can see that the Quran is a book of contradictions.
    3. The Bible from Jehovah God gives us the following information on this matter of fighting and killing: "Ye have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth': but I say unto you, 'Resist not him that is evil...' Ye have heard that it was said, 'Thou shalt love they neighbor, and hate thine enemy': but I say unto you, 'Love your enemies and pray for them that persecute you; that ye may be sons of your Father who is in heaven: for He maketh His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sendeth rain on the just and the unjust.'" (Matthew 5:38,39, 43-45). "Avenge not yourselves, beloved, but give place unto the wrath of God: for it is written, Vengeance belongeth unto Me; I will recompense, saith the Lord. But if thine enemy hunger, feed him, if he thirst, give him to drink: for is so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire upon his head. Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good." (Romans 12:19-21). There are many other Scriptures in the Bible that show we are not to engage in fighting and killing carnally. But remember, Muhammad has said that he believes that, that was revealed to all the prophets and Jesus. So, he is to believe the Scriptures that I have just quoted because they are from that which has been revealed once and for all to all human beings everywhere. And God is no respecter of persons. What is required of one is also required of another.
  6. Concerning Hell:
    1. "And when it is said to him, Fear Allah, pride incites him to further sin. So hell shall be his sufficient reward; and surely, it is an evil place of rest." (Quran 2:207). Here the Quran calls hell a place of rest. But the Bible says, "And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever, and they have no rest day or night..." (Rev. 14:11). The Quran says, "Those that oppose Muhammad's teaching and will not believe him will go to hell." (Quran 4:116). He contradicts this statement in the same Quran: "Surely, the Believers and the Jews, and the Christians and the Sabians whichever party from among these truly believes in Allah and the Last Day and does good deeds shall have their reward with their Lord, and no fear shall come upon them, nor shall they grieve." (Quran 2:63). Christians and Jews do not believe in Muhammad and his teaching, but yet he says they have nothing to fear. He also speaks of THEIR Lord, indicating that it is not HIS Lord they follow. Since Allah does not have a Son named Jesus Christ, he is not Jehovah God. He is a fiction of man's imagination. Just like the Quran is a fiction of man's imagination.
  7. Concerning Divorce and Remarriage:
    1. The Quran speaks of the creation of Adam and the creation of his MATE, not mates (Quran 4:2). This would indicate that Muhammad knew that God created one woman for one man, but immediately, in the very same Surah of the Quran, he speaks of men having mates up to four at a time. (Quran 4:4). Muhammad says that God allows each man to have as many as four wives at once, but he is to have no more than four. Yes, there were strict laws concerning how many wives a Muslim could have and who they were to be, but when it came to Muhammad himself it seems that this law does not count, he could have as many wives as he pleased and could have any kind of body he desired. (Quran 33:51). This is changing the so-called revealed law of Allah to meet the whims, desires, and passions of one so-called prophet of Allah. But let us now look at what the inspired Word of Jehovah God has to say in the Bible about this matter: "And there came unto Him Pharisees, trying Him, and saying. Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause? And He answered and said, 'Have you not read, that He who made them male and female (not females) said,' 'For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave to his WIFE (not wives) and the TWO (not three or four or more) shall become one flesh?' 'So that they are no more TWO, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined togther, let not man put asunder.' They say unto Him, 'Why then did Moses command to give a bill of divorcement, and to put her away?' He said unto them, 'Moses for your hardness of heart suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it hath NOT been so. And I say unto you. Whosoever shall put away his WIFE, except for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and he that marrieth her when she is put away commits adultery." (Matthew 19:3-9). This should be enough evidence for any sincere believer in Jehovah God, to know that it is not right for a man to have more than one wife and one time. There is only ONE reason for which a man can put away his wife and that is for fornication on her part. He, himself, is not to be guilty of the same thing or of pushing his wife toward fornication or adultery.
    2. The Quran allows divorce and remarriage for many causes (Quran 2:227-243). One of the verses especially is very interesting in that it seems to encourage divorce. This verse is Quran 2:231 that reads: "And if he divorces her the third time, then she is not lawful for him thereafter, until she marries another husband; and, if he also divorces her, then it shall be no sin for them to return to each other, provided they are sure that they would be able to observe the limits prescribed by Allah..." But the Bible says that God hates putting away or divorce (Malachi 2:16). Also, the Bible says that if a man separates from his wife he is to either stay separate from other women or to return to his wife. He is not to marry another woman (I Corinthians 7:10,11). Choose you this day whom you will serve in this and all other matters. Will it be Jehovah God or Muhammad? But as for me and my house, we will serve Jehovah God. Not Allah nor Muhammad.
  8. Concerning Stealing and the Punishment Thereof:
    1. "And as for the man who steals and the woman who steals, cut off their hands in retribution of their offense as an exemplary punishment from Allah. And Allah is Mighty, Wise." (Quran 5:39). I do not see any Muslims walking around with their hands cut off. I know that many of them are brought up into the courts for stealing, for I read of this in the papers almost every day. But the Quran says that there is none that can change the words of Allah. (Quran 6:35). So someone has changed these words of Allah, if they do not still cut off the hands of the thieves.
  9. Concerning Jesus Christ, His Sonship And Association With The Father, Jehovah God:
    1. "Far is it from His Holiness (Allah) that He should have a son." (Quran 4:172). "Surely, whoso associates partners with Allah, him has Allah forbidden heaven, and the Fire will be his resort." (Quran 5:73). If there is only ONE in the Godhead and there is no other personality working with Him, then I want the Muslims to explain: Who is the "WE" that was sending revelation to Noah and all the prophets after him? (Quran 4:164). "And now you come to US one by one even as WE created you at first..." (Quran 6:95). The "US" and the "WE" in the forgoing verse could not be Muhammad, because it talks of creating. It could not be the angels because they also are creatures and not creators, so who is the "US" and "WE" that is used in many, many places in the Quran? (4:123, 48; :13,15,16,20; 49:13). Muslims will have a hard time explaining these statements. In fact, they are contradicting the statements that are made in other places in the Quran. The Quran says that it is impossible for God to have a Son without a wife. (Quran 6:102). But they contradict that very statement by saying: "To Allah belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and what is between them. He creates what He pleases, and Allah has the power to do ALL things." (Quran 5:18). The reason that the Quran cannot be inspired of God is that it says one thing in one place and an altogether opposite thing in another place. Who can believe that it comes from an all-wise God? But let me ask the Muslims this question: "Did God have a wife or consort when He created Adam?" But let us see what God Himself says about this matter of having a Son. "This is My beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased" (Matthew 3:17). "This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased, hear ye him" (Matthew 17:5).
    2. A Muslim was asked: "Did God have a wife or a consort when He created Adam?" The answer was "No, but Adam was not the son of God, as you are saying that Jesus is the Son of God." This Muslim needs to read: (Luke 3:38) "Which was the son of Enos, which was the son of Seth, which was the son of Adam, which was the son of God." But the Quran says that Jesus did many miracles and Muhammad never did any. (Quran 5:11).
  10. Concerning The Resurrection And The Last Day:
    1. The Muslims and the Quran talk much about "The resurrection and the Last Day" but they fail to realize that if it were not for Jesus Christ, being the Son of God, and He being crucified for our sins, and raised again on the third day, that there would be no such thing as a resurrection day for anyone. The power of the resurrection is brought about by the activities of Jesus Christ in respect to His Father and to mankind. (Acts 4:2; I Peter 1:3; John 11:25; Romans 1:14; I Peter 3:18,21; Philippians 3:10,11; II Corinthians 5:19; I Corinthians 15).
  • Study These Matters And Compare, And Choose You This Day Whom You Will Serve: Jesus Christ Or Muhammad?
  1. I have brought to your attention many things concerning Jesus Christ and Muhammad. There are many other things that could be said to show how wrong it is for a person to follow a human being and not follow the true and living God of heaven. Muhammad was a human being, not more, no less. Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of Jehovah God. I pray that you will choose to serve Jehovah God through His Son Jesus Christ today. Jesus Christ says that He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life and that no one can come to the Father except through Him (John 14:6). You can be a Christian today by: Hearing His Word, (Romans 10:17). By believing in God and His Word (Hebrews 11:6). By repenting of your past sins (Acts 17:30). By confessing that you believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God (Matthew 10:32,33; Romans 10:9,10). And being baptized by burial in water for the remission of your past sins (Acts 2;38; 22:16). When you do these things, Christ will add you to His church, the one for which He gave His blood (Acts 2:41,47; 20:28). Then worship and serve Him faithfully according to the teaching of His Word, The New Testament, and heaven will be your eternal home. May Jehovah God in Heaven bless you as you go about to do His Will.
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