Posts Tagged ‘integrity’
I lost a good friend for my views on homosexuality
Question: Please say a prayer for me. I’ve lost a good friend for my views on the sins of homosexuality. Pray that God will comfort me and give me His love and compassion to comfort me. Answer: I find it interesting that those who claim to want tolerance for their decisions to sin have no…
Read MoreAn Honorable Man: Mordecai by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: II Corinthians 13:1-10 I. Because of Paul’s late arrival on the scene, his apostleship was at times questioned. A. In Corinth, though established by Paul, the church struggled with many sins. 1. There were some among the Corinthians less inclined to correct their problems or to heed Paul’s rebukes 2. Paul warned…
Read MoreCharacter Matters by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Romans 5:1-5 I. Suppose you needed to hire someone for a job. What would you look for? A. You probably need someone with the skills to do the job, but what other things would you look for? Given several candidates with equivalent skills, what would set one person out above…
Read MoreKeeping Our Dignity
by Bruce Reeves Preparing for a sermon I came across this passage as Paul wrote to Timothy and thought I would share: “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. Avoid godless chatter, because those…
Read MoreGood Credit
by Zeke Flores When I was a much younger man, I wrecked my credit. I made foolish decisions, borrowed more than I should have, and made late payments. Soon, the only ones who would lend me money were the high-rate lenders and even they were wary. It took years to restore my financial good name…
Read MoreMen of Honor Text: Philippians 2:14-18 I. It was not long ago that people admired men of integrity. People whom you could count on to act honestly, even if it was to their disadvantage. A. In 1999, a prisoner escaped and the papers were tracking his movements through the state. He had robbed people, killed policemen, and still…
Read MoreDaniel’s Integrity Text: Daniel 6 I. Daniel’s Background A. Daniel was a young man when Judah was conquered by the Babylonians. He was among those carried off into exile. B. Because of his abilities, Daniel rose to prominence in the Babylonian kingdom serving under the conqueror, Nebuchadnezzar, his son and his grandson. C. When the Medes and Persians conquered…
Read MoreI Have Walked in My Integrity by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalms 26 I. David wants to be judged by God – Psalms 26:1-3 A. Most of us want to avoid the judgment of others B. There is a risk of being condemned C. But here David asks God to judge him and it isn’t a risk in his view – Psalms 7:8…
Read MoreDoes a lack of unity and integrity affect the preaching of the gospel?
Question: Does the lack of unity and integrity in the ministry affect the people to whom we are reaching out? Is this a problem only due to egos or is there some other reason for this? Answer: “For if the trumpet makes an uncertain sound, who will prepare himself for battle?” (I Corinthians 14:8). In…
Read MoreGood Faith Desire
by Sam Stinson “For, ‘Yet a little while, and the coming one will come and will not delay; but my righteous one shall live by faith, and if he shrinks back, my soul has no pleasure in him.’ But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who have…
Read MoreShady Lane, the Preacher, and the Boy
by Ken McDaniel via Echo of Truth, Vol. 3, No. 29, July 16, 1995 During a recent gospel meeting that I preached, the local evangelist and I went calling on a few individuals in hopes of motivating some to faithfulness and setting up Bible studies with others who have not yet been saved. As is often…
Read MoreWhat does integrity mean?
Question: What does integrity mean? Answer: Integrity means to be complete, upright, innocent of willful wrongdoing, a person with a clear conscience. For example, Job was a man of integrity. “There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was blameless and upright, and one who feared God…
Read MoreCharacter: The Essential Quality of Leadership
by Jim Deason via The Jackson Drive Reporter, Nov. 15, 2009 He saw it happen but somehow it didn’t register in his mind. The peanut butter was in the cart, but somehow it never made it to the conveyor belt that carried it by the cashier. The bag boy just picked it up, unpaid for,…
Read MoreI don’t feel right about a past event, how do I correct it?
Question: I have an issue that I need to resolve in some way. I am seeking your advice because you are objective (not emotionally involved) and I believe you truly want to serve the Lord. Last year, my daughter was entered into the 4-H county fair. She did a sewing project among other things. She…
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