Posts Tagged ‘inspiration’
How dare you claim that the book of Enoch is uninspired!
Question: Dear Minister, How dare you claim my beloved book of Enoch an uninspired work of men! People like you are just afraid to accept that angels descended upon earth and fornicated with earthly women and procreated giants. Yes, Jesus said that angels do not marry- they do not marry in heaven, but angels have powers…
Read MoreApostolic Supremacy
by Clinton D. Hamilton via The Preceptor, Vol. 1, No. 7, May 1952. The real issue with reference to religious division is which church is the true one. In an almost unanimous voice, religious people affirm that for a church to be the true one it must teach the identical doctrines revealed by the apostles. The…
Read MoreI think sex before marriage is great and the Bible is an invented story. What are your opinions?
Question: Hello, I appreciate many of the subjects discussed on your website, but I must share my opinion that I think it is absurd to live your life that way. Sex before marriage is great. I believe the Bible is an invented story, designed to communicate important values in life so that each individual can…
Read MoreIs Mark 16:9-20 Inspired?
by Kyle Pope via Biblical Insights, Vol. 9, No. 8, August 2009 Many students of the New Testament have found themselves puzzled by notes encountered at the close of the Gospel of Mark, claiming, “The most reliable early manuscripts and other ancient witnesses do not have Mark 16:9–20″[1]. Should we question the reliability or inspiration of…
Read MoreGod Breathed
by Stan Cox In II Timothy 3, the apostle Paul penned a wonderful sentence that establishes both the precious nature of the words contained in our Bibles and their efficacy in ordering our lives as His servants. “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for…
Read MoreWhat does the Bible have to do with God?
Question: What does the Bible have to do with God? I’ve been reading questions and answers on your site, and I really like how you stick with the Bible without adding any opinions that aren’t in there. You see, I have a problem, and I was hoping you would be able to help me. I’ve…
Read MoreWhy I Believe the Bible Is God’s Only Revelation
by Terry W. Benton There is something unique about the Bible that sets it apart from all other books that claim some kind of divine authority associated with them. Human Wisdom Alone Can Account For All Others When we examine each book there are features that lend credibility to the claim of inspiration in one…
Read MoreThe Weight of the Nails Text: Psalm 139 I. For a book as concise as the Bible, it contains a surprising amount of detail A. Detail that many ignore B. So much detail that Reader’s Digest once took it upon themselves to produce a condensed version of the Bible, for which they were justly ridiculed. C. I Corinthians 2:12-13 – God selected…
Read MoreInspiration and Trivia
Short Talk Question: How can the Bible claim to be from the mouth of God when it contains so much trivial information, such as Paul’s request to bring his cloak in II Timothy 4:13? Surely, these things cannot be inspired! Answer: I. What superficially appears to be trivial may, upon deeper reflection, be a rich depository…
Read MoreMy research says that Matthew mistranslated “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?”
Question: I am sorry I am going to have to agree with the guy who questioned you on “Could Jesus have said “My God, my God, for this I was kept?”. Yeshua, the Son of God, AKA Jesus Christos, Jesus Christ spoke Aramaic and while Matthew was a Greek scholar, he merely recorded the words of…
Read MoreWhy were only books which agreed allowed in the Bible? Wouldn’t writings by men naturally have variances?
Question: I read with interest your response to the ‘missing books in the Bible’ issue. I also wish to thank you for taking the time to respond to such a matter. However, your response is brief at best, no… it is brief, and ultimately comes across as a veiled threat from a semi-benign dictator to…
Read MoreJesus was a vegetarian because the Bible was compiled by a bunch of meat-eaters
Question: I have read your article on your website regarding Jesus being a vegetarian. It seems that you are no different than the people who compiled the Bible way back to 400 AD. There is a lot of gospel regarding Jesus taught vegetarianism was removed because the early compilers of the Bible are meat-eaters. And the…
Read MoreHow do we know that we have an accurate rendition of the oral teachings?
Question: Since parts of the New Testament were first delivered orally, how do we know if we have a 100% accurate rendition of the original writings that were spoken by the Holy Spirit? I’ve heard that through oral teachings, details could be lost and distorted. For example, someone may deliver a story to 20 people…
Read MoreThe Sufficiency of the Bible by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Ephesians 3:1-12 I. Do we need anything beyond the Bible to know God’s will for us? A. If the Bible is all sufficient, then we would not need any church, priest, or religious leader. B. If the Bible is sufficient then we would be responsible to find the truth for ourselves…
Read MoreAre the gospels more important than the rest of the New Testament?
Question: I recently heard a preacher from a non-denominational church. He touched on a point I totally disagreed with, but it will take me some time to research as I read through the gospels and mark out verses. But in the meantime, I was wondering about your opinion. He made a statement that what is…
Read MoreDoes God Speak Directly to Mankind Today?
by Abraham Smith Earlier, we studied Scriptures that show we have an obligation to read the whole Bible. In order to do so, we must eliminate whatever might hinder our doing so. Even so, some of us have false beliefs that reject this obligation. There are those who believe that God still speaks directly to…
Read MoreDid Matthew fabricate a prophecy to support his claim that Jesus was the Messiah?
Question: I have another question. It may seem like I am attacking Christianity with this one, but I’m not. I’m just very interested in studying the Bible and every now and then I come across an objection I need help answering. So here is the objection I found on another website: The fabrication of a…
Read MoreBiblical Infallibility: Can We Trust the Bible?
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I. Trust in the scriptures is important to every Christian. The Bible is the center of our faith. A. We are Christians because we believe that God exists and that the Bible is God’s word – II Tim. 3:16 B. Believing in the Bible’s message will save our souls – James 1:21, I Thess.…
Read MoreHow can Solomon’s writings be God’s words?
Question: I read what you said about Solomon’s writing being the words of God, but it seems to me that something must have changed. How do you explain Proverbs 10:15 (in light of James 1:9-10), Proverbs 10:27 (in light of Jesus and John the Baptist), Proverbs 12:21 (in light of people like Hugh Heffner), and…
Read MoreWhy does the Bible contain the words of Satan?
Question: If the Bible is inspired, why is it that there are words of Satan? Answer: If two political parties oppose each other, why do they quote their opponent’s words? The Bible contains an accurate record of numerous key events in the history of mankind. In that history, there are interactions between righteous and wicked…
Read MoreHow do we know the Bible is inspired?
Question: How do we know absolutely that the Bible is the infallible and inspired Word of God? How did the Bible as we know it today come into existence? Answer: Entire books have been written on the subject of the inspiration of the Bible. It is unlikely that I will be able to address the…
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