Response to Why Lutherans Sprinkle Infants

by Raymond Warfel A few days ago, I came across a post on why Lutherans baptize (sprinkle) babies. As I read through the nine points, I saw the need to respond. Because of Grace If you understand grace you can understand infant baptism. Many believe that only those who are able to make a decision…

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Does John the Baptist Prove that Fetuses Know Good and Evil?

by Terry Wane Benton While it is true that John the Baptist, while yet unborn (what people call the fetus stage), leaped in his mother’s womb when Mary came and greeted Elizabeth (Luke 1:41), it is not true that this means that all infants are aware of sin or aware of Jesus, Mary, and what…

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On Infant Baptism

by Terry Wane Benton An Orthodox Church member writes: “Infant baptism is the new circumcision. We find its parallel to circumcision in the Old Covenant. Infants were circumcised as a sign of being part of the Old Covenant so infants should be baptized as a sign of being part of the New Covenant.” In the…

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Infant Baptism

by Jefferson David Tant A well-known practice in various denominations is that of infant baptism. This would include Catholics, Methodists, Episcopalians, Lutherans, and others. The question is, “Is this Scriptural? Is authority for this found in the Bible?” An examination of historical records indicates that there is no definite evidence of infant baptism being practiced…

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Immersion, Pouring, and Sprinkling: A History

by Bruce Edwards, Jr. Truth Magazine XIX:27 (May 15, 1975), pp. 422-424 This writer can remember witnessing at the age of five the “baptism” of his infant cousin; the denominational “pastor” sprinkled drops of water upon his forehead. I wondered at the significance of that action then, but now, with an increased understanding of the…

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Does Acts 2:39 teach infant baptism?

Question: Good morning sir, Please, I need your help in explaining Acts 2:39 because someone I am discussing it with is trying to use that passage as a backup for infant baptism. He said that Acts 2:38-39, according to the Greek translation, means babies should be baptized according to their parents’ faith. Answer: Let’s first…

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So there is not a sin gene?

Question: Dear Jeffrey, Can you, if you get the chance, please confirm my understanding from one of your sermons Infant Baptism? This is the first time ever, I’ve heard the thought we didn’t inherit sin, and I’m staggered by that. So there is no sin DNA? We don’t sin because we are from Adam and inherited…

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How do I convince a Roman Catholic that infant baptism is wrong?

Question: A Catholic and I debated the topic of infant baptism. He used the argument of “household” referring to babies as well. When I told him that households could mean teens or servants he said that he would rather follow the practice of infant baptism followed by earlier Christians 2000 years ago. He then argued…

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Is having a baby dedicated wrong?

Question: I have found on your site when searching that several have asked this question, but I can’t find an answer to this question. A friend, who is a Nazarene, is having their baby dedicated. Is this wrong? Thanks. Answer: In the Nazarene Church, a dedication ritual a vow that parents take that they will…

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What is the reasoning behind infant baptism?

Question: There is a Catholic whom I talk to and he told me that the reason for baptizing infants is for the opportunity for them to put on the body of Christ if they were to pass away before reaching the age of accountability. They also say that Paul went into the households and baptized…

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Infant Baptism by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Romans 7:7-25 I.          Historians will admit that infant baptism did not appear in the church until the second or third century              A.         Roman Catholics                           1.          “There is no express mention of the baptism of infants in the New Testament” [Question Box, page 23].                           2.          “It is difficult to give strict proof from the…

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Infant Baptism

by Gus Nichols The Scriptures nowhere even so much as mention infant baptism. Let those who may think I am in error tell us whoever baptized an infant in the days of the inspired apostles? Whose baby was it? When was it done? How was it done? The New Testament is as silent as the…

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Did Jesus die only for the saved?

Question: Can you tell me what exactly our Lord meant when he said in John 10:15 about laying down his life for the sheep?  Was that exclusively for the sheep and not the goats, as the Reformed Christians believe? Some Calvinistic doctrine rings true to me. I have some of their literature and preaching tapes…

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I was baptized as an infant. Do I need to be baptized again?

Question: I was baptized as an infant; however, I have recently found Christ and repented from my sinful ways. I know the importance of baptism and want to ensure that I am in accordance with the Scriptures. There are many different views on this subject; however, I cannot seem to find anyone to answer me…

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A hate letter regarding an article on infant baptism

Question: Mr Minister of the La Vista church of christ.  How do feel about preaching non logical occult madness.  You are the chains of the oppressed like your murderous brothers of all the Christian cults known to man.  You are a disgrace!!  I am angry because of what I see.  If Jesus was here he…

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Infant Baptism

by Roger Shouse published in Biblical Insight, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2005. Advocates of infant baptism wrongly assume that the term “household” includes infants. Baptizing a baby is often viewed as a very special event in the lives of young parents. Grandparents come to witness the special occasion. A white baptismal dress is purchased for…

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Why did Catholicism start and when did it happen?

Question: Why did the religion Catholicism start and what year did Catholicism start? Answer: Why Catholicism started is fairly straightforward. Man has a difficult time leaving something alone. There is a strong desire to modify things with the goal of “improving” things. This tendency is encouraged by Satan who wants to destroy the works of…

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An Anecdote from “Raccoon” John Smith

by Louis Cochran In passing a Methodist camp meeting one day in September he stopped to watch a young Methodist preacher baptize a howling, rebellious infant by sprinkling water on the squirming body. When the service was concluded, he stepped to the front of the crowd and, identifying himself, took the preacher firmly by the…

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