Posts Tagged ‘hypocrites’
It annoys me that people act differently when they find out I’m a preacher
Question: Sorry to bother you, but I have a question for you. Sometimes, when people want to talk to me and find out that I am a minister or preacher, I realize that almost all of them say basically the same thing: “You know, I go to church too,” “You know, I am thinking of…
Read MoreIs my boyfriend using me because he doesn’t want to get married?
Question: Good Evening! My boyfriend and I have been in a relationship for four years now. I have visited this other church, and they told me I should leave my fiancé because he doesn’t want to marry and is just using me. I love him so much, and he has told me so many times.…
Read MoreWoe to You, Scribes and Pharisees, Hypocrites!
by Allen Dvorak Biblical Insights, 14(9), September 2014 There is no uncertainty about the compassion of Jesus during His earthly ministry. Various individuals and groups were the objects of His compassion (e.g., Matthew 9:35-38; Luke 7:11-15). But Jesus was also frequently involved in controversy and sometimes handed out sharp rebukes. One of His most scathing…
Read MoreHow do I deal with a friend who claims to be a Christian but doesn’t live like one?
Question: Hello! First thank you for creating this website. I’ve used the articles here to help answer some questions throughout the years. I’ve been a doctrinally sound Christian for years and live every day for the Lord. Being a servant to the truth has been a challenge (no surprise there) but especially in regard to…
Read MoreThe Deadly Church Mask
by Matthew W. Bassford This is about masking in church, but not the kind you think. I have zero desire to return to the debates from two years ago about covering our faces with bits of paper and cloth! Instead, I am concerned with the invisible masks that we put on to conceal our true…
Read MoreThe Rules Apply to All of You, Except for Us
by Orlando Gonzalez “They hate him who reproves in the gate, And they abhor him who speaks with integrity” (Amos 5:10). It is no secret that the arrival, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ flipped the world upside down nearly two thousand years ago. The ancient world, at that time, was in a state of…
Read MoreThe Progress of the Hypocrite
by Matthew W. Bassford The first nine verses of 2 Timothy 3 contain one of the most brutal condemnations of the wicked in the entire New Testament. However, its subject does not appear to be people in the world. Instead, it describes Christians who have been corrupted by the world. Normally, we think of hard…
Read MoreWhat should I do about my hidden sexual life?
Question: Hello Brother, Your site is a valuable tool that helped me with some issues and questions that I have in matters of doctrine and the Christian lifestyle. I’ve been following your site for many years ago. I’m a young preacher. I’m a full-time minister in the church of Christ and I’m in my mid-20s.…
Read MoreIs it proper to publish your prayers?
Question: Pleasant good morning, I’d appreciate some guidance, please. I have observed prayers in the comment section under news articles of tragic incidents. When tragedy strikes I could, in the privacy of my home, say a prayer for those involved, and believe that God hears my prayers. However, others are posting their prayers on Facebook pages…
Read MoreI fear to teach others because I might be exposed as a hypocrite
Question: I have this friend I used to like. He is going through a rough time. I want to reach out to him, but I don’t approve of his current lifestyle, hence I hesitate. I don’t want him to think I like what he does. What should I do? One of the reasons I don’t…
Read MoreHypocrites Text: James 3:13-18 I. How often I have been told, “I don’t like going to services. I know that so many of the people there are just hypocrites. They say one thing, but they don’t live it.” A. It is true. In religion, hypocrisy is a major problem. B. But before we can solve the problem, we…
Read MoreI see myself as someone who is fake
Question: Hi Jeffrey, I just read your answer to “I have a hard time controlling my thoughts. I’m scared I might not be saved,” and I was wondering: how do we fix the intentions of our heart, so we will have true godly intentions? Rather than OCD, I have ADHD, anxiety, and mild autism. I…
Read MoreOnly an Appearance of Religion by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Amos 4:1-5 I. When you look at the religious world, there are many odd ideas about what constitutes a religious person. II. Exhibitionism as Religion A. Some people judge how religious a man is by the religious things that he does in public 1. Matthew 6:1-6 – Some people make sure everyone notices…
Read MoreThe Cleansing of the Temple by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: John 2:13-25 I. Under Jewish law, all males were required to travel to Jerusalem three times a year for special feasts – Deuteronomy 16:16-17 A. Sacrifices had to be made and offerings given, but it wasn’t always practical to ship animals or food all the way to Jerusalem – Deuteronomy…
Read MoreHow can I convince a person who says religious people are all hypocrites?
Question: There is this person that seems to make fun of me for having a religion — Catholic or not (this person used to be Lutheran), this person believes that people who go to church are all hypocrites. I just try and hold back my tears. How can I let this person know, not to…
Read MoreWe just listened to your sermon “Beware” for our morning Bible time
Question: A great lesson on hypocrisy: “Beware.” We just listened to it with our sons for morning Bible time. We really appreciate your articles, sermons, and audio sermons. Thank you for making them available. Answer: I’m glad you are finding the material useful in your own studies.
Read MoreBeware! by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: II Peter 2:1-3 I. As the children were growing up, I felt that I was constantly reminding them to watch where they were going. A. They just assumed that most things around them were safe and rarely gave thought to the fact that it was people around them who were…
Read MoreWhat is a hypocrite?
Question: What is it to be a hypocrite? I remember a time when one friend wanted me to give him more attention, but there was a friend of his who was always talking to him, and he just ignored him. So I said, “You want to get attention from me but refuse to give attention to…
Read MoreThe True Cure for Hypocrisy
by Robert Turner Three men rebel against hypocrisy, but they vary greatly in their reactions. The first man turns to total moral abandonment. He throws off all restraint as he gives himself to the fulfillment of every fleshly desire. “Self” becomes his god. He hardens himself to the tears of his family as he goes…
Read MoreYou Can’t Tell Me How to Dress!
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton He came to services sporting a mohawk haircut spiked tall with hair gel. Each ear was pierced several times: small nut-like objects filled the larger holes in each ear. One eyebrow was pierced. His lip was pierced and when idle the boy toyed with the ring occupying the hole. His tongue…
Read MoreNo Sense in Pretense
Author Unknown via Of America, Volume 1 (copyright 1999 Pensacola Christian College), page 224 You tell what you are by the friends you seek, By the manner in which you speak. By the way you employ your leisure time, By the use you make of dollar and dime. You tell what you are by the things…
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