Posts Tagged ‘holy’
God Wants Me to Be Happy
by Zeke Flores “God wants me to be happy!” How many times have you heard that from someone? How often might you have said it yourself? Interestingly, the Bible says nothing like that. It does say that God wants you to be holy (I Peter 1:14-16), which is much deeper and far more significant than…
Read MoreOn Being Holy by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Peter 1:13-16 I. When you are in a competition, you are told “Do your best.” A. It means we strive hard to achieve. B. Yet, at the same time I know there are going to be times when I don’t do my best. 1. I might be tired that day. I…
Read MoreHoly Is His Name by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalm 99 I. Near the end of his life Joshua told the people of Israel – Joshua 24:14-24 A. After their declaration to serve God, it seems strange for Joshua to tell them that they are unable to serve because He is holy. B. What is it about holiness that makes God…
Read MoreClean Hands and a Pure Heart by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalms 24 I. People want to get to heaven, but it seems many don’t want to put much effort into getting there. A. Jesus warned – Luke 13:3 B. The example of the Jews should be enough – I Corinthians 10:1-12 1. They were God’s chosen people, but they didn’t make it.…
Read MoreSaints
by Webb Harris, Jr. Guardian of Truth XXXII: 13, pp. 402-403, July 7, 1988 The Problem of Avoided Terms It is fundamental to a proper understanding of divine revelation that we appreciate that the “popular” definitions of many words common to the Scriptures differ from the intended ideas of the inspired writers. The term “saint”…
Read MoreWhat is consecration?
Question: Hello brother Jeffrey, I have a question for you. Biblically speaking what is consecration? I noticed that this word had multiple definitions. Answer: The Hebrew word qadhash means “to be holy.” Thus, it refers to things or people dedicated to God or set apart for use in service to God. “Sanctify to Me every firstborn, the first…
Read MoreUnleavened Bread by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Exodus 12:14-20 I. Sometimes you can’t wait A. When Lot invited men to spend the night at his home, he didn’t have time wait for bread dough to rise, so his feast was served with unleavened bread – Genesis 19:3 B. When it was time for Israel to leave Egypt, the…
Read MoreNadab, Abihu, and Strange Fire by Ralph Walker Did God execute these two men over a simple exchange of fire? Fire is fire, isn’t it? Preaching the Bloody Bible
Read MoreHoly, Holy, Holy
by Ken Green “And one called to another and said: ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory’ ” (Isaiah 6:3)! The very first rule, the commandment that earns the #1 spot, states who God is: “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of…
Read MoreBeing Holy by Raymond Warfel
Read MoreAcceptable to the Lord by Joe Works Studying Leviticus
Read MoreBe Holy for I am Holy by Joe Works Studying Leviticus
Read MoreHow can a Christian sin if we are to be holy like God?
Question: The Bible tells us that God commands us to be holy as He is holy. If we were allowed to sin and still make it into heaven, there would be no point in having heaven or hell. Why would “be holy as I am holy” even be in the Bible if it was not…
Read MoreRegarding God as Holy by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Peter 1:13-19 I. Peter charges all Christians to conduct themselves in holiness – I Peter 1:15-16 A. We will not see God without holiness – Hebrews 12:14 B. And knowing that this world will end and we all must face God – II Peter 3:11 C. Holiness is the idea of…
Read MoreWhat does it mean that God declared the seventh day holy?
Question: God blessed the seventh day. When God blessed the animals and human beings He said “Be fruitful and multiply.” Can this mean that God also said the same thing when God blessed the seventh day? Also, what does it mean that God has declared the seventh day holy? Answer: “Bless” means in this context…
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