Should women use head coverings when praying?

Question: Should women use head coverings when praying? Answer: Consider also this similar question: Is it proper for a man to pray while his head is covered? The overall point in I Corinthians 11:1-16 is a discussion concerning authority, leadership, and submission. Paul states, “I want you to know that the head of every man is Christ,…

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Why do some women not wear a head covering?

Question: Why do women in the church of Christ overseas don’t cover their heads during worship? Is there any difference between Nigerian women and your own people? Nigerian women who worship with your people discovered that they do not all cover their heads during worship. Answer: I’m not in a position to speak for all…

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When did women stop covering their heads during worship?

Question: I am not very old; therefore, all I know about the veil thing is from my mother and from westerns; but otherwise, I do not know when about the whole change occurred. I know that you are probably really busy but I was having trouble finding something. I was figuring since you have more…

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Is a veil required?

Question: When you say that long hair is the acceptable covering, is that what the Bible means or does it require a veil? Answer: I looked through my past writings and I cannot find the article to which you are alluding, but I assume you are referring to the pages on women’s head covering or…

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Images of Head Covering During Worship

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton A frequent claim is that I Corinthians 11:1-16 only deals with the local customs of the people in the area of Corinth. The wearing of a head covering, we are told, was a common practice in those days and in that region. Hence, Paul was merely telling women not to go against social…

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The Message of I Corinthians 11

by Ethan R. Longhenry I would like to examine a passage that has caused many divisions and great strife in many churches of Christ. Many have simply disregarded this passage and do not wish to find any way in which to apply it to their own lives because of the controversy that it generates. We…

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Showing Submission

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I.         We have spent a good deal of time showing the fact that Christians are to be in submission to various authorities.             A.        Some of these relationships are voluntary, some are involuntary, but in all cases submission must be shown.             B.        However, how is submission shown? How do place yourself in submission? II.        Submission is…

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Command or Custom?

An Exposition Of I Corinthians 11:1-16 by Hiram O. Hutto The first sixteen verses of the eleventh chapter of Paul’s letter to the church at Corinth has been the subject of much controversy. The verses themselves are not difficult to understand, and the controversy has not been so much over the meaning as it has…

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Why do some women wear a cloth on their heads during worship?

Question: Why do some women wear a cloth on their heads during worship? Answer: The wearing of a head covering has been debated for numerous years. I doubt any single article will forever settle the question, but Hiram Hutto wrote probably one of the best articles I have read on the subject. Brother Hutto comes…

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