Posts Tagged ‘hair’
Is it a sin for a woman to cut her hair?
Question: Is it a sin for a woman to cut her hair? Answer: “Does not even nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a dishonor to him? But if a woman has long hair, it is a glory to her; for her hair is given to her for a…
Read MoreQuestions about long hair, piercings, and tattoos
Question: I recently found a few questions at the back of my head: Is having long hair a sin? I am a male and have about chin-length hair. Am I in the wrong in keeping it this length, and wanting to grow it to reach my shoulders? When thinking about men and long hair, the…
Read MoreBut Paul had long hair, at least for a time
Question: One thing I wonder at is that with as adamant as I Corinthians 11 appears to read, Paul actually chose not to cut his hair while at Corinth, but only after he had left. This means Paul was on some do-not-cut-hair vow while at Corinth. So we shouldn’t see a conflict between Paul’s words…
Read MoreDid Jesus have long hair because the Shroud of Turin shows long hair?
Question: Hi. Catholics and other denominations think Jesus had long hair because of the Shroud of Turin. What is your say on this? Answer: The Shroud of Turin first appeared in 1354. It is a 14-foot piece of linen cloth with a faint depiction of a crucified man in the stains of the cloth. The…
Read MoreIf Paul thought long hair was bad, why did he take a Nazirite vow?
Question: Thanks for the website. I read it all the time. I have a question concerning men and long hair. I know that I Corinthians 11 talks about that. The first part of the chapter is written off by many as cultural, but I disagree with that view; however, in verse 14, it states it…
Read MoreWhy are we not supposed to cut the sides of our hair?
Question: Why are we not supposed to cut the sides of our hair? Answer: “You shall not shave around the sides of your head, nor shall you disfigure the edges of your beard” (Leviticus 19:27). The word that is translated as “shaved” means to strike off with violence, and the word rendered “disfigured” in this…
Read MoreIs it a sin to shave off one’s beard?
Question: Is it a sin to shave off one’s beard? I heard an argument that God gave men beards to differentiate them from women and that they shouldn’t shave them off because that’s saying to God that He made a mistake on their faces? Answer: The problem is that the argument is not one that…
Read MoreWas the standard for priests to have short hair and trimmed beards?
Question: I was wondering about Ezekiel 44:20, “They shall neither shave their heads nor let their hair grow long, but they shall keep their hair well-trimmed.” I was wondering: Was this a standard for the priests before this time or was this instituted later? I can’t seem to find it for the priests beforehand. But…
Read MoreShould a Christian shave his head for a dead relative?
Question: Should a Christian shave his head for a dead relative? Despite the fact that shaving the heads for the dead is forbidden in the Old Testament, should a Christian have anything to do with such practices? Thank you for your time. Answer: “You shall not shave around the sides of your head, nor shall…
Read MoreWhy do some of the pictures on your web site show Jesus with long hair?
Question: With no disrespect intended or meant, I wonder, after reading your excellent articles on “hair,” why you, in your Bible story pictures section, post pictures of our Lord wearing long hair? After reading I Corinthians 11, I personally believe my Lord would do nothing that would be shameful. It does seem to contradict your articles. Thanks…
Read MoreDoes God require Christians to wear white, to not wear jewelry, and to not have facial hair?
Question: I have been going through your articles and was inspired by your teachings; the firm stands that you have taken on the Lord and to walk only in the Bible’s teaching and its ways and not to sway with customs and traditions. I believe, the Lord has kept this promise for you “And thine…
Read MoreCan you tell me what the vow was that caused Paul to cut his hair?
Question: Can you tell me what the vow was that caused Paul to cut his hair? Answer: “So Paul still remained a good while. Then he took leave of the brethren and sailed for Syria, and Priscilla and Aquila were with him. He had his hair cut off at Cenchrea, for he had taken a…
Read MoreDoesn’t I Corinthians 11 prove that Jesus couldn’t have had long hair?
Question: Regarding “Didn’t Jesus have Long Hair?” Don’t you think that I Corinthians 11:11ff shows that Jesus had to have short hair? I read your post regarding this subject and think this text would answer that question. “In the Lord, however, woman is not independent of man, nor is man independent of woman. For as…
Read MoreThere are people in the Bible with long hair, so it can’t be wrong
Question: This is an old argument. There were men in the Bible who were said to have had long hair. Jehovah forbad Samson to cut his hair and David’s son, Absalom, was said to have cut his hair once annually when it became a burden to him. Absalom clearly wore his hair as he saw…
Read MoreWhy were men in Jesus’ day required to have beards and not shave?
Question: Why were men in Jesus’ day required to have beards and not shave? What is the symbol of the beard? Answer: I’m not aware of any statement in the Bible indicating a requirement to wear a beard. There was an earlier question that talks about beards: Where does the Bible say facial hair is wrong? While…
Read MoreDoes it matter how long was Jesus’ hair?
Question: Interesting and thank you for the insight concerning the length of Jesus’ hair, though it does not seem necessary to teach it. It is true. We don’t know if he had long hair or not. How long would it have to be to be considered long anyway? The Bible doesn’t tell us if he had…
Read MoreWhere does the Bible say facial hair is wrong?
Question: I am a Messianic Jew and I go to Church not a Messianic Congregation yet. Anyway, I have heard that having facial hair is wrong. They say they have biblical proof but they can’t remember where it is and so I am at a loss as to what to do. I have no conviction…
Read MoreDidn’t Jesus Have Long Hair?
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Express an idea often enough and people will assume it is true. The expression can be in the form of words or pictures. Consider the common image of Jesus. Photography did not exist at the time of Christ. There are no drawings or paintings of the Messiah which are contemporary with…
Read MoreIsn’t long hair on men a sign of rebellion only since the 1960s?
Question: In regards to “Why do even non-Christians look down on men with long hair?”, your quote associating long hair with a rebellious attitude is only a post 60’s statement, only. I don’t know of another time when long hair was a sign of ‘rebellion’ outside of the era of the ’60s. Many of the…
Read MoreIs shaving pubic hair wrong?
Question: Hi there. My wife and I were talking a while back about sex in general. Both of us are Christians and while we were talking the topic of shaving came up. We were wondering is shaving of the pubic area unbiblical? We were unable to find any verses about it. Any help would be…
Read MoreWhy do even non-Christians look down on men with long hair?
Question: Why it is that, even among non-Christians, men are looked down on for having long hair? What harm does it do? Nothing. Not one thing at all. I’ve yet to see one even a slightly logical argument against men having long hair. It could even be said that looking down on men for having…
Read MoreWhat is wrong with men having long hair?
Question: The deal with long hair doesn’t mean people smoke pot. What about cowboys and their hats in Texas? Is that a sin? My hair is long and in a ponytail, but I don’t do drugs or drink. If you keep your hair in a ponytail, you’re just fine. Answer: I assume you are referring…
Read MoreHow long does a woman’s hair have to be?
Question: How long does a woman’s hair have to be? Answer: “Does not even nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a dishonor to him? But if a woman has long hair, it is a glory to her; for her hair is given to her for a covering” (I…
Read MoreWhy isn’t I Timothy 2:9 taken literally?
Question: On I Timothy 2:9, how come it is not taken literally? I was wondering because I keep getting told that it is cultural when I do not understand even how the Bible could possibly be cultural being the Word of God and II Timothy 3:16. Answer: In like manner also, that the women adorn…
Read MoreModest Apparel
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton “Therefore I desire that the men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting; in like manner also, that the women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing, but, which is proper for women professing godliness,…
Read MoreHair
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton “Does not the very nature of things teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a disgrace to him, but if a woman has long hair, it is her glory? For long hair is given to her as a covering” (I Corinthians 11:14-15). Have you stopped and wonder…
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