Posts Tagged ‘gospels’
Do the gospels contradict each other regarding Jesus’ empty tomb?
Question: I am a Christian but my friend has pointed out several contradictions in the Bible I when the women went to the tomb of Jesus I was hoping you could help me to resolve: Matthew – Earthquake with an angel sitting outside on the recently moved stone; Mark – Stone already moved and a…
Read MoreHow many people did Jesus raise from the dead during his earthly ministry?
Question: During his earthly ministry, how many people did Jesus raise from the dead or bring back to life? Answer: Jesus raised the widow’s son at Nain (Luke 7:11-17), Jairus’ daughter (Matthew 9:18-26; Mark 5:21-43; Luke 8:40-56), and Lazarus (John 11:1-44).
Read MoreWhat are the main things we learn from the four gospels?
Question: What are the main things we learn from the four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John? Answer: See “The Four Gospel Accounts.”
Read MoreWho were the two men that hung beside Jesus on the cross?
Question: Who were the two men that hung beside Jesus on the cross? Answer: The Bible only states that they were two thieves or robbers. Anything beyond this is merely idle speculation. “Then two robbers were crucified with Him, one on the right and another on the left” (Matthew 27:38).
Read MoreJustifying Divorce and Remarriage by Claiming Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are Old Testament Books
Question: What a tragedy! There are actually some members in the church that teach that Christians need to divorce their present mate because of having been previously involved in a divorce. Wow! This is an absolutely and pitifully deceptive teaching! And these sorts of doctrines need to be settled and denounced immediately, once and for…
Read MoreHow Do They Do That?
I. We have discussed a doctrine in the past which has been advocated which declares the gospel accounts: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, are Old Testament books. A. It is not hard to refute the belief, but I want to use an article written by one of its proponents as an illustration to help us learn…
Read MoreHow far did Jesus carry the cross?
Question: How far did Jesus carry the cross? I have studied several maps of Jerusalem for that time period, but I cannot find one that is to scale. Answer: It is 0.2 miles (0.3 kilometers) from the Praetorium to the traditional location for Golgotha as the crow flies. However, this doesn’t tell us how far…
Read MoreWho were the first two disciples?
Question: Hello, I have a question: who were the first two disciples? Answer: “Again, the next day, John stood with two of his disciples. And looking at Jesus as He walked, he said, “Behold the Lamb of God!” The two disciples heard him speak, and they followed Jesus. Then Jesus turned, and seeing them following,…
Read MoreCan you explain some apparent contradictions in the Gospel accounts?
Question: Matthew 8:28 records two men who were demon-possessed. Mark 5:1-2 and Luke 8:26-27 record one man. Why? And how do you defend this to someone? Also, Matthew records Jairus’ daughter was dead in Matthew 9:18, but Mark records it at the point of death in Mark 5:23. Why? Also, Mark records Jesus as saying take a staff for…
Read MoreHow can you trust early Christian writers when you disagree with them on some topics?
Question: I appreciate and respect your willingness (and the willingness of your church) to so openly and staunchly defend your beliefs to the world. If anyone “has a ready answer,” it’s the folks at La Vista Church of Christ! You previously wrote: Allow me a moment to answer your last question. I find it amusing…
Read MoreCan you explain the Parable of the Unjust Steward in Luke 16:1-9?
Question: Hello, I was reading Luke 16 last night and am having some trouble comprehending what Jesus meant when He said in verse 8 and 9, “For the sons of this world are more shrewd in their generation than the sons of light. And I say to you, make friends for yourselves by unrighteous mammon,…
Read MoreWhere did Jesus carry his own cross?
Question: For school, I’m learning about Easter. Where did Jesus carry his own cross? Answer: It is good to hear that your school is encouraging you to be interested in religious matters. I hope you learn a lot from your assignment. Many myths have grown up around Jesus. The gospels present a beautiful and strong…
Read MoreThe Words of Jesus
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I. I continue to be amazed at the lengths people will go to justify a belief. A. We all know the story of Martin Luther’s decision that James 2 did not belong in the sacred text because of one small phrase in James 2:24. 1. It contradicted everything that Martin Luther had come to…
Read MoreWhich thief went to Paradise?
Question: Several of my Christian friends and I were just wondering which thief on the cross believed that Jesus was indeed who He said He was and went to heaven? Does the Bible say if it was the thief on the right or the left of Jesus? I have searched the Bible and cannot find…
Read MoreWhy Four Gospels?
by Shane Carrington “Take your child to work day.” What a great idea! How many young people see Dad as a father, yard-mower, car-washer, and neighbor, but never see him in his role as employee? Truthfully, we all take on different jobs that say many things about who we are. Just viewing one facet of…
Read MoreThe “Jesus Came To Israel Only” Argument
by Terry W. Benton The Argument Stated: “MMLJ — before the cross — was taught only to the Jews of Israel.” I keep seeing the argument expressed that Jesus spoke only to the lost sheep of Israel, or only to Israel. The conclusion drawn from that fact is that “therefore” whatever He said to Israel…
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