Posts Tagged ‘gospels’
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John: Old Testament or New Testament?
by Garland M. Robinson If you reject the Gospel records of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John (including Acts 1) being any part of the Lord’s New Testament, then you have to accept the conclusion that nothing the Lord said or taught while on earth is valid for the church today. That makes everything the Lord…
Read MorePropaganda Wars – Unbelief Based on Propaganda
by Terry Wane Benton The Bible talks about a god that never existed and a Jesus who never existed, modern atheists and humanists tell us. Is that fact (truth) or propaganda? Our president laid his hand on a fiction book and swore by fiction to uphold the Constitution: “So help me, fictional god?” Truth or…
Read MoreThe Parable of the Unjust Steward by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I. Luke 16:1-13 A. Many find this parable confusing because of the praise of the lord in verse 8. B. How is it that an unfaithful steward, about to be relieved of his position, gains praise from his employer when he ends his career stealing more from him? II. This parable follows three other…
Read MoreWhy are the Resurrection Accounts so Different?
by Edwin Crozier If skeptics jump on anything about the gospel records of Jesus Christ, it is the differences between the four authors’ accounts of the resurrection events and appearances. For example, Matthew mentions an angel who met the women at the tomb sitting on the rolled-away stone (Matthew 28:2). Mark mentions the women meeting…
Read MoreClaims of Contradictions in the Resurrection Accounts by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I John 1:1-4 I. People who don’t want to hear a message will try to find some way to discredit either the messenger or the message A. If there is a perceived flaw, then they feel justified in tossing out everything they don’t want to accept B. Atheists and Muslims do…
Read MoreStacking the Deck Against Jesus
by Matthew W. Bassford If there is anything we should take away from reading through the gospels this year, it is a deeper understanding of the skill with which the Evangelists crafted their narratives. Nothing in any of the gospels is there just because Jesus did it. As John observes in John 21:25, all four…
Read MoreThe commands regarding marriage and divorce are confusing if you use any in MMLJ
Question: The commands and patterns of marriage and divorce are confusing if you use any in MMLJ for today’s people. Answer: “For some people, if they are unable to understand something, then it must be wrong. In discussing false teachers, Jude warns, “But these speak evil of whatever they do not know; and whatever they…
Read MoreHow do I respond to the “I never told you to hate anybody” meme?
Question: Hi Jeff, I recently came across a post that, rightly so, was completely wrong. The post basically says and I will also attach the picture, that Jesus never said homosexuality is wrong, marriage can be with whomever and it doesn’t matter who you worship. My question is just by the gospels alone, can it…
Read MoreMatthew was written for the Jews, so the law on marriage and divorce only applies to the Jews
Question: I was taught that you have to look at who’s talking and who they are talking to. In Matthew 19, Jesus was talking to the Jews, and the Law of Moses was given to the Jews and not the Gentiles, even though Matthew is a New Testament book, so the law on marriage and…
Read MoreAre the gospels not historical because they are theological documents?
Question: Hello. I just saw your study on Jesus being rejected at Nazareth after teaching in the synagogue. I am currently in a graduate-level course before I start my grad studies. I’ve been looking at your studies for quite some time since I became Christian, and I appreciate your loyalty to the authority of Scripture.…
Read MoreIs there no proof who really wrote the four gospels?
Question: What evidence do we have that the four gospels were written by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John? I hear a lot of people saying they were anonymous, and we have no proof they were written by the people whose names are given to them. Answer: To claim there is no evidence would require setting terms on…
Read MoreWasn’t Luke a disciple of Paul?
Question: Wasn’t Luke a disciple of Paul and not Jesus though he did follow Jesus. So were the other three gospels were written even later because Luke didn’t come in the picture till 30-40 years after our Lord’s death. Answer: Luke is never described as being a disciple of Paul. Paul did not collect personal…
Read MoreConcerning the Jews excusing David’s eating of the showbread, what are your sources?
Question: I read an article in the Q&A section of your website in reference to I Samuel 21:1-6 and Matthew 12:1-5. Within the article you made this statement: “They (Jews) found ways to excuse the fact that David clearly violated the law of God by eating the bread from the table of showbread.” Can you give me…
Read MoreWhy is there only one gospel when we have four gospels?
Question: I’m confused, if there is only one gospel why do so many people say the four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John? Answer: The gospel is the good news preached concerning Jesus Christ and salvation. All of the New Testament is the gospel in this sense. See The Message Preached to see that the…
Read MoreWhy did Jesus tell some people to talk about his miracles and others not to say anything?
Question: I was studying Mark 5 and there are two things I do not understand: Jesus commanded “Go home to thy friends, and tell them how great thing the Lord hath done for thee” in Mark 5:19. However, in Mark 5:43, he charged them straightly that no man should know it. I do not understand…
Read MoreWhy does Matthew mention the exception to divorce but Mark and Luke don’t?
Question: Why is the exception clause “except it be for fornication” in Matthew 19:8 regarding the teaching of Jesus on divorce and remarriage not included in Mark’s account of this teaching (Mark 10:2-10) or in Luke’s account (Luke 16:18)? Answer: Each gospel account was written to different audiences with different purposes. None give a complete…
Read MoreWhat is meant by “so the last error shall be worse than the first”?
Question: In Matthew 27:64, what does “so the last error shall be worse than the first” mean? Answer: “Therefore command that the tomb be made secure until the third day, lest His disciples come by night and steal Him away, and say to the people, ‘He has risen from the dead.’ So the last deception…
Read MoreWere Roman soldiers involved in the arrest of Jesus?
Question: How many Roman soldiers came to arrest Christ? Answer – None – the guard force was from the Temple guard. A Roman guard would not have taken Jesus to the High Priest’s house but to the Roman fortress to be held. Answer: “The band of soldiers (tên speiran). No word for “of soldiers” in…
Read MoreThe “Jesus Was Born Under the Law” Argument
by Terry W. Benton The Argument Stated: Jesus was “born” under the law (Galatians 4:4) and he died on the cross to “end” the Old Testament law of Moses (Romans 10:4; Colossians 2:14). This means that everything Jesus said and taught was under the authority of the Old Testament law of Moses. The Argument Answered:…
Read MoreHow many Passovers did Jesus attend during his ministry?
Question: Some say that Jesus attended three Passovers during his ministry and by that try to determine long He preached His gospel. I’ve heard that there may have been four Passovers, thus making His preaching career longer than 3 1/2 years. The possible fourth Passover, I believe is in the Gospel of Luke? Answer: Jesus…
Read MoreWhy do we cite Matthew regarding divorce since Jesus lived under the Old Law?
Question: As I understand Matthew 19:9 and Matthew 5:32 concerning divorce, Jesus is answering the Pharisees (Jews) as they were tempting him on this question. His answer was the same as the law that they were under (except for fornication). Such as in the case that Joseph thought Mary was in. Why do we in the church today…
Read MoreWere the disciples rowing the boat for seven hours?
Question: In Mark 6:45, were the disciples rowing that boat for 7 hours? I know it says the “fourth watch” but is that equivalent to 7 hours like I heard a preacher say? Answer: In the days before timepieces, people tended to divide the days and nights into three-hour segments. While you might not know…
Read MoreDid Mary’s intercession advance the hour Jesus showed he was the Messiah?
Question: Catholics say that according to John 2:1-11, the mother of Jesus not only interceded but thanks to her intercession, Jesus Christ advanced the hour to show (to manifest) his glory and He was the Messiah. Please address the following concerns: Is that true that thanks to Mary intercession, Jesus advanced the hour to show…
Read MoreWhat are the four faces of Jesus?
Question: What are the four faces of Jesus? And how are they related to the present-day church? Answer: The phrase is not used in the Bible, but it is how some modern writers refer to the four gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Each gospel is addressed to a different audience and, therefore, addresses different…
Read MoreThank for the refutation on Dan Billingsly’s teachings and the information on the historical accuracy of the Bible
Question: I came across your site twice in two days. Once when I was looking for refutations to the teachings by Dan Billingsly and now when I was looking for information on the historical accuracy of the Bible. Thanks for the help. I also came across a reference to the Mesha Stele in Wikipedia that supports the reference in II…
Read MoreThank you for the information on the two lineages of Jesus
Question: Thank you. A friend of mine has lost all of his faith and is now picking on the Bible for all of its inconsistencies. He has brought up the two lineages of Jesus as proof, and thanks to your sermon notes, plus a few other sources, I believe I may finally have an answer he…
Read MoreDid the folded napkin in John 20:7 mean Jesus was coming back?
Question: I received the following in regard to John 20:7. Is this true? Why did Jesus fold the napkin? This is one I can honestly say I have never seen circulating in the e-mails. Why did Jesus fold the linen burial cloth after His resurrection? I never noticed this……. John 20:7 tells us that the…
Read MoreWho were the scribes?
Question: Why would the scribes be involved with seeking the death of Jesus? I thought scribes did the writings, copying of the manuscripts, etc. Did they have authority as well as the Pharisees? What part did they play in the temple activities then? Answer: One of the duties of the Levites was to make copies…
Read MoreAre the gospels more important than the rest of the New Testament?
Question: I recently heard a preacher from a non-denominational church. He touched on a point I totally disagreed with, but it will take me some time to research as I read through the gospels and mark out verses. But in the meantime, I was wondering about your opinion. He made a statement that what is…
Read MoreOf what tribes were Mary, Joseph, John the Baptist, and his parents?
Question: Of what tribe was Mary from? Joseph was of the tribe of Judah, I think, but was Mary also of this tribe? And was there intermarriage between the tribes of Israel? Was John the Baptist a Levite? Was he actually considered to be a priest, or solely a prophet? It says that his mother…
Read MoreWhat does “the day of visitation” mean?
Question: In Luke 19:44, what do you think is the “day of visitation”? What do you think the other references in the Bible mean in regards to this phrase? We are doing a chronological study and up to this time frame. I have asked you one other question and you are about in the same…
Read MoreWas Matthew originally written in Hebrew or Aramaic?
Question: One of the problems I would have with your explanation is whether or not Matthew wrote the words in Greek or did he write the words in the original Aramaic. Most Bible scholars believe that Matthew wrote in Aramaic and while Mark’s words are almost identical, he too was a Jew who would have spoken a…
Read MoreHow many Roman soldiers came to the garden to arrest Jesus?
Question: How many Roman soldiers came to the garden to arrest Jesus? Answer: The Scriptures do not say. “And while He was still speaking, behold, Judas, one of the twelve, with a great multitude with swords and clubs, came from the chief priests and elders of the people” (Matthew 26:47). “And immediately, while He was still speaking,…
Read MoreWhy did John call Jesus the Messiah and then later ask if he was the one?
Question: Will you please help me understand these two confusing statements? In John 1:29-31 we read that John pointing out to Jesus tells his disciples that He (Jesus) was the promised Messiah `The Lamb of God`. But in Luke 7 – 19:20 we read that John while in prison sends his disciples to ask Jesus…
Read MoreThe Gospels and the Covenants
by Roger Blackwelder It has been observed that the traditional divisions we use to describe the Bible are inaccurate. Genesis through Malachi are called the Old Testament or Old Covenant. Matthew through Revelation are called the New Testament or New Covenant. The titles are problematic for at least two reasons: 1) The covenant between God…
Read MoreWhy did it take 35-40 years to write the Gospels?
Question: What was the reason for John, Mark, Luke, and Matthew writing their gospels? Why did it take 35-40 years after the resurrection and ascension of Jesus to begin to write the gospels or the rest of the New Testament? Answer: As for the purpose of the gospel accounts, see “The Four Gospels.” As to…
Read MoreWas Judas at the Last Supper?
Question: My question concerns Judas and his participation or not, in the first Lord’s Supper. I have read over the verses concerning the Lord’s Supper, the night Jesus initiated it. Luke 22:14-22 appears to say he was there, and after the supper, Jesus then identified Judas as the one to betray Him. Mark 14:17-26 indicates…
Read MoreDoes the Bible say when Mary realized she was pregnant?
Question: Does it say or indicate when Mary was with child or you know when she knew she was pregnant, as in how many months she was into the pregnancy? Answer: When Gabriel visited Mary, he said, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also,…
Read MoreDid Jesus return the donkey he used for the triumphal entry?
Question: Did Jesus return the donkey he used in entering Jerusalem just before his death? Answer: It is not recorded, so any guess would be purely that — a guess. The colt was freely given to the Lord for his use (Mark 11:6). Beyond that, there is little that can be stated.
Read MoreWasn’t Judas’ problem betrayal and not suicide?
Question: I don’t think Judas’ suicide was the great issue. The main issue was the betrayal of Jesus. Jesus even said the disciples that it would have been better than the one that betrays the Son of Man not have been born. It just seems Judas will be judged for his betrayal than suicide. What…
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