Eternal Life

by Terry Wane Benton Jesus is the truth, and Jesus affirms that eternal life is real and the most special thing any of us could have in our possession. However, notice that it is not merely about possessing and claiming to believe the scriptures. The Jews possessed the scriptures of the Old Testament and claimed…

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The Truth About God’s Love by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalms 5   I.         The world is filled with varying and confusing ideas about how God loves us.             A.        Typically the emphasis is placed so heavily on God’s love that many think that God is incapable of a negative thought against anyone.             B.        Others see God as so remote and unapproachable that…

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The One Thing that Matters by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Luke 11:5-13   I.         How do you pray? What do you pray for?             A.        A young Chinese preacher asked me to explain Luke 11:9-10 better so that he could teach others in his area better             B.        God is all knowing, but God expects us to ask                         1.         Consider how many people won’t even…

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God’s Promises to the Faithful

by Matthew W. Bassford No matter how many times I read the Bible, I always find something new in it. Nor are these discoveries subtle or inconsequential. Often, they are magnificent! So it was with this week’s Bible reading. I’m familiar with Revelation. I’ve taught it several times and read it many more. However, never…

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The Hope of Eternal Life by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Corinthians 15:12-19   I.         It is no secret that many ministers in the denominational world lack faith in the Bible.             A.        Methodists: 51%, Episcopalians: 35%, American Baptist: 33%, Presbyterians 30%, American Lutherans: 13% doubt Jesus’ physical resurrection [Jeffrey Hadden, results of a survey of 7,441 Protestant ministers published in PrayerNet…

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Is conditionalism a possibility?

Question: Is Luke 16:19-31 another parable in the series of the chapter? Does I Timothy 6:16 mean that we are not immortal? I ask because conditionalism looks very attractive, especially after reading Al Maxey’s reflections.  But I have some doubts about it because if hell is not eternal, can we expect heaven to be? Also…

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To Whom Shall We Go? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: John 6:48-69   I.         When Jesus feed the 5,000, his popularity was at an all time high             A.        Some of the people decided it was time to make Jesus their king – John 6:14-15             B.        Jesus left because the people’s motivation was wrong. They were only thinking of the free food Jesus…

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Was God’s original plan to have humans live on the earth forever?

  Question: Thank you, sir, for using the word of God in answering questions. God bless you for that. Sir, I was studying the Bible with two Jehovah’s Witnesses members. I was told most of the righteous will be in the big crowd and enjoy paradise on earth. I was also told that was God’s…

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Did Jesus believe in life after death?

Question: Did Jesus believe in life after death all of his earthly life? Was His knowledge gained from the Torah, or was it revealed specifically to Him by God? Answer: Christians believe that Jesus was God in the flesh and thus the author of the Torah (the five books of the Old Testament recorded by…

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