The article “Why I am Not a Nazarene” caused tears to well up in my eyes


I read your article on the web, and tears welled up in my eyes.  I am a Nazarene trained pastor who chose the wrong major in college.  I chose Biblical Studies over Wesleyan Theology.  After pastoring in large churches for 11 years, I had to resign for the reasons you mentioned and many others.  It has now been a year since then, and I have yet to hear from my dear brothers and sisters.  I am seeking a position in a church that is more biblically-based.  Pray for me.


If I might suggest, you should first find a church that actually teaches and follows the teachings of the New Testament without resorting to man-made creeds and statements of faith. There are probably many things which you have assumed over the years to be true which are not found in the pages of God's word. Only when you have full confidence that you understand and practice Christianity as the Lord desires you to live, then start preaching the truth to others.