I fear I didn’t have the right attitude before I was baptized

Question: First off, I would like to say, I grew up in a church of Christ. A few years ago, I was struggling with hardcore sin in my life. My brother died that year, and it woke me up quickly. I was partying, drinking, smoking weed, cussing, having sex, and just not living right. I…

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by Terry Wane Benton Circumcision was the cutting off of the foreskin of the males in Israel. Why was it done? It was a daily reminder that the offspring coming through these people (Israel) would one day bless all nations through the “seed of Abraham” (Genesis 12:1-4), and this mark in the flesh was to…

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Who are the “them” in Acts 2:41?

Question: Since John’s baptism did not give people the gift of the Holy Spirit and the promise that we read about in Acts 2:38-39, did the ones who received his baptism receive the gift and the promise if they lived into the New Testament? Some in the church believe the “them” in Acts 2:41 includes…

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A Trustworthy Statement

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/A-Trustworthy-Statement.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton II Timothy 2:8-13   I.         If we died with him             A.        Related to Romans 6:3-7                         1.         In baptism we share in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus                         2.         Death leads to life                                     a.         New (different) life here on earth – Romans 6:4                                     b.         A life after physical death – Romans 6:5                                     c.         The latter is what…

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Baptism, the Godhead, and the King James Bible

Question: Hey, are you the person that is behind the answer on the La Vista Church of Christ website? Surprisingly, it looks like you have very sound doctrine, which, of course, is very rare to find considering how many false prophets and teachers there are that exist. Answer: [Note: “Then the Pharisees went and plotted…

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Should we let a denominational group borrow our baptistery?

Question: Hello, Mr. Hamilton, I hope this finds you well. Every morning on my way to work I listen to your sermons. I greatly appreciate the work you have put into your program, as I have learned so much listening to them over the last couple of years. I belong to the church of Christ.…

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I’m supposed to be baptized soon, but I keep focusing on sexual things

Question: Hello Jeff, For years I hated gay and trans people. I am always ridiculing them and when I’m downloading a movie or tv series I always check whether there are gays in it or not first before downloading. The violent stuff or heavy sex (man and women) doesn’t matter to me, it’s always seen…

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Is baptism more than a symbol?

Question: Hello, I have a question about a possible omission in a statement found on “What Saves a Person?” It’s specifically about this statement: “Be Baptized: God selected a simple method by which we demonstrate and declare our acceptance of His offer of salvation — immersion in water. It is a physical act that symbolically represents what…

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What happens to people who die without being baptized?

Question: Hello, I have been reading about the church of Christ and the issue of baptism. If baptism is required for salvation, what happens to people who die without being baptized? Thank you. Answer: What happens to a person who disobeys God? “Do not marvel at this; for an hour is coming, in which all…

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I’m so confused about baptism

Question: Hi Mr. Hamilton, Sorry to trouble you. I understand if you do not have time to read or respond, but I am very confused and would appreciate any help and any clarification you might be able to give. I don’t really know what to make of this, but I am sure you would have…

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Justification by Works and Baptism

by Matthew W. Bassford At the end of Romans 3 and the beginning of Romans 4, we encounter the most famous of Paul’s teachings: justification by faith in Jesus. Throughout the context, he contrasts it with justification by works. Abraham was not justified by works, nor was David, nor can we be. From this magnificent…

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Should you baptize someone who doesn’t plan to be a member of the church?

Question: I read Baptized but Not Converted on your site, but I have a more specific question. After a long study with some ladies, they all came to the conclusion that baptism was essential for salvation. One of the ladies, right before she was baptized, indicated that she wouldn’t be attending services. Should she have been…

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I’m worried that I wasn’t baptized properly

Question: Hey, I’ve been reading your articles about baptism and asked my Christian parents to baptize me. They were very kind and asked me if I believed in Jesus. I did everything right, except I’m very worried I was not under the water properly. They keep saying I was so I try to believe them,…

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The Corinthians’ Error on Baptism

by Perry Hall “For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel” (I Corinthians 1:17 CSB). When people today use this passage to discredit the place and importance of baptism, ironically they make the same mistake as the Corinthians but for a different reason. Paul’s actual defense of baptism shows that…

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I’m not sure I was baptized correctly

Question: Hi, I hope you all are well. I’m a sister (I think) and your website has given me great encouragement and also some questions recently. I was baptized after several months of Bible study. I am concerned that it may not have been done the right way or that I may not have had…

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Was baptism commanded in the Old Testament at the time of John the Baptist?

Question: Was baptism commanded in the Old Covenant at the time of John the Baptist? I thought baptism was not commanded in the Old Testament for salvation. I have always heard that baptism was not commanded in the Old Testament. Am I missing something here? Mark 1:4 mentions John’s baptism of repentance for the remission…

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We Were All Baptized

by Doy Moyer One of the most significant arguments for baptism that I believe is under-utilized is the fact that the epistles, written to those who are already Christians, assume that the believers were all baptized. Look at passages like Romans 6:3-6; I Corinthians 1:13; 12:13; Galatians 3:27; Colossians 2:10-13; etc. These are not written…

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By Grace Through Faith with the Washing of Water

by Terry Wane Benton Notice the prepositions: by, through, and with. The Book of Ephesians uses all three to describe what is involved with our salvation. It teaches we are saved by grace. It teaches we are saved through faith. It teaches we are saved with the washing of water by the word. It is…

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Baptized into Christ

by Terry Wane Benton Image by Distant Shores Media/Sweet Publishing Paul, guided by the Holy Spirit, said that the Israelites were “baptized into Moses” when they were crossing the Red Sea while fleeing Pharaoh and his armies. They were immersed under a cloud of water and with the walls of water on each side (I…

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I wonder if I falsely remember being baptized

Question: Some say it is absolutely wrong to be baptized more than once and to not do it. Some say it is an outward sign to others, and one can be baptized more than once for various reasons. I have even read that water baptism is not necessary for salvation, which I can agree to a point.…

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Infant Baptism

by Jefferson David Tant A well-known practice in various denominations is that of infant baptism. This would include Catholics, Methodists, Episcopalians, Lutherans, and others. The question is, “Is this Scriptural? Is authority for this found in the Bible?” An examination of historical records indicates that there is no definite evidence of infant baptism being practiced…

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Where God Put Water

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Where-God-Put-Water.mp3 by Raymond Warfel

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Why Water?

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Why-Water.mp3 Text: John 3:1-12   I.         Jesus stated that unless one is born of water and the spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of heaven – John 3:5             A.        We understand, despite efforts by many to avoid it, that Jesus refers to baptism when he said one must be born of water             B.        Today, I would like to…

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Immersion, Pouring, and Sprinkling: A History

by Bruce Edwards, Jr. Truth Magazine XIX:27 (May 15, 1975), pp. 422-424 This writer can remember witnessing at the age of five the “baptism” of his infant cousin; the denominational “pastor” sprinkled drops of water upon his forehead. I wondered at the significance of that action then, but now, with an increased understanding of the…

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Was the great commission only commanded to the apostles?

Question: Was the great commission only commanded to the apostles? Answer: “And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, ‘All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy…

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https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Renewed.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Colossians 3:1-11   I.         At times we stop and sigh. Wouldn’t it be nice to return to the days of childhood, when we didn’t have a care in the world? When we were ignorant of all the problems in the world and unacquainted with sin? – Matthew 18:3             A.        In our…

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Into What Were You Baptized?

by Floyd Chappelear Sentry Magazine, March 2000 Which came first? Admission into the church universal or the local church? To some, baptism is an ordinance of the church (that is, the local church). From that perspective, one is baptized into the local church. The truth of the matter is, however, that one is baptized into…

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The Place of Water Baptism

by Ken Green “Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life” (Romans 6: 4). Many consider baptism an empty symbol. Let us briefly reflect upon the significance of…

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What is successionist baptism?

Question: Hello brother, I had a question about John Smith. Can you please explain to me what successionist baptism is? I saw it in your “Where Do They All Come From” sermon, and I just didn’t understand very well what this baptism is about. Answer: Successionism is the belief that there has to be an…

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Does Acts 2:39 teach infant baptism?

Question: Good morning sir, Please, I need your help in explaining Acts 2:39 because someone I am discussing it with is trying to use that passage as a backup for infant baptism. He said that Acts 2:38-39, according to the Greek translation, means babies should be baptized according to their parents’ faith. Answer: Let’s first…

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What does “not the putting away of the filth of the flesh” mean?

Question: What does “not the putting away of the filth of the flesh” mean in I Peter 3:21? I already know that “Baptism also saves you” as stated in the first part of this verse, but what exactly is the “filth of the flesh”? Answer: Sometimes it helps to look at other translations. “Corresponding to…

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I’m having doubts about my baptism

Question: Hello, I hope you are well. I have a question about baptism. When I was 13, I was baptized into Christ. However, I later realized I had only done it out of pressure. I was baptized into Christ when I was 19. Not long after, I began to have doubts as to if I…

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What About the Thief on the Cross?

by Matthew W. Bassford When it comes to discussion about baptism for the forgiveness of sins, most Christians know all the steps of the dance. If we’re studying with a non-Christian and we show them passages like Acts 2:38 and I Peter 3:21, one of two things is going to happen. Either they are going…

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Is my baptism invalid because I panicked while under the water?

Question: I have a question. I have been a Christian or saved person for the past 4 or 5 years, I had never been baptized before. Yesterday, I was baptized and I panic while underwater. Then it was over and they lifted me up out of the water. I was disappointed in myself for panicking. Now…

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Does the person doing the baptism have to be an official in the church?

Question: I’m curious to know what you think about this. I think there are some Christians who believe in order for your baptism to valid, it must be done by someone appointed by God as a minister, elder, or some kind of official position. We know people such as Peter and Philip baptized, but they…

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Even after being baptized, my sister refused to leave her lesbian relationship

Question: Good afternoon, I need help.  My sister in Christ was baptized.  She has started a relationship with another woman. I’ve taken her over to Leviticus chapter 18 and studied with her about this.  But she refuses to end the relationship. She’s married to this woman and needs a place to stay.  I’ve prayed about…

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