How do we resolve a conflict between two brethren?

Question: Greetings sir. I trust you have been doing well. I have a matter that needs your advice on dealing with conflict resolution. I have these two brethren who had a misunderstanding over a report on the church building project. They belong to the team overseeing the project. One is the leader, and the other…

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Ad Hominem Arguments

by Doy Moyer One of the most common logical fallacies is the ad hominem. It occurs when a person attacks the character of another rather than addressing the argument. There are many ways this happens, but one that I have seen several times is in questioning the honesty of one who differs. You don’t agree…

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Should a couple marry because they will be having a child?

Question: Hello, What do you think about a couple who have been dating for five months, argue often for various reasons, and she gets pregnant? The guy is not sure she could be a good wife because he doesn’t like things about her. Do you think they should get married just because they’re having a…

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What should I do? My mom and I are always arguing

Question: I’m 23 years years old and a single mom. My mom has helped me out a lot financially, but she can be confrontational and a bit abusive in her speech. I always argue with her over things, and we never can seem to get along for very long. My mom always points out what…

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As a couple, we seem to be arguing too much

Question: What advice would you give a Christian couple dealing with a long-distance relationship for a while? We’ve had several arguments over the phone, and it seems like things aren’t going well and might not get better. I feel like there’s something going wrong that can be helped with scriptural advice, but I have no…

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