How many years of famine did God threaten David with?

Question: How many years of famine did God threaten David with? II Samuel 24:13 and I Chronicles 21:12 have a different number of years. Answer: “So Gad came to David and told him; and he said to him, “Shall seven years of famine come to you in your land? Or shall you flee three months…

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How many fighting men did Joab count in Israel and Judah?

Question: How many fighting men did Joab count in Israel and Judah? II Samuel 24:9 says 800,000 and 500,000; but I Chronicles 21:5 says 1,100,000 and 470,000. Answer: When dealing with numbers, you must ask yourself two questions: Are the same group of people being counted and could one account or the other be rounding…

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Is there a conflict over whether God tries men?

Question: The Bible says God tries men in Hebrews 11:17, but James 1:13 says God does not tempt us. Is there a contradiction? Answer: “By faith Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Isaac, and he who had received the promises offered up his only begotten son” (Hebrews 11:17). “Let no one say when he…

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Who was High Priest when David ate the showbread, Abiathar or Ahimelech?

Question: Can you please help me with this supposed contradiction? In Mark 2:23-26, Jesus talks about how David went into the house of God and ate the showbread “in the days/in the time” of Abiathar the high priest. In 1 Samuel 21, it says that David came to Ahimelech, not Abiathar when he eventually ate…

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Is Enoch included in Hebrews 11:13 when it said all these died in faith?

Question: You said that Enoch did not die.  What about Hebrews 11:13 where it says, “These all died in faith….”? Is not Enoch included in that verse? Answer: “These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off were assured of them, embraced them and confessed that they were strangers…

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Did Jesse have seven or eight sons?

Question: A visiting preacher referred to I Chronicles 2:13-15 to show that Eliab was the eldest.  In that section, it shows that Jesse had seven sons and that David was the seventh.  But I Samuel 17:13 says that Jesse had 8 sons.   The reason it caught my attention is that I had just worked up…

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Who wrote the second set of tablets?

Question: Context:  Exodus 31:18 and 32:16 make it clear that God wrote the first set of tablets of the covenant.  Moses broke those tablets (Exodus 32:19). Question: In Deuteronomy 10:1-5, Moses (talking about the second set of tablets of the covenant, not the first set that he broke) says God wrote on the tablets.  Likewise,…

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How did Saul actually die?

Question: I want to know how Saul died. In I Samuel 31:4 the Scripture says that Saul fell upon his own sword and in verse 6 it says Saul, his three sons, and his armorbearer died that same day. Then in II Samuel 1:10. the Scripture says an Amalekite stood upon him and killed him.…

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Do the gospels contradict each other regarding Jesus’ empty tomb?

Question: I am a Christian but my friend has pointed out several contradictions in the Bible I when the women went to the tomb of Jesus I was hoping you could help me to resolve: Matthew – Earthquake with an angel sitting outside on the recently moved stone; Mark – Stone already moved and a…

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Is God referred to as Satan?

Question: Is God referred to as Satan in II Samuel 24:1 and I Chronicles 21:1? Also, is Satan referred to as angel in Numbers 22:22, 32? Please help me explain these verses. Answer: “Again the anger of the LORD was aroused against Israel, and He moved David against them to say, “Go, number Israel and…

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What About All Those Mistakes in the Bible?

by Jon Quinn It is quite amazing to me that a common complaint made about the Bible is that it has so many contradictions and mistakes. It is not surprising that such a charge would be made by some unbelieving scholar who will investigate the Bible’s pages and turn logic on its ear in order…

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How can Solomon’s writings be God’s words?

Question: I read what you said about Solomon’s writing being the words of God, but it seems to me that something must have changed. How do you explain Proverbs 10:15 (in light of James 1:9-10), Proverbs 10:27 (in light of Jesus and John the Baptist), Proverbs 12:21 (in light of people like Hugh Heffner), and…

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Human Sacrifices?

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Judges 11:29-40   I.         There are two stories that cause some concern because they involve the concept of sacrificing a human being to God.             A.        They cause concern because the Bible is very clear about God’s opinion on human sacrifices.             B.        The slaying of humans invokes a death sentence – Genesis 9:5             C.        False…

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