Dead Wood Among the Branches

by Jack Behle via Sentry Magazine, Vol. 9, No. 11, November 30, 1983 The teacher tenure law in our state protects teachers against being dismissed arbitrarily after teaching in a district for five years. In fact, it is very difficult to fire a tenured teacher, no matter what the reason. The law was designed to…

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At Ease in Zion

by Kyle Ellison Spiritual apathy can be one of the most dangerous situations that a Christian finds themselves in …. the symptoms look like this: Less prayer. Justification for consistently missing services, but find yourself doing other things. It becomes easier and easier to miss gathering with God’s people. Less Bible reading. Becoming comfortable with…

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Why Churches Die

by Mike Riley The following are this writer’s observations over forty years as to why churches die. I’m certain that we can all relate to at least one of the categories listed below: Churches Die at the Tables of Compromise When the church fights worldly influences such as sin and false doctrine — asking no…

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Is the Seed Still in the Barn? Text: Haggai 2:10-19   I.         After the people returned from captivity, work began in rebuilding Israel.             A.        The people quickly laid the foundation of the temple, but the work stagnated.             B.        The people were distracted with rebuilding their own homes and efforts to produce a living.             C.        Over time they became apathetic. For 16 years nothing happened.             D.        The…

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by Doy Moyer According to James Sire, apatheism (a combo of “apathy” and “theism”), “a term coined in 1972 by sociologist Stuart D. Johnson, holds that whether God/gods exist is simply an irrelevant question. (Why should I care whether God exists or not? The answer to the question has no practical relevance to my life.)”…

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by Matthew W. Bassford Lukewarmness among the people of God is hardly a new problem. Malachi warned against apathy explicitly, and signs of apathy are evident as far back as the Exodus. Unsurprisingly, preachers today also often warn their hearers about the dangers of indifference. I read one such warning recently, and it led me…

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Boredom by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I.         The child has a room full of action figures, video games, cable TV, VCR, a huge collection of video tapes, every piece of sports equipment known to man, his own telephone, a fully loaded computer with Internet access — but he doesn’t have anything to do. He’s bored.             A.        Boredom is…

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The Mire of Mediocrity

by Jefferson David Tant The dictionary defines “mediocrity” as “1. Commonplace ability or condition. 2. A commonplace person.” We often use the word to describe that which is average — neither good nor bad, but “in the middle,” a person who is “mired,” is “fixed, stalled, or sunk in the mud.” By putting the words…

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Yesterday by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalm 90   I.         Yesterday only exists in fading memories, worn out photographs, and history books             A.        It is a collection of, often times, imperfect records kept in imperfect medium II.        Yet, it is also one of the finest learning centers available, if we are willing to go there to learn             A.        Paul…

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Truth Is Not Geographically Convenient

by Perry Hall I’m not a fan of “Field of Dreams Evangelism.” That is, “Let’s build a church building on the other side of town to make it easier for people to come to church.” In other words, “If we build it, they will come.” Good intentions, but I doubt much evangelism will take place…

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Coasting Along

by Jefferson David Tant Recently, someone asked me “What is your biggest concern for the next generation as it relates to the kingdom?” That’s a good question, as each generation has its own challenges, some of which are the same in every generation, for our world is challenged daily by Satan. Yet there are new…

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Fishing or Sleeping? by Alan Feaster

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The Church Ain’t Doing Nothing

by Raymond Elliott How often have we heard that statement from a brother in Christ? And it is to be admitted that we often fail in fulfilling the many obligations that God has given us. But there are some pertinent observations that need to be made relative to this broad statement. First of all, we…

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I fear I’m becoming a lukewarm Christian

Question: I have been a Christian for about five years now. Recently I have found myself becoming a slave to sin instead of a slave to Christ. I don’t like to talk about my emotions and things, so instead of dealing with them, I choose to bottle them up until it finally feels like I…

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Your words on “When Good Men Do Nothing” were a blessing to me

Question: While searching the Internet for information on the Edmond Burke quote, “All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing” I came across your sermon on the topic. In my view, your words on the subject are inspiring and so necessary. They served as a blessing to me. May the…

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Is It Convenient? by Lance Blackburn Lessons for Our Time

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Zealous or Lukewarm? by Lance Blackburn Lessons for Our Time

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Death of a Fig Tree by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I.         Matthew 21:18-22             A.        I get uncomfortable reading this passage.                         1.         Here is a fig tree, that happens to lack figs when Jesus walks by.                         2.         Then Jesus kills it             B.        The disciples are caught up in amazement that by simply speaking, Jesus killed a fig tree.                         1.         But why destroy a tree to make this…

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Doers of the Word by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I.         James 1:22-27             A.        Suppose we took a vote on the practices we are to preform. How would it go?                         1.         Obviously, the commandments of our Lord and Savior cannot be voted upon. We are required to follow them. But what if we did vote on them? How would the vote go?                         2.         Somewhere…

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Neglect by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Judges 4:4-16   I.         The story of Deborah and Barak is one that many remember             A.        In part it is because it involved a woman who was both a prophetess and a judge                         1.         She didn’t fight the battle, that was left to Barak, but she did travel with the army                         2.         Because…

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When Good Men Do Nothing by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I.         Edmund Burke once said, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”             A.        In the endless battle between good and evil, it is seldom the numbers that determine the outcome of each skirmish.             B.        Many times, the side for the right has beaten overwhelming odds…

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An Urgent Need to Study

Text: II Timothy 2:8-19   I.         It is fascinating to read well crafted prose or poetry. With just a few words, the author can communicate not only a message, but even a mood.             A.        Individual words are not flat. Even synonyms carry subtle differences in meaning.             B.        And the idea is not restricted to the English language. Languages…

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Why Is It?

by Morris D. Norman via Gospel Power, Vol. 16, No. 1, Jan. 4, 2009. We see so many in today’s society that are doing so many things to destroy health and shorten life. There are many campaigns and many public advertisements to keep people from the evil of drugs, drink, and tobacco but the number who…

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Only the Players Get Paid

by Steven Harper If you have ever gone to a college or professional basketball or football game where the arena or stadium is sold out, you know the spectators far outnumber the players. At the largest college football stadium, there will be only 22 players on the field while over 100,000 people will be cheering in…

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Neglect: A Way of Life

by Bill Humble in The Preceptor, Vol. 2, No. 5, March 1953 The church has always faced a host of formidable enemies, and the present generation of Christians is no exception. There is Catholicism, un-American as well as un-Christian in its basic teachings. There is modernism, whose demoralizing and deadening influences have already engulfed a…

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Neutrality in War Download Audio by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Obadiah 10-15   I.         The book of Obadiah is directed to the nation of Edom.             A.        Edomites were related to Israelites through Abraham.             B.        While never fond of each other, they usually managed to live peacefully next to each other.             C.        When Israel fell, Edom did not make any overt move…

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