Posts Tagged ‘anxiety’
Controlling Our Emotions by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Mark 7:18-23 I. From the heart comes the emotions which affect all aspects of our life – Proverbs 4:23 A. We can poison the well with evil thoughts – Mark 7:20-23 B. We can sweeten it with righteous ideals – Philippians 4:4-9 C. It affects our outlook on life – Proverbs 15:13…
Read MoreDo I need to break up with my boyfriend?
Question: Good day, I am writing to seek advice concerning my relationship with my boyfriend. We met two years ago and started as friends. We grew closer but made the decision not to take things further because he had the intention to relocate to the country. Unfortunately, we started having sexual relations without a label…
Read MoreThe Things I Can Control by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Matthew 6:25-34 I. People spend a lot of anxious time over things that are really out of their control A. A lot of teenagers worry about how tall they will be as an adult – Matthew 6:27 B. Older adults begin to worry whether gray hairs are appearing – Matthew 5:36…
Read MoreIt seems impossible to perfectly control your thoughts!
Question: I suffer from OCD, anxiety, and Asperger’s (on the autism spectrum), basically it’s a high-functioning autism. I have been struggling with this issue for years. As soon as I read the verse about the unpardonable sin, I became obsessed with it. There have been times when this obsession is not as strong as it…
Read MoreYou Are Enough by Garry Floyd I want to communicate the importance of self-worth. Scripture Reading: Psalms 139:1-6 Forward Upon what should our self-worth be based? What gives us value as human beings? How can we focus on inner beauty in a culture seemingly obsessed with physical beauty? Is it possible to find our worth in God…
Read MoreTo the Depressed or Anxious Who Are on Medication
by Douglas Groothuis To those who are depressed or anxious and on medications for it or for those who are considering medication: Photo by Jude Beck on Unsplash Christians often consider the use of medications for depression or anxiety a spiritual failure. I know of a Christian man who has been depressed for at least…
Read MoreDoes my anxiety mean I don’t have a relationship with Jesus?
Question: I have been diagnosed with clinical anxiety. I have been anxious all my life but recently it became extreme to the point of shaking and freezing. I am always asking the question “What if and what will thus be the result of it.” I am very involved in several activities at the Lord’s church…
Read MoreOvercoming Emotional Problems by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Philippians 4:4-9 I. It is a simple idea; so simple, you probably think it is obvious. Yet, the ramifications are far reaching. A. How we think influences our emotions 1. It is profound because the world sees it the other way around. 2. In the world emotions dictates behavior and thought. B. Anxiety…
Read MoreWhat does it mean to give your problems to the Lord?
Question: What does it mean to give your problems to the Lord? Does it come down to the fact that things on earth are temporary and we should be looking at the bigger picture? Answer: “Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your…
Read MoreWorry, Worry, Worry
by Joshua V. Best Everyone knows the signs: sleepless nights, sick stomachs, mental breakdowns, deep depression, hiding away, high blood pressure. turning to drugs and alcohol, etc… These are indicators an individual has fallen victim to his own worry. Worry eats people alive, and Christians are not immune. It touches the lives of virtually every…
Read MoreHow can I avoid panic attacks?
Question: I have recently read the thread on your page about OCD-religion and have a few questions. I have recently developed this disorder. Though never diagnosed, I’ve struggled my whole life with anxiety. I grew up a Christian (saved at a very young age) and attended a Christian school where I was taught God’s Word daily. I…
Read MoreWhat do you consider to be worry?
Question: What do you consider to be worry? I mean, I worry about losing interest in God and not having that same feeling I get when I desire to read a story in the Bible or I just get scared I’m doing something wrong because sometimes I don’t feel close to Him and my feelings…
Read MoreMy husband believes I’m committing adultery when I am not
Question: Hello, I am writing to ask for advice in desperation of saving my marriage. Around one year ago, my husband accused me of adultery. I did not commit adultery, or any type of action that would be questionable. This came on out of the blue, and my husband said he just “felt it”. I…
Read MoreWhen I learn about the Bible, I get anxious that I’m not doing well enough
Question: Hi, I’ve been reading through a lot of these questions and answers looking for some guidance, but I continue to feel a little lost. I’ve always struggled with anxiety, and when I pray to God asking Him to forgive me, guide me, and tell Him that I have faith in Him and all that…
Read MoreDestructive Complexes
by Don Martin We shall be using the term “complex” rather loosely in this article. A simple definition of “complex” is, “The term for a psychological cause, hidden or repressed, having a strong influence on one’s character; an obsession” [Webster’s National Dictionary]. In our examination of some destructive complexes, we shall not use the term…
Read MoreI’m suffering from anxiety after coming off of drugs. Is it a bad thing to skip some things, like the youth group meetings?
Question: After prolonged drug use, I have in some ways developed social anxieties, to say the least. I have been sober for almost four months sounds like nothing, but I’m only 18 and I was not sober pretty much every day of high school). The area I live in has harmful influences. I was delivered…
Read MoreNotes on Anxiety
Psalms 46:10 Psalms 55:22 Psalms 94:19 Isaiah 26:3 Matthew 5:44 Matthew 6:25-34 Luke 6:28 Luke 10:38-42 Luke 12:22-31 John 14:27 II Corinthians 1:3-4 Philippians 4:6-7 I Peter 5:6-7
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