One Reason Congregations Fail

by Perry Hall

Why are congregations failing? If one answer can be given, groups rely on man's wisdom rather than God's. An example of this faulty thinking is found in the eldership.

A common model for choosing elders and how these elders "rule" is the business model. The misaligned thinking is if they are successful in business, they will be successful in the "business" of the Lord. Businesses are not the biblical model, or else the man who parabolically wanted to build bigger barns would have been lauded!

What, then, is the model? The family. This is seen in his relationships with his family, such as being a "one-woman man" and ruling his household (I Timothy 3; Titus 1). Then, after discussing these qualities, calling the church "the household of God" (I Timothy 3:15) emphasizes that point again.
What qualities do a good father and husband have? Faithful, strong, dependable, communication, sacrifice, love, trustworthy, and more.

Want healthy congregations? It starts with the overseers treating the congregation as a family.