Is it wrong to have a relationship when divorced?


Good afternoon,

I have a question. If I was married and got divorced and then started a relationship with someone who isn’t my husband, is this considered adultery? Now that I’m saved, is it still a sin to start a non-physical relationship with another saved person who is not my husband after being baptized? Am I still an adulterer because my ex-husband is alive?


You need to define your terms. "Relationship" can be applied to friendships as well as living together and having sexual intercourse.

Anyone can have friends. Relationships become wrong when they are sexual in nature, whether sexual intercourse, lewd behavior, or lust. Sexual behavior and thoughts belong to those who are married and are limited to a person's spouse.

"Moicheia is the word for 'adultery'; i.e., 'illicit intercourse in which one of the parties is married.'" [The Complete Biblical Library Greek - English Dictionary].

When a person is involved in lust, this often leads to lewd behavior, such as sexual touching, which is forbidden (I Corinthians 7:1).  Lewd behavior will eventually lead to sexual intercourse, which is adultery. For a discussion of the progression of sexual sin, see "I find myself repeatedly committing fornication when I know it is wrong." This is why living together without marriage is also wrong. It creates a strong temptation to go into sexual sins.

Another vagueness in your question is that you did not mention why you were divorced. I assume that it wasn't because your husband had committed adultery. That being the case, you must remain unmarried or be reconciled to your husband (I Corinthians 7:10-11). A divorce does not automatically allow you to get involved with another man.