Honor the Emperor
by Chadwick Brewer
“…living as servants of God. Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor” (I Peter 2:16-17).
Often in Scripture, within a list of commands, one command or concept seems dissimilar to the others. I believe this serves to throw its importance into sharp relief. It is meant to be very attention-grabbing.
Peter begins by saying that we should live as servants of God. To do that, we need to love the brotherhood and fear God. These two instructions seem obvious but are worth remembering. The readers would also likely accept the concept of honoring everyone. While challenging, it aligns with the command to love your neighbor and to do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
The command that seems a bit out of place is, “Honor the emperor.”
The emperors of that time would have been extremely difficult to honor, especially those who persecuted Christians. Yet Peter did not include an exception clause. Note that Peter did not say, “Honor the position or office of emperor.” He said, “Honor the emperor.” They had no choice in who their emperor was. On the other hand, we have a choice—or at least a vote—in our government. However, that does not permit us to disrespect the person God has placed in office. Whatever authority exists is given by God.
Fear God. Honor the emperor.