Did I do something wrong?
Hello! I have a question for you guys: Does having sex with someone makes you a married couple? If not, then am I obligated to marry the man I had sex with?
I have a doubt in my heart that's been tormenting me. I had sex with some guys before getting married. I was already a Christian, but I was astray for years. At the moment, I didn't think it would be serious, and I slept with several of my boyfriends, one of them I lived with for a while, off and on. I didn't want to marry him as he was abusive to me. After that, I met my now husband, and we married.
Did I do something wrong? Did I have to marry the man I used to live with? Is my current marriage sinful?
I've been married for many years, and this doubt in my head is killing me. Do I have to leave my husband and remain alone for the rest of my life? Please help me! This is tormenting me, and I don't want to end up in hell.
Does having sex create a marriage? The short answer is "no." See:
Did you do something wrong? Yes. You claimed to be a Christian while living a worldly life and repeatedly committed fornication. I gather you now realize that you were wrong and have changed. Being a Christian is about becoming a better person suitable for serving God (II Corinthians 7:9-11).
Do you have to marry the person you sinned with? No. However, notice that this also means your fornication was animalistic. Too often, people excuse their fornication by claiming that they will eventually marry, but you were having sex with guys who were not good people and whom you didn't desire to be married to.
Is your current marriage sinful? Nothing you've mentioned indicate that your current marriage is wrong.